Loyal Order of the Golden Heart of the World
Ritual of the First Degree of Male Lodge


Opening of Lodge

President calls lodge to order with rap of gavel.
It is my will this lodge come to order; Brother Vice President, have the inner and outer doors closed and sentinel and picket at their stations to guard us against intruders.
Brother President, the doors are closed and properly guarded.
Warden, ascertain if all present have acquired the wisdom that qualifies them to remain.
The Warden advances to President's station and gives in a whisper the pass word, then proceeds around the hall and receives in a whisper the pass word from each member. Should the Warden find any without the password such shall proceed to the Altar and give the Courtesy sign, the President will advance to the Altar and ascertain from the Secretary or member's card the standing of the member, and if satisfactory communicates the word, after which member will return to seat. President will return to his station. The Warden goes to Altar, faces President and reports:
Brother President, I find all present worthy to remain.
President seats Warden with wave of hand. President calls members to feet with two raps of gavel.
An ode is sung.
Brothers, you will now form the Defending Heart of our Order by placing your left hand on your heart and your right hand on your brother's shoulder.
President advances to the Altar.
My Brothers, you will exemplify the Heart that binds us as one in this great and noble Order.
This Heart is emblematic of the unity and strength of purpose impelling us onward in the work of helping each other. I trust that figuratively it may never be broken but, on the contrary, be strengthened in this meeting with renewed zeal and spirit of brotherly love and confidence in each other.
We are banded together on broad principles that allows for every member to work and co-operate to the fullest. Based on patriotism and charity to all men, as is our Order, it is proper and fitting that we, before proceeding further, take proper recognition of our Country's emblem, and I ask that you join with me now and salute the Banner that speaks so eloquently for humanity generally and has been proclaimed the world over as a token, shield and refuge for the persecuted of all lands. Salute.
And now, as a further reminder, let me urge you in this meeting and after we depart herefrom, to so govern yourselves that the spirit of true fraternalism shall prompt your actions, so that in the end we may have well and properly earned the approval of our own conscience.
The Past President will instruct us as to the basis of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
President returns to his station and the Past President advances to the altar.
My Brothers, the basis of this Order is true fraternity and love to each other. We stand for freedom of all mankind. When our ancestors met and fought our enemies on the fields of battle, what they sought was freedom; freedom from the thrall of oppression, freedom to live their lives in their own fashion, and freedom in after years for their progeny.
Today we are the gainers for the efforts of those brave and noble men. Today blood does not have to be shed for freedom in this country. But, brothers, you must remember there is a work to be done. Education is the greatest agent in securing freedom in this civilized age. Education and enlightenment bring brotherhood, and brotherhood brings fraternity and true love to all mankind. In the Loyal Order of Golden Hearts of the World we stand firm, all for one and one for all.
Past President returns to his station. President advances to the altar.
By the authority vested in me I declare our Defending Heart complete. I have a special duty to perform here. It is to preside over our deliberations with dignity and justice; to preserve order and decorum and enforce the laws of our Order and Brotherhood. This I am under solemn obligations to perform and in the discharge of this duty I ask your assistance. You also have duties to perform in common with all our great Order.
What are the duties of all members?
To practice friendship and true fraternity to each other, be loyal to our Order and faithful to its teachings.
Attention! The sign of the Order.
Lodge gives salutation sign.
Let us unite with our Invocator in prayer.
Most Holy and Glorious Father, the giver of all good gifts and grace, vouchsafe Thy aid to our present assemblage and meeting and grant us a competency of Thy Divine wisdom that we may dedicate and devote these services to the practice of the pure principles of our beloved Order.
Grant, O Father, that our minds may be so enriched with Thy holy spirit that we may reflect that order and beauty which reigns before Thy throne. We humbly ask Thy blessings to rest upon the members of this Order everywhere, and give us grace to do Thy will now and ever more. Amen.
President seats members with one rap of gavel.

