Daughters of '98
Initiation Ritual


Opening Ceremonies
Seating of Officers of … Fort No. ….
Color Guards, Advance the Colors. ***.
Cadets, Attention. Salute.
Cadets, join with me in the Pledge to the Flag.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and the Republic for which it stands; One Nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
MUSIC: Star Spangled Banner.
Not to be sung, or played while marching.
Post Colors. *.
This a regular (or Special) meeting of the … Fort No. …, Daughters of '98, National Auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans.
Sentinel, you will guard the entrance to the Fort and permit no one to enter without the countersign, or other proper credential.
Sergeants, ascertain if all present have the proper countersign. ***.
Sergeauts turn, salute, give countersign to Captain, and proceed around room to each Cadet, who gives Countersign. If a Cadet is without Countersign, she is so reported. Upon instruction from the Captain, Cadet advances to Altar, salutes, to Captain's station, where she receives it, (if in good standing), to Altar, Salutes, to seat.
When all have given Countersign, Fort is seated. *.
Sergeants to Altar, Second Sergeant reports to First Sergeant who makes report to Captain.
Captain, all present are entitled to remain.
Corporals salute and return to stations.
We have assembled for the transaction of the business of this Fort, and to renew our loyalty to the memory of our Fathers. **.
First Lieutenant, who compose the membership of this Fort?
The daughters, grand-daughters, step-daughters, legally adopted daughters, foster daughters, daughters-in-law and nieces of anyone eligible to membership in the United Spanish War Veterans who shall have attained the age of ten years.
Second Lieutenant, what are our objects?
To bind closer together, the descendants of United Spanish War Veterans; to perpetuate the memory o those who carried our Flag to victory in ‘98.
To perpetuate the memory of our Fathers we must hold high the standards of our Organization and encourage the aims and aspirations of the United Spanish War Veterans and their Auxiliaries. ***.
Chaplain, you will read a verse from the Bible.
Parade rest.
Help us, Dear Father, to be loyal and steadfast to the obligation we have taken. Wilt Thou, in Thy tender mercy, give us courage and strength to carry on in the great work of our. Fathers. May Thy richest blessings descend upon the members of this Fort. Guide us in Thy love eternal till we reach that great Fort above. Amen.
SONG: (Special Song).
Sentinel, you may now admit any Cadet with the proper countersign or her credential. *.
Officer of the Day will present all guests at this time.

Roll Call of Officers
Adjutant, call the roll.
Officer of the Day rises and responds.
Adjutant, call the names of officers absent at our last regular meeting.
Reading and Approving of Minutes
Adjutant, read the minutes of our last regular meeting and the minutes of any other meeting which have not been read.
Are there any corrections?
The minutes are approved a read (as read and corrected).
Initiation Ceremonies
Officer of the Day, retire to the outpost and prepare any recruits who are in waiting for initiation.
Officer of the Day advances to altar, salutes to outpost. Returns to altar, salutes and reports:
Captain, I have the honor to report … recruit(s) at the outpost.
The Officers and Cadets will command the Port and the Officer of the Day will present the recruit(s) for initiation. ***.
Officer of the Day will escort recruits to altar; Officers will form a complete square around the Altar (Officer of the Day and recruits inside of line up) at a distance of 5 or 6 feet from Altar.
The Daughters of '98 are composed of daughters, grand-daughters, step-daughters, legally adopted daughters, foster daughters, daughters-in-law and nieces of anyone eligible for membership in the United Spanish War Veterans who shall have attained the age of ten years.
Its objects are to bind closer together the descendents of United Spanish War Veterans; to perpetuate the memory of those who carried our Flag to victory in '98, to endeavor to hold high the standards of our Organization and to encourage the aims and aspirations of the United Spanish War Veterans and their Auxiliaries.
Are you prepared to join this Organization?
I am.
You will raise your right hand and repeat after me the following obligation:
I, … (your name), do solemnly promise on my honor, to further all the objects and purposes of the Daughters of '98; to abide by its Rules and Regulations; to reveal none of its countersigns; to assist, whenever possible, in carrying on in the work of our Fathers … the United Spanish War Veterans and the National Auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans.
To the faithful execution of this obligation, I pledge myself, and pray God to keep me loyal to this Organization and true to its finest precepts.
Our Father in Heaven, let Thy blessing descend upon this Cadet; Keep her pure in mind and heart. May her service of love and obedience to the teachings of our organization always be an inspiration to us. Watch over her and guide her pathway—ever upward. We ask in Thy name. Amen. *.
Officer of the Day, you will conduct Cadet … name to the station of the Adjutant, where she will sign the Roster of this Port, then present her at this station for further instructions.
Officer of the Day conducts Cadet to the station of the Adjutant where she will sign the Roster; presents her to the station of the Captain where she receives the countersign and instructions, then re-conducts her to the altar.
By virtue of the authority in me vested as Captain, I now declare you duly mustered into the … Fort No. ... and on behalf of the officers and members I welcome you as a Cadet.
Greeting march may be arranged at this time, if so desired.
Officer of the Day, you will seat our new Cadet.
Officer of the Day, salutes, seats Cadet and returns to station at Altar salutes and reports:
Captain, your orders have been obeyed.
Officer of the Day, resume your station. *.
