Ritual for Mark Master Mason




First Section

RWM: Brethren, this lodge is about to advance Brother A.B., a Master Mason to the degree of a Mark Master. He has been found proficient in the preceding degrees. If there are no objections he will be introduced and received in due form. If no objections: Brother Senior Deacon SD rises and faces RWM, a Brother Master Mason is in attendance, desiring to be advanced to the degree of a Mark Master. Proceed to the performance of your duties.
SD, faces west, advances on direct line through preparation room door without knocking:
My brother, in preparing you for the ceremonies of this degree, it is necessary that you be divested of all monies, which you may have on or about your person. SD receives K’s money. You will remove coat done, roll up your sleeves done, don this apron and wear it in the manner of a Fellowcraft. Done. You will give me the due guard and sigh of a Fellowcraft. Done, SD instructs K if necessary. You are now about to represent a Fellowcraft repairing to the temple with work for inspection. You will carry this stone in your right hand, top up, between the thumb and fingers, with the mark out, and swing it full arm length at the side. SD demonstrates as he gives instructions. There are three stations at which you will halt and give the following alarm *** * SD demonstrates with his foot. You will be asked "Who comes here?" You will replay, "A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection." Repeat that please. Done. You will be told, "Present your work." You will present it in this manner: swing the stone from rear to front, the back of the right hand extended in the palm of the left. On its return to you, you will receive and carry it in the same manner until again challenged. You will follow me and remain about six feet behind.
The stone used should be white, one and one half inches thick and about seven and one half inches long. SD and K enter in single file, without an alarm, go eastward along north side of the lodge until just west of the altar, thence by a right angle, south to station of JO. Mar closes the door.
SD gives with foot *** *.
JO rises:
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
SD swings stone from rear to front, bringing it level with breast, arm extended, palm of left hand upward, catches right hand (with stone) in left, left hand underneath.
JO takes stone between thumb and fingers of left hand, palm down, turning hand to bring palm upward. Examines stone critically, remarking:
This is good work, true work, square work. You have my permission to pass to the Senior Overseer.
After "good work" JO applies square to stone for trueness, saying "true work"; he then applies square to corner for squareness, "square work". After "square work" JO returns stone to SD in same manner as he received it, palm down and opens gate to allow SD to pass.
SD passes gate, right faces advances one pace westward, then faces SO, advances two paces and halts.
K advances to JO and gives *** * with foot.
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
K presents work in same manner as SD. The mark on the stone should face down.
JO takes work as in the same manner as from SD, but turning hand so mark is facing upward. He does NOT try the stone with square, but merely examines it critically:

This is a singular piece of work. It is neither oblong nor square, but owing to its peculiar form and beauty, I am unwilling to reject it, and will permit it to pass to the SO for his inspection.
After "inspection" JO returns stone to K in same manner he received it, palm down. Opens gate for K to pass.
K enters gate and turns toward SO.
SD advances to station of the SO, K following and halts two paces behind SD. SD with foot *** *
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
SD swings stone from rear to front, bringing it level with breast, arm extended, palm of left hand upward, catches right hand (with stone) in left, left hand underneath.
SO takes stone between thumb and fingers of left hand, palm down, turning hand to bring palm upward. Examines stone critically, remarking:
This is good work, true work, square work. You have my permission to pass to the Master Overseer.
After "good work" SO applies square to stone for trueness, saying "true work"; he then applies square to corner for squareness, "square work". After "square work" SO returns stone to SD in same manner as he received it, palm down and opens gate to allow SD to pass.
SD passes gate, right faces advances one pace westward, then faces MO, advances two paces and halts.
K advances to SO and gives *** * with foot.
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
K presents work in same manner as SD. The mark on the stone should face down.
SO takes work as in the same manner as from SD, but turning hand so mark is facing upward. He does NOT try the stone with square, but merely examines it critically:

This is a singular piece of work. It is neither oblong nor square, but owing to its peculiar form and beauty, I am unwilling to reject it, and will permit it to pass to the MO for his inspection.
After "inspection" SJO returns stone to K in same manner he received it, palm down. Opens gate for K to pass.
K enters gate and turns toward MO.
SD advances to station of the MO, K following and halts two paces behind SD. SD with foot *** *
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
SD swings stone from rear to front, bringing it level with breast, arm extended, palm of left hand upward, catches right hand (with stone) in left, left hand underneath.
MO takes stone between thumb and fingers of left hand, palm down, turning hand to bring palm upward. Examines stone critically, remarking:

This is good work, true work, square work; just such work as I have orders to receive. You are entitled to wages; stand aside.
After "good work" MO applies square to stone for trueness, saying "true work"; he then applies square to corner for squareness, "square work". MO does not return stone, but lays it aside.
SD after "stand aside" SD steps one pace to right of, and two paces west of MO.
K advances to MO and gives *** * with foot.
Who comes here?
A craftsman from the quarries with work for inspection.
Present your work.
K presents work in same manner as SD. The mark on the stone should face down.
MO takes work as in the same manner as from SD, but turning hand so mark is facing upward. He does NOT try the stone with square, but merely examines it critically:

This is a singular piece of work. It is neither oblong nor square. Square work and square work only is such as I have orders to receive. Is this your work?
After "work" K should answer. If he does not, MO should continue:
Is this your mark?
After "your mark" K should answer. If he does not, MO should continue:
Stand aside!
MO should direct K to proper place to the left of SD. SD’s hand should press against K’s left arm. MO give one knock with foot *:
Brothers Senior and Junior Overseers, SO & JO rise approach the east gate.
SO & JO go to station of MO, JO advances northward from his station, passing just west of the altar. SO advances eastward from his station. They meet and go to MO’s station abreast, halting three feet west of MO. Their positions should form a triangle, MO east, SO west, JO south. K should be so placed that he can observe work of Overseers.
Brother Junior Overseer hands stone to JO did you permit this piece of work to pass your inspection?
I did. Owing to its peculiar from and beauty, I was unwilling to reject it and permitted it to pass to the SO for HIS inspection.
Returns stone.
Brother Senior Overseer hands stone to SO did you permit this piece of work to pass your inspection?
For the same reasons, I permitted it to pass to the East gate for your inspection.
Returns stone.
Brethren, square work and square work only is such as we have orders to receive. You should never let peculiar form and beauty cause you to violate a positive command. Do you know of any use for such a stone in the building of the Temple?
I do not.
Neither do I.
Neither do I. What shall we do with it? All study the question for a time.
Let us heave it over among the rubbish.
MO & SO:
After agreed, Overseers take hold of the stone, palms underneath, thumbs upward saying each time the word "Heave" before giving heave, coming a little higher each time until at the fourth Heave, the stone is thrown over the MO’s left should. SO and JO return to their stations, following the same lines by which they came. They should reach their stations at the same time. They about face and are seated in unison with MO, who waits until SO & JO are in position. SD, on "What shall we do with it?" should position himself behind MO’s left shoulder to catch the stone. Deposits the stone among the class and returns to his position.
Brother JW JW rises, how goes the hour?
The sixth hour of the sixth day of the week, Right Worshipful Master. JW is seated.
Brother Marshal, Mar rises and gives officer’s salute with sword, acknowledged by RWM, you will assemble the craft and repair to the apartment of the Senior Warden to apply for wages.
Mar carries sword, right faces, advances to a point on a line just south of the JO’s station, turns left, advances eastward to a point at least two paces west of the dais, about faces and gives *** with foot. RWM does not rise, all others do, including wardens:
Craftsmen, you will form in procession on the south side of the lodge, single file, facing East.
Procession is formed with MO, SO, JO, craftsmen, SD and K. MO goes to point north and west of altar, turns left, goes south, to point where line is forming, turns left and advances to just in front of Mar. SO goes eastward, turns right and follows MO, JO goes eastward and falls in behind SO. When formed, Mar about faces, steps to left of MO and salutes (officers) RWM returns.
The craftsmen will now apply for wages. The laborer is worthy of his hire. He who works must eat. The true and faithful craftsman need not fear to apply for wages, but let cowans beware.
Mar carries sword:
Forward, column left, MARCH!