Warden, you will retire and ascertain who is waiting to be initiated in our great Order.
Brother President, I find in waiting … names who wish to share the secret of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
Secretary, have these parties been passed upon by the proper committees, balloted on by the Lodge and paid all fees?
Brother President, my records show these parties have fulfilled all requirements of candidates for membership in our Order.
Warden, retire and prepare the candidates for the first lesson of our Order.
Warden retires, masks candidates and stands them masked facing the Lodge room door.
When this preparation has been made, the Warder knocks on the door of the Lodge room.
Warden stands on one side and picket on other side of the candidates.
Who knocks at our door?
Inform the President a candidate is well prepared and waiting to learn the first lesson of our Order.
Brother President, the Warden with candidates.
President gives one rap of gavel.
The lodge will now form the Defending Heart of our grand and noble Order.
Sentinel, direct the Warden to introduce the candidate to the Defending Heart of our Order.
Sentinel raps on door once. Warden outside, raps twice. Door is opened.
Warden, the President has ordered that you introduce the candidates to the Defending Heart of our Order.
If more than one candidate, the President may appoint an aid Warden for each additional candidate. Warden brings in
and marches the candidate around the Lodge room until he comes to the gate of the Defending Heart.
Halt, who is now approaching our Defending Heart?
The Warden with a stranger from the far East, who wishes to join us in our Fraternity.
Is he a friend or a foe?
He is a friend.
Warden, you may continue on your journey to the Altar.
Halt, my friend. You have worked your way to the Altar of our Defending Heart. I will ask you to kneel and place your left hand on your heart, and the right hand on the Holy Bible, which lies on the Altar in front of you.
Brother President, I present to you Mr. … who wishes the first lesson of our Order.
President advances to altar.
My friend, you are at the station of light of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World. I now welcome you to light, as you have proved to me, as President of this Lodge, your faith and manhood by the vow you made when you placed your left hand on your heart and the right on the Holy Bible. This is a book of truth and righteousness, which you must practice with love and friendship to each other in our Order and Fraternity. I will ask you to rise to your feet and salute the flag of our Country that never had a defeat, but dictator of the world's peace of all nations. In the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World we stand a firm, united band, all for one and one for all.
President returns to his station and gives one rap of gavel.
Warden, you may conduct the candidate to the Past President's station for further instructions in our Order and Fraternity.
Brother Past President, I present a candidate under the directions of the President, who is qualified for admittance, who wishes to join us in the practice of our Fraternity.
What may we expect from this candidate in return for the confidence we place in him?
True friendship and loyalty to our Order and country.
PAST PRESIDENT: In behalf of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World and its members here assembled, I bid you welcome, and in doing so it becomes my duty to inform you that this Order requires each candidate for membership to take a solemn and binding obligation. Are you willing to take this obligation and keep the same a secret so long as life shall last?
Candidate answers.
Warden, you will now conduct the candidate to the Invocator's station to be given the binding obligation.
Brother Invocator, I present to you a candidate under directions of the Past President, to be given the binding oath and obligation of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
My friend, you have been faithful on your journey to this station, so I welcome you as a candidate for membership in this Order.
The Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World is a fraternal organization which stands firm for its purpose; the relief of its members in sickness and misfortune; one whose members have one another's interests and welfare at heart.
Among our members you will find men in all walks and callings of life, all having the common object in view, of protecting themselves and their families from poverty and assisting their fellow men.
Is it your desire to become one of this great Brotherhood and Fraternity that stands firm, all for one and one for all?
Candidate answers yes or no.
You will place your left hand on your heart and raise your right hand and repeat after me: I swear in the presence of the Ruler of the Universe and these witnesses, that I will abide by and obey all laws and regulations of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
I further swear and sincerely promise I will never divulge the password nor will I commit to writing, any of the signs, grips or other secrets, except within the body of a duly and regularly subordinate lodge of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
I further swear; will not cheat, wrong or defraud; a lodge of this name or member of this fraternity or allow the same to be done, if within my power to prevent.
