Order of Knight Masons
Ritual for the Degree of Knight of the Sword

This degree was formerly known as  'Red Cross of Daniel' en 'Babylonian Pass'. 


Great & Mighty King: Sir Knights, arise. Knocks once. I am about to open a Council of Knight of the Sword.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Draw Swords.
All knock once; Great & Mighty King, with trowel or sceptre, Senior General, Junior General, Captain of the Guard and Sentinel with hilt of Sword using left hand.
G & M K: Sir Knight Junior General. What is the first care of a Knight. of the Sword?
Junior General: To see that the Guards are placed at the Tower that the Council may meet in seclusion, Great and Mighty King.
G & M K: See that the Guards are so placed.
Junior General goes to inside of curtain, knocks once, Opens, looks out, returns to place and reports: Great and Mighty King. The Guards are properly posted and the seclusion of the Council is assured.
G & M K: Sir Knight Senior General. What next demands our attention?
Senior General: To prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword. Great and Mighty King.
G & M K: Direct the Wardens to prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Senior General: Brother Wardens. It is the command of the Great and Mighty King that you prove that all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Wardens receive Pass Word from Senior General and Junior General and return to stations. Junior Warden gives Pass Word to Senior Warden.
Senior Warden: Sir Knight Senior General, all present are true Knights of the Sword.
Senior General: Great and Mighty King, all present are true Knights of the Sword.
G & M K: I now declare this Council of Knight of the Sword open, and let the Generals so proclaim it.
Senior General: Sir Knights, this Council of Knight of the Sword is now open.
Junior General: Sir Knights, this Council of Knight of the Sword is now open
All knock once; Great & Mighty King, with trowel or sceptre, Senior General, Junior General, Captain of the Guard and Sentinel with hilt of Sword using left hand.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Return Swords.
G & M K: Be seated Sir Knights.