SW and JD place wicket cages on SW’s pillar. Procession passes northward to a point behind MO’s station, column left and proceeds west until one pace east of SW’s station, column left to pass procession in front of SW’s station by less than an arm’s length. On reaching the west, Mar will change sword to left hand, thrusts his right hand through the wicket cage giving token. SW will pretend to pay him his wages and Mar withdraws his hand. Mar takes station south of cage, facing north, sword in right hand at carry. MO now leads procession, each member receiving wages. MO leads procession to stations about five feet east of cage, facing westward, MO in north, then SO, then JO. SD should take position about three feet east of Mar, facing west as K thrusts hand through cage. If K hesitates to take wages, SD should prompt. As K reaches in SW seizes his hand and cries:
An impostor! An impostor! STRIKE OFF HIS RIGHT HAND!
Mar raises sword after Hand, as of to strike. SD steps between Mar and K with outstretched arm to prevent it. Scene should appear as realistic as possible.
Hold! He is not an impostor. I know him to be a Fellowcraft. I have wrought with him in the quarries.
Stay! Let justice be tempered with mercy. Brother Marshal, I will place him in your charge. You will conduct him to the Right Worshipful Master in the East for his decision.
SW retains K’s hand while Mar grasps K’s right wrist with his left hand, turning toward K to bring K’s right arm under his left, still holding the wrist. Mar conducts K around south end of line of overseers, SD following immediately in rear. Mar and K, followed by SD pass north in rear of line overseers to north side of lodge. As SD reaches position of MO he right faces and falls in behind SD. JO & SO also right face and fall in behind MO. Procession then passes eastward, keeping north of SO & MO stations to a point two paces west of dais, then south until K is directly in front of RWM. All halt, left face. Mar retains hold on K. SD steps out of line and stands about one pace to rear of a point between Mar and K. Order of line (south to north) Mar, SD (slightly behind), K, MO, SO, & JO.
Right Worshipful Master, officers salute, acknowledged by RWM here is one who has been detected as an impostor.
Detected as an impostor?
Yes Right Worshipful Master, he attempted to receive wages when none were due him.
Attempted to receive wages when none were due him?
Mar carries sword.
RWM, he is an impostor. He presented work that was neither oblong nor square; neither had it any of the regular marks of the craft thereon.
Presenting work that was neither oblong nor square; attempting to receive wages when none were due him! Let the penalty be inflicted! Brother Marshal, Mar gives officers salute, acknowledged by RWM, strike off his right hand!
Mar carries sword, raises K’s arm to a horizontal position, and raises sword as if to strike. SD steps between Mar & K to prevent the execution of the order.
Right Worshipful Master, he is NOT an impostor. I know him to be a Fellowcraft. I have wrought with him in the quarries.
Convince me that you are a Fellowcraft. Give me the dueguard and sign of a Fellowcraft.
Mar releases K’s arm and SD steps back to former position. K gives dueguard and sign of a Fellowcraft.
The brother is indeed a Fellowcraft. Perhaps he has not been taught to receive wages as such. Rises, My brother, this is a method which we as Mark Masters take to impress upon the mind of the candidate an important lesson, which I trust you will never lose sight of in your future dealings with mankind. It is this: never claim as your own the property of another, nor attempt to receive wages when none are due you. You will now be placed in charge of the Master Overseer, who will remand you to the quarries, and in due time you will be taught to receive wages as a true and faithful craftsman. Takes seat.
Right, Face; forward March.
The line of officers and K right face, SD steps into line in rear of Mar: MO steps forward and takes K by right arm. Mar leads procession to south side of the lodge, thence westward to just west of altar, thence northward to north side of lodge, thence westward to prep room door. When JO reaches station he drops out of line. When SD reaches north side of lodge, west of altar he right turns and goes to his station. When SO reaches his station he drops out of line. Mar opens door. MO and K continue into prep room. Mar closes door and returns to his station. Mar, SD, SO & JO remain standing until all are in position and are seated in unison when RWM raps.
* Ends first section.
Gates are removed prior to the start of the second section.