I will give a member of this Order due and timely notice of any threatening danger and will, if able, render him assistance.
I will keep the secret of a brother; when communicated to me as such.
I will at all times protect and shield the chastity of a brother's home as I would my own.
I will do all that is in my power to assist the upbuilding of this Order and Brotherhood; I will not join or recognize an order or lodge of this name unless recognized by and under a charter granted by the Supreme Lodge, Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
I further swear I will at all times be true to the oath and pledge I have taken in this degree. Should I be expelled or voluntarily leave the Order I shall consider this promise and oath as binding out of it as in it. To all this, I pledge my sacred word and honor. May God keep me steadfast. Amen.
Lodge in concert:
My friend, you have pledged your sacred honor to be true to the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the world. You may now continue on your journey to the Vice President's station to learn the lesson of safety and fidelity.
Brother Vice President, I present a candidate under direction of the Invocator; to be given further instruction as to safety and fidelity.
My friend, you have come to the station of safety and fidelity. I wish to as sure you that you are safe among the members of this Order, though we may look strange and forbidding to you just now. When you come to know us and see the depth of our nature, you will find that our hearts are kind and true to our Brothers.
When you have been accepted to membership in the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World, you can feel confident that you are in safe hands. We will protect you in sickness and misfortune, and in death we will be your greatest aid, comforting the beloved ones left behind.
I hope you will learn this lesson of safety well, and what I have to teach you concerning that sterling virtue, fidelity, is this: Before you can expect the world to keep faith with you, you must first be faithful to your own fireside, to your family, to your aged parent, brother or sister in blood, and by association and loyalty to your country and yourself. When you are faithful to all these, the community will respect you and will reward you with its faith, and you will be the gainer. When you took the oath at the Invocator’s station, you vowed to be faithful to all of these lessons. Now you have the privilege to continue on and become master of all the mysteries of this Order or you can retire from us for life. Will you continue?
Answer yes or no.
Warden, you may conduct the candidate to the Past President's station to learn the last lesson of our Order, which is Truth.
Brother Past President, I present to you a candidate under the directions of the Vice President for the last lesson of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
My friend, you are now at the station of Truth. The truth we teach in the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World is embodied in just one short sentence: Be true to yourself and you cannot be false to any man.
Truthfulness is the corner-stone of character. To be able to place absolute confidence in what a man may say means that you must respect and honor him. Covered enmity under the smile of truth wounds the world. Your place and position will be lost if you are false to your brother.
A deceiver is hated, but a truthful man is honored and respected by his fellowman.
Warden, you may conduct the candidate to the Altar for instructions in the secret work of our Order.
Brother Vice President, I have a candidate at the Altar waiting for instructions in the secret work of our Order.
My friend, desiring admittance to a subordinate lodge of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World while in session, you will make your presence known at the outer door by giving three raps en the door. The Picket will open the wicket and you must communicate to him the permanent password. He will then admit you to the ante room, where you will put on a collar appropriate for your membership or office. You will then rap twice on the inner door. The Sentinel will open the wicket and you will give him the term password, and your name and the No. of your lodge and the location of it. In case you are unknown to the Sentinel you will be requested to exhibit your card and prove your identity to the satisfaction of the Sentinel and, in case he is in doubt, then to the satisfaction of the acting Vice President or President, after doing which, you will be admitted; When you are admitted you will advance to the altar and make the courtesy sign by placing your left hand on your heart and raising your right hand just as if you was going to salute. The President will answer you with the wave of right hand or gavel. You will then take a seat. But never at any time are you permitted to pass through between the Altar and the President's station if the Lodge is in session.
If you desire to leave a lodge when in session you will advance to the altar and make the courtesy sign. The President will acknowledge the sign with a wave of his hand or gavel.