Second section

MO causes K to bare his breast, then places a cable tow four times around his body, conducts K to the door and causes him to give four distinct knocks thereon with his own hand.
K: *** *
SD rises and faces RWM:
Right Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the preparation room.
Attend the alarm, Brother Senior Deacon
SD faces west, goes directly to prep room door and gives *** *. Opens the door:
Who comes here?
A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being advanced to the Degree of a Mark Master.
Is it of your own free will and accord?
It is.
Is he duly and truly prepared?
He is
Worthy and well qualified?
He is.
Has he wrought in the quarries and exhibited specimens of his skill?
He has.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission?
By the benefit of the pass.
Has he the pass?
He has it not, I have it for him.
Advance and give it. MO advances and gives pass (Jappa). No token is exchanged. You will wait with patience until the Right Worshipful Master is informed of your request and his answer returned.
SD closes door, faces east and advances along north side of lodge to a point one pace west of the altar, then south to the center of the altar, halts, faces east and *** * with foot.
Who comes there?
A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being advanced to the Degree of a Mark Master.
Is it of his own free will and accord?
It is.
Is he duly and truly prepared?
He is
Worthy and well qualified?
He is.
Has he wrought in the quarries and exhibited specimens of his skill?
He has.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission?
By the benefit of the pass.
Has he the pass?
He has it not, I have it for him.
Give me the pass. Given. Let him enter and be received in due form.
SD returns to prep room and opens door without a knock:
It is the will and pleasure of the Right Worshipful Master that you enter this lodge of Mark Masters and be received in due form.
Faces east, advances four steps, halts and faces west. MO takes K by the right arm and both advance to SD. MO halts K on reaching SD, releases his arm and steps back one pace:
My brother, I receive you on the edge of an engraver’s chisel, places edge of chisel on ’s right breast, and under the pressure of a mallet, SD taps chisel lightly four times with the mallet. Which is to teach you that the moral precepts of this degree should make a deep and lasting impression on your future life and conduct.
SD turns right, then places himself at right of K, takes K by right arm and with backward motion hands chisel and mallet to MO:
Right Worshipful Master, your order has been obeyed.
Brother Senior Deacon, conduct the brother to the west of the altar, and then to the Junior Warden in the South.
As SD and K start eastward Mar goes to prep room door and closes it. Returns to his station. MO follows SD to the east, deposits chisel and mallet with RWM and returns to his station. RWM places chisel and mallet where he can reach them. SD and K proceed to the altar.
Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary, which looketh toward the East, and it was shut.
RWM *:
Then said the Lord unto me, "This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the Lord, the God of Israel hath entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut."
RWM **:
It is for the Prince, the Prince, he shall sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate, and shall go out by the way of the same.
RWM ***:
And the Lord said unto me: "Son of Man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the House of the Lord, and all the laws thereof; and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary.
RWM *** *.
SD and K proceed to the JW’s station by going north, east, south and then west and halt, with K directly in front of and facing JW. SD gives with foot *** *. JW rises.
Who comes here?
A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being advanced to the Degree of a Mark Master.
Is it of his own free will and accord?
It is.
Is he duly and truly prepared?
He is
Worthy and well qualified?
He is.
Has he wrought in the quarries and exhibited specimens of his skill?
He has.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission?
By the benefit of the pass.
Has he the pass?
He has it not, I have it for him.
Advance and give it. Given. You will be conducted to the Senior Warden in the west for further examination.
SD & K turn right and proceed westward to the SW’s station and halt with K facing SW. SD gives with foot *** *. SW rises.
Who comes here?
A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being advanced to the Degree of a Mark Master.
Is it of his own free will and accord?
It is.
Is he duly and truly prepared?
He is
Worthy and well qualified?
He is.
Has he wrought in the quarries and exhibited specimens of his skill?
He has.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission?
By the benefit of the pass.
Has he the pass?
He has it not, I have it for him.
Advance and give it. Given. You will be conducted to the Right Worshipful Master in the east for final examination and instruction.
SD & K turn right and proceed to the station of the RWM. SD turns K to face RWM and gives with foot *** *. RWM rises.
Who comes here?
A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being advanced to the Degree of a Mark Master.
Is it of his own free will and accord?
It is.
Is he duly and truly prepared?
He is
Worthy and well qualified?
He is.
Has he wrought in the quarries and exhibited specimens of his skill?
He has.
By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission?
By the benefit of the pass.
Has he the pass?
He has it not, I have it for him.
Advance and give it. Given. You will be re-conducted to the SW in the west, who will teach you to approach the east, advancing by one upright regular step, your feet forming an angle of a square, your body erect to the Right Worshipful Master in the East. RWM is seated.
SD & K turn right and proceed by right angles to the SW’s station, halts so K is directly in front of SW.
Brother Senior Warden SW rises it is the will and pleasure of the Right Worshipful Master that you teach the brother to approach the east, advancing by one upright regular step, his feet forming an angle of a square, his body erect to the Right Worshipful Master in the East.
SW turns K toward the east, by backing around to is left. using K as a pivot so K is facing east directly in front of the SW.
Face to the East. Done. Advance one step with your right foot. Done. Bring the heel of the left to the heel of the right, and form an angle of a square, your body erect. Done. Right Worshipful Master, your order has been obeyed.
RWM rises:
My brother, you are again at the altar of Freemasonry, but before proceeding farther it will be necessary for you to take upon yourself a solemn obligation pertaining to this degree, which will not conflict with your duty to God, your country, your neighbor or yourself. With this promise on my part as Master of this Lodge, I ask you, are you willing to take such and obligation, as all Mark Masters have done before you?
I am.
Brother Senior Deacon, place the brother in due from to be made a Mark Master.
Advance to the altar. Done. Kneel on both knees, Done. Your body erect, Done. both naked hands resting on the Holy Bible, Square and Compass Done. Right Worshipful Master, the brother is in due form. SD takes position one pace behind K.
Brother Marshall, Mar rises and salutes. You will form the brethren in parallel lines at the altar.
Mar carries sword. Proceeds south, passing one pace north of altar. Stops one pace west of dais and about faces. Brings sword to horizontal position, pointing west with hilt of the sword close to the center of his body. Commands:
Brethren in the north, three only, names three Companions Advance to the line of the sword.
When brethren are in position, carries sword, and dresses line in the north by passing westward inside the line. Passes to west of the altar, turns left, advances to one pace south of the altar, turns east and proceeds to two pace west of dais. About faces. Brings sword to horizontal position, pointing west with hilt of the sword close to the center of his body. Commands:

Brethren in the south, three only, names three Companions Advance to the line of the sword.
When brethren are in position Mar about faces, salutes the RWM and faces north.
RWM removes hat and places in on the pedestal, then advances directly to the altar.
The class will please rise. You will say I, your name and remain silent: of my own free will and accord, in the presence of almighty God, and this Right Worshipful lodge, erected to Him and dedicated to Hiram Abiff, do hereby and hereon, most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, as I have heretofore done, but with these additions, that I will not reveal the secrets of a Mark Master to a Master Mason, any more than those of a Master Mason to the rest of the world, neither these or any of them, to any person or persons whomsoever, until by strict trial, due examination, or lawful information, I shall have found him or them, as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself.
I furthermore promise and swear, that I will select for myself a mark, which, when duly recorded, I will not alter or exchange, neither will I pledge my mark a second time, until redeemed from a former pledge.
I furthermore promise and swear, that should a Brother Mark Master pledge me his mark, requesting assistance, I will receive and retain his mark, granting his request, if in my power, if not, I will return his mark with the price thereof, which is a Jewish half shekel of silver, equal in value, to the forth part of a dollar.
The class and the active candidate will now repeat after me:
All this, \ I most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, \ with a firm and steadfast resolution, to perform the same, \ without the least equivocation, \ mental reservation, \ or self-evasion whatsoever, \ binding myself under no less penalty, \ than that of having my right ear smote off, \ and my right hand struck off, \ should I in the least, knowingly or wittingly, \ violate or transgress, this, \ my Mark Masters obligation, \ so help me God and keep me steadfast.
RWM reaches forward with both hands, grasps K’s hands and places one on each side of the Great Lights and turns one or more pages of the Bible.

In token of your sincerity of purpose in these solemn engagements you will kiss the Holy Bible now open before you. Done. Brother Senior Deacon, our brother being bound to us by a fourfold covenant which can never be broken you will release him from his cable tow.
SD removes c-t and places it on the floor north of the altar. RWM faces eastward and goes directly to pedestal, picks up had, turns westward, advances to a point two paces west of the dais, directly east of the center of the altar, stops and recovers.

You now discover me as Master of the lodge, approaching you from the East begins to advance with four short steps while talking under the due guard and signs of a Mark Master halts having given the due guard and signs while advancing. You were taught to advance one step with your right foot advances right foot bringing the heel of the left to the heel of the right, advances left foot and completes step forming the angle of a square. This is the due guard gives and these the signs gives and allude to the penalty of the obligation. This due guard gives and these signs gives are always to be given upon entering, or retiring from a lodge of Mark Masters. This is the grand hailing sign gives it and alludes to the manner in which you carried the stone in a previous portion of this degree. RWM advances as he says In token of the further continuance of my brotherly love and friendship I present you my right hand extends right hand, but does not let K grasp it and with it the grips and words of a Mark Master, but before doing so I desire to call your attention to a point in your obligation; You have just solemnly sworn that you will receive the mark of a brother Mark Master when offered you as a pledge, and will grant him his request if in your power; if not, that you will return him his mark with the price thereof. I now request you to loan me ten dollars, for which if offer you my mark as a pledge.
RWM offers K his mark. If K hesitates to take the mark RWM will say:

You have sworn to receive a brother’s mark; you cannot refuse to take my mark.
K takes mark and RWM continues:

Will you grant me my request?
K cannot.

Will you return my mark so that I may apply to some other brother?
K attempts to return mark, which RWM refuses to accept.

You have sworn that you will return a brother’s mark with the price thereof, which is a Jewish half shekel of silver, equal in value to the fourth part of a dollar. You must return my mark with its price.
K is unable to comply.