The gavel in the hand of the President or Vice President is the emblem of official authority and control over the lodge. Give cheerful obedience to its signals. One rap calls the lodge to order, two raps to its feet and one rap seats it. The corresponding mark is made by using just before the signature of your letter the words yours in L. O. of G. H., signifying yours in the Loyal Order of Golden Heart.
We have a test sign to give to a brother member when you doubt his identity; and it is given thus: ….
We also have an emblem of our Order, and each member is requested to have one on his person and be provided with a card signed by the Secretary of the Lodge, showing his standing. When you receive a card you find on it a blank space for your signature, where you must sign your name. This is for the purpose of identification. A fellow member who doubts your identity has a right to ask you to write your name, to be compared with the signature on your card.
Our greeting sign is the heart. The head, the true heart of the world. This greeting sign is not to be considered secret, but may be used in public, at pleasure, whenever you wish to greet or attract the attention of a member.
Brother Warden, you will face the candidate to the President for the last secret of our Order.
Brother President, I present to you this candidate for the last secret of our grand and noble Order.
My brother, you have come to me for the last secret of our Order. Do you honestly and sincerely believe you can live the lesson you have been taught here?
Answer yes or no.
The grip is given thus: … Illustrates.
Now, before giving you this, the last secret, of our Order, I caution you that you are never to give it to another, no matter how strong such person's claim, except when you are acting or under the direction of a president of a lodge, or as an installing officer, authorized by the Supreme Lodge, Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World, or in gaining admittance to a lodge which is in session. The word, which is changed every three months, for this term is … whispers Password.
The other one never changes.
Distress sign is given thus: ….
What is life without freedom, what is freedom without friends, what is friends without fidelity. The motto of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World.
My Brother, today is life, yesterday is but a dream, tomorrow is a vision. Let each day be well lived and every yesterday will become a dream of happiness, and every tomorrow will become a dream of hope.
This order has no questions to ask of what you are. All such were asked and answered before you came here. We wish' you to be a true citizen, but we know you as a brother of this great Fraternity that stands for freedom and true brotherhood to all mankind.
Some fraternities, on admitting you, warn you not to use your membership to promote your own selfish ends. We tell you when you come in to the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World we permit you to do so, that we might use you and in return we expect you to use us. At any period in life, things being equal, and you can lend a helping hand to a brother, it is your duty to do so. There are many ways you can help your brother in this life, and it is your duty to preserve all these. In other words, if you have a suffering friend, it is your duty as a true brother to visit him today. Do not wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow might be too late. In all cases you must be true to your brother, and your Country, and your Order. When a brother calls, a brother must aid. There is one exception to this obligation, and that is, if aiding a brother would be injurious to the welfare of yourself or any member of your family. We teach faith and true brotherly love to each other in this Fraternity, and stand firm all for one and one for all.
Warden, you will take the new fledged brother to a seat facing the President's station.
President calls members to feet with two raps of gavel.
We will now greet the new fledged brother. Each brother pass this way and extend to him the hand of friendship and brotherly love.
President seats members with one rap of gavel.

Closing of the Lodge
There being no further business before us we will now proceed to close, but before doing so let me urge you to bear in mind the lessons taught by your grand and noble Order.
President calls members to feet.
Brothers, you will now form the Defending Heart of our Order.
The Invocator will now recite the closing creed.
Invocator advances to the altar.
Most Holy and Divine Father, we thank Thee that Thou hast permitted us to assemble once again in this hall of the Loyal Order of Golden Heart of the World, and we ask Thy blessing on each brother here tonight and his family. Grant us strength that we may build our Order world-wide. We ask Thy blessings in time of need and trouble, and when our pilgrimage on this earth is over and our summons sounds to meet Thee, our Father, may we hear the welcome plaudit: "Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joys of thy Lord." Amen.
Warden, collect the Rituals. Sentinel inform the Picket we are about to close.
After rituals are collected.
Attention ; the sign of the Order.
This Lodge is adjourned until … at … o’clock.