Then you are indeed in a destitute condition.
RWM faces eastward and returns to the east end of the lines, his expression showing deep thought, faces west and with an expression of decision says:

Brethren, you here behold a brother Mark Master so entirely destitute as to be unable to comply with a point in his obligation. Who will assist him?
Several Mark Masters move to comply.
I will. Hands K a quarter. K hands it to RWM, along with his mark.
My brother, by the assistance of a brother you have been enabled to comply with a point in your obligation. This is a method which we as Mark Masters take to impress upon the mind of the recipient of this degree another important lesson. It is this: should you in your future life meet with a brother Mark Master in destitution and want, you will remember the time when you knelt at a Masonic Altar in a Mark Master’s lodge, unable to comply with a point in your obligation until assisted by a brother; and, remembering this, you will contribute at least twenty-five cents to relieve his necessities, and although the amount is small, there are times and occasions in the lives of many when even this sum, cheerfully given, with a kind word accompanying it, may not only save a brother from the pangs of hunger, but possibly prevent the commission of a crime. Remembering this, my brother, what you give, give freely, for the Lord loveth a cheerful giver. I will now invest you with the pass grip, pass word, true grip and true word of a Mark Master. As you are uninstructed, Brother SD will answer for you. Arise.
RWM takes K by an ordinary grip, assists him to rise with SD’s help and conducts K to front of the class. SD moves to right rear of K.

Take me as I take you. Takes K by strong grip of a Master Mason.
Will you be off or from?
From what?
From the strong grip of a Master Mason to the pass grip of a Mark Master.
Pass. Moves from strong grip to pass grip. What is this called?
The pass grip from a Master Mason to a Mark Master.
Has it a name?
It has.
Give it me.
This is the pass grip of a Mark Master, the name of which is Japa. It alludes to the ancient seaport to which most of the material for the building of King Solomon’s temple was brought by sea in floats from Mt. Lebanon. Masonic tradition informs us that the coast near that place was so precipitous that it was difficult for the workmen to ascend without assistance, which was afforded then by means of this strong grip, given by craftsmen stationed for that purpose.
To SD:
Will you be off or from?
From what?
From the pass grip of a Mark Master to the true grip of the same.
Pass Done. What is this called?
The true grip of a Mark Master.
Has it a name?
It has.
Give it me.
I did not so receive it, neither can I so impart it.
How will you dispose of it?
Syllable and halve it.
Syllable it and begin.
Begin you.
Nay, you begin.
SD gives first syllable:
RWM gives second syllable:
SD gives full word:
Mark Well.
This is the true grip of a Mark Master, the name of which is "Mark Well". It alludes to a certain passage in Scripture: "And the Lord said unto me, Son of Man, mark well, and behold with thine eyes and hear with thine ears all that I say unto thee concerning all the ordinances of the House of the Lord, and all the laws thereof, and mark well the entering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary."
RWM explains the formation of the grip and the shaping of the letters "M" and "W". When finished he faces east and starts for station. SD takes position at right of candidate. When RWM is in station Mar, MO, SO & JO start confused discussions. Confusion taken up by the rest of the craft. RWM gives *, upon which officers return to their stations, except SD who stays with K. Officers and brethren are seated.

Brother Senior Warden, SW rises, what is the cause of this confusion?
The craft is at a stand for want of a keystone, for which I fear no order has been given.
That piece of work was assigned to our Grand Master Hiram Abiff, and from his well known punctuality, I have full confidence to believe that it completed. SW is seated.
Brother Overseers no knock, MO, SO & JO rise approach the East.
MO, SO & JO go to east in direct lines from their stations. They are in line in the east, MO to the north, SO in the middle, JO in the south. RWM hands MO design of the keystone.

Has a piece of work of this form, and bearing this mark, been presented to you for inspection?
MO receives design and consults with SO & JO. Should be audible.
Right Worshipful Master, on consultation we find that a piece of work of this form, bearing this mark, WAS presented for inspection. It was neither oblong nor square; square work and square work only is such as we had orders to receive. Neither had it the mark of any of the craft thereon; being unacquainted with the mark which was upon it, we were unanimous in deeming it unfit for use, and heaved it over among the rubbish. Returns design to RWM.
This is truly unfortunate, for upon that stone depended the completion of the temple. You will make strict search among the rubbish to see if it can be found.
MO, SO & JO search for the stone, find it and return to the east, MO carrying the stone, taking positions as before.
RWM, strict search has been made and the stone is found.
Present it.
MO presents stone to RWM in same manner as K presented it to overseers in the first section. After examining stone RWM holds it high in left hand, mark toward the craft.
THIS is the stone on which was set at naught of you builders, which is become the chief stone of the temple.
Gives * with gavel, MO, SO & JO return to stations in direct lines west and are seated in unison.

Brother Senior Deacon, conduct the brother to the East.
SD takes K by right arm and proceeds northward to a point on a line one pace north of the MO’s station, thence eastward to a point one pace west of dais, then south until directly in front of RWM’s station. Face RWM
My brother, exhibits keystone this is an imitation of the keystone upon which this degree is founded. Its color is white, and alludes to a certain passage of Scripture: "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth, saving him that receiveth it." The new name which I now present you as a Mark Master is composed of certain words of which the letters, H T W S S T K S, on this stone, are the initials. "Hiram Tyre Widows Son Sent King Solomon". Repeat them with me, "Hiram Tyre Widows Son Sent King Solomon". Within this circle of letters each craftsman is taught to place his private mark, to which his obligation alludes. This was once the private mark of our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, and now is the general mark of the craft.


I now present to you the working tools of a Mark Master. They are the chisel and mallet. The chisel morally demonstrates the advantages of discipline and education. The mind, like the diamond in its original state, is rude and unpolished, but as the effect of the chisel on the external coat soon presents to view the latent beauties of the diamond, so education discovers the latent virtues of the mind, and draws them forth to range the large field of matter and space, to display the summit of human knowledge, our duty to God and to Man. The mallet morally teaches us to correct irregularities and to reduce man to a proper level, so that by quiet deportment, he may in the school of discipline learn to be content. What the mallet is to the workman, enlightened reason is to the passions; it curbs ambition; it depresses envy; it moderates anger and it encourages good dispositions; when arises among good Masons that comely order, "Which nothing earthly gives or can destroy, The soul’s calm sunshine, and the heartfelt joy."
Brother SD, you will seat the brother with the class. SD seats the candidate with the class. The lecture of this degree will be presented by Companion … names lecturer.
My brother, a brief explanation of the ceremonies of this Degree will prove equally interesting and instructive.
At the building of King Solomon’s Temple there were employed 80,000 craftsmen, one of whom you have this morning represented, whose custom it was, at the close of the sixth day of each week, to repair to the Temple with work for inspection. The inspectors, who were selected from among the most skillful craftsmen, were called Overseers, and stationed at the South, West and East gates, to receive all work brought up for the building of the Temple.
To provide against faulty work, wrought by unskilled Craftsmen, being received, King Solomon had ordained that every Craftsman should select for himself a mark, a copy of which should be placed upon each piece of work by him wrought, so that it might be known and distinguished when promiscuously presented for inspection.
The wages of a workman were a penny a day, paid by the Senior Warden, who, under orders from King Solomon, required every Craftsman entitled to wages to thrust his right hand through a latticed window, into his private apartment, bearing in the palm of his hand a copy of his Mark, and at the same time giving this Token given. The Senior Warden, seeing the Mark and Token, knew that wages were due him and paid him accordingly; without the Mark or Token, he would be detected as an impostor, and would suffer the penalty, that of having his right hand struck off.
The ceremonies of this degree were founded on the keystone, wrought by our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff and used in the principal arch of King Solomon’s Temple. Our traditions inform us that on a certain sixth day a young Craftsman, repairing to the Temple with work for inspection, found the curiously wrought keystone in the quarries, and, observing its peculiar form and beauty, substituted it for his own work. He then presented it at the South gate for inspection. The Junior Overseer hesitated to receive it; but because of its peculiar form and beauty permitted it to pass to the Senior Overseer, who, for similar reasons, passed it to the Master Overseer.
The Master Overseer being unacquainted with the principles of the arch, and observing that it was neither oblong nor square, the only work he was ordered to receive, and that it had none of the regular marks of the Craft upon it, called a council of Overseers, and they knowing of no use to which it could be converted in the building of the Temple, heaved it over among the rubbish.
The young craftsman then attempted to receive wages, but for want of this Token given, was detected as an impostor; and had it not been for the timely interposition of a brother, would have suffered the penalty gives sign.
When the Temple was nearing completion, the Senior Warden reported to King Solomon that the Craft was unable to proceed with the work because of the want of a keystone belonging to the principal arch of the Temple. King Solomon replied that that piece of work was assigned to our Grand Master, Hiram Abiff, who, from his well-known punctuality, had no doubt promptly executed it. Search was ordered, the keystone found, and in due time placed in the proper position in the arch.
This degree was founded by Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abiff, and was intended not only as a reward for Industry, Fidelity and Skill, but also to render it impossible for any Brother Mark Master to suffer for necessities of life, when the price of his Mark would obtain them.
The class will rise and receive the charge, as presented by names companion.


My Brothers, I congratulate you on having been thought worthy of being advanced to this honorable degree of Freemasonry. Permit me to impress it on your mind that your diligence should ever be equal with your duties, which become more and more extensive as you advance in Freemasonry.
In the honorable character of a Mark Master it is more particularly your duty to let your conduct in the lodge and among the brethren be such as may stand the test of the Grand Overseer’s Square, that you may not, like the unfinished and imperfect work of the negligent and unfaithful of former times, be rejected and thrown aside, as unfit for that spiritual building, that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.
While such is your conduct, should misfortune assail you, should friends forsake you, should envy traduce your good name, and malice persecute you, yet may you have confidence that among Mark Masters you will find friends, who will administer relief to your distresses and comfort to your afflictions, ever bearing in mind, as a consolation under all the frowns of fortune, and as an encouragement to hope for better prospects, that the stone which the builders rejected – possessing merits to them unknown – became the chief stone of the Temple.
The class may be seated.
Brother Junior Warden rises how goes the hour?
The sixth hour of the sixth day of the week, Right Worshipful Master. Sits.
Brother Marshall Mar rises and salutes you will assemble the craft and repair to the apartment of the Senior Warden to receive wages.
Mar carries sword, right faces and advances to a point on a line just south of the JO’s station, turns left, advances eastward to a point at least two paces west of the dais, about faces and gives *** with foot. All, including candidates, rise.

Craftsmen, you will form in procession on the south side of the lodge, single file, facing East.
MO, SO & JO, SD and class form as follows: MO goes to a point north and west of the altar, turns left and falls in. SO goes eastward, turns right and follows MO. JO goes eastward, and falls in behind SO. SD directs class to fall in behind him, with active K last in line. SD should be behind the JO. When formed Mar steps to left of MO facing east and commands:
Forward, Column left, MARCH!
The procession moves northward to north side of lodge, then westward, keeping north of MO & SO stations to a point one pace east of SW’s station, then south past apartment of the SW. Mar commands Column left, MARCH as required. The SW & JD will set up the wicket. As Mar approaches the wicket he changes sword to left hand, thrusts right hand into the wicket, gives token and receives a penny. Mar changes sword to right hand and takes position south of wicket, stands at guard. MO, followed by the procession each in turn thrusts hand into wicket to receive a penny. SW places a penny in each hand, placing a chapter penny in each candidate’s hand. MO leads procession from apartment of SW in a circle, passing just west of altar. As they pass the SW’s station a second time Mar steps to head of procession and leads it until he reaches a point on south side of lodge, west of the altar, directly opposite rear of line, halts and inwards faces, as does procession. Mar should have K on his right, with a space at least as wide as the altar. Mar will pass around the circle asking:
How much did you receive?
A penny.
Mar goes to each in turn asking the same question and getting the same response until he reaches the active K:
Turns and addresses the craftsmen, moving backward towards south as he talks until, when he has concluded he is back at his former position at the south end of the line.

Craftsmen, here are several who came in at the eleventh hour and have received as much as we who have borne the burden and the heat of the day. It is not right and I will not receive my wages.
Mar throws penny on floor. MO, SO & JO do the same, saying:
Nor will I!
RWM, *:
Brother Senior Warden, what is the cause of THIS confusion?
The craft are not satisfied with their wages, Right Worshipful Master.
Have you not paid every man according to agreement?
I have.
RWM, rises: :
Then, brethren, why are you dissatisfied?
Mar, after prompting by MO, SO, & JO:
Right Worshipful Master, salutes and comes to officer’s salute we who have borne the burden and the heat of the day complain that those who came in at the eleventh hour have been made equal unto us.
Is it not the traditional law?
Mar confers with overseers:
We know of no such traditional law.
Will you hear it?
Mar, after consulting with overseers:
We will. Carries sword.
RWM leaves station and goes to altar, turns bible around:
This is the traditional law: reads: "For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire laborers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the laborers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the market place, and said unto them: go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, I will give you. And they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hours, and did likewise. And about the eleventh hour he went out and found others standing idle, and saith unto them: Why stand you here all the day idle? They say unto him: Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them: Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive. So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward: Call the laborers and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny. But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny; and when they had received it, they murmured against the good man of the house, saying: These last have wrought but one hour and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and the hear of the day. But he answered one of them and said: Friend, I do thee no wrong; didst thou not agree with me for a penny? Take that thine is and go thy way; I will give unto this last even as unto thee. Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is it in thine eyes evil because I am good? So the last shall be first and first last; for many be called but few chosen."
What say you now? Are you satisfied?
Mar confers with overseers, turns to RWM and salutes, coming to officer’s salute:
We are.
Carries sword and each picks up penny.
RWM turns bible around and goes back to stations. Gives one knock with the gavel.
Candidates are seated. Mar leads craft past SW’s station where each deposits their pennies and return to their stations.
The RWM hands out cards and a description of the Mark is given. When all is complete RWM gives **.
The degree team will retire.