Degree Knight of the Sword

Candidate is prepared by being aproved as a Royal Arch Mason, in chains, and hoodwinked.
Candidate is led to the outside of the curtain and the following declaration is administered by Conductor outside curtain within hearing of Council and other Candidates.
I solemnly declare on my word of honor as a man and a Mason that I will always conceal whatever I may see, hear or learn. upon being admitted into a Council of Knight of the Sword or may at any time hereafter be instructed in concerning the Council or its usages, and that I will not communicate the same to any but to a well known Brother Knight of the Sword or in a lawful Council of the same.
All this I do solemnly and voluntarily promise on my sacred word of honor.
Hoodwink removed.
Conductor knocks.
Capt. of Gds.: What is the cause of the alarm?
Conductor: One Zerubbabel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before the Throne of the Great and Mighty King.
Capt. of Gds.: He cannot enter until the pleasure of the Great and Mighty King be made known
Captain of Guards knocks at outside of curtain. 2nd Captain of Guards on hearing knocks proceeds to Senior General and announces: Sir Knight Senior General, the guard gives signal of approach.
Senior General rises, draws his Sword and accompanied by 2nd Captain of Guards approaches G & M K and reports: Great & Mighty King, the guard gives signal of approach.
G & M K: Generals, make the necessary enquiries and take all due precautions for the safety of the Council.
Junior General rises, draws his Sword and joins the Senior General and 2nd Captain of Guards, all proceeding to the Curtain.
Senior Gen. knocks once: What is the cause of the alarm?
Capt. of Gds.: One Zerubbabel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before the Throne of the Great and Mighty King.
Senior and Junior Generals return to Great and Mighty King.
Senior Gen.: Great and Mighty King, One Zerubbabel, the first amongst his equals, a Mason by rank and a captive by misfortune, entreats permission to present himself before your Throne.
G & M K: Generals and Knights attend.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Draw Swords.
G & M K: I will relate the particulars of a dream. Interpret and assist me with your counsel.
"In my sleep I perceived a lion ready to devour me, and at a distance Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar (my predecessors) in chains contemplating that which Masons know as the Great Architect of the Universe. In the clouds above appeared an Eagle from whose beak issued a scroll whereon was written, 'Render liberty to the Captives'.
G & M K: Generals and Knights deliberate .Do you consent to the stranger being interrogated?
The Generals and Knights advance one step with right foot at carry sword, then depress their swords in token of assent, and raise them again stepping back with right foot in last motion and return to carry sword. Time for these movements taken from Junior Warden.
G & M K: Let the stranger be admitted and the Senior and Junior Generals escort him into our presence.
Senior and Junior Generals with drawn Swords escort Candidate and Conductor to position west of Altar and remain with him.
G & M K: Worthy stranger, for what reason do you appear before us?
Conductor: Great and Mighty King, I wish to gain your esteem and supplicate your justice.
G & M K: Upon what account?
Conductor: Great and Mighty King, for my companions who have been 70 years in bondage.
G & M K: What do you request?
Conductor: Great and Mighty King, to grant us liberty; to permit us to return to our own Country, and to assist us in rebuilding the Temple of the Most High.
G & M K: We are ready to grant your request on condition that you communicate to us the Secrets of Masonry, an Order for which we have always had a high esteem, but to which we do not belong.
Conductor: Great and Mighty King, my engagements are inviolable and I cannot reveal to you our Secrets. If my liberty is to be thus purchased I prefer captivity.
G & M K: We admire your Zeal, Courage and Fidelity.
Generals and Knights, the Captive merits liberty for his attachment to his engagements.
Worthy stranger, we grant your request and consent to your being set at liberty.
Free him from his chains.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Return Swords.
Generals return to stations after removing chains.
Candidate is now conducted to the Altar and kneels.
G & M K: The Class will rise. Henceforward we will be to you a friend, and as a token of our esteem we create you a Knight of the Sword. Taps him on left shoulder.
Rise Sir Knight …, Knight of the Sword. We arm you with this Sword the emblem of our Order. You will never use it save in the cause of Justice or in your own defense. We decorate you with this green sash which, though not accompanied with any mysteries like those of your Order, we grant as an honor to the Princes of our Court. You will hereafter enjoy the same distinction. Go into your Country. We grant you liberty to rebuild the Temple destroyed by our predecessors. and will give instructions to our Guards to allow you and your companions to pass safely through our Dominions.
Great & Mighty King returns to East and seats all except candidate.
Priest reads Ezra 1 : 1, 2, 3.
1. Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia. that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying.
2. Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia: The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem. which is in Judah.
3. Who is there among you of all his people? His God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (he is the God) which is in Jerusalem.
G & M K: Further instruction will now be given by your Conductor.
Conductor quietly tells candidate that he will be stopped at each side of bridge. On near side he is to give Pass Word which he will receive from the Great and Mighty King. On far side he will be attacked by guard but he is to feign resistance using sword and escape, although his green sash will be lost.
On conclusion of the instruction the Candidate and Conductor face Great & Mighty King.
Conductor: Great and Mighty King, Prince Zerubbabel’s mission is now completed and he intends to take leave of your Court.
G & M K: Sir Knight Zerubbabel, you are about to take leave of us to return to your fellow countrymen in Babylon. To do that you must pass beyond the confines of our Kingdom. Our Guards at the frontier of our Kingdom will demand from you a Pass Word. That word is Libertas. Once past our Guards our protection ceases. Should you at any time thereafter meet with armed resistance you must defend yourself, but fear not for your cause is just.
Conductor and Candidate then retire across bridge.
G & M K: Sir Knights, arise. Knocks once. I am about to close this Council of Knight of the Sword.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Draw Swords.
G & M K: Generals, our labors being ended, proclaim that this Council of Knight of the Sword is now closed.
Senior General: Sir Knights, this Council of Knight of the Sword is now closed.
Junior General: Sir Knights, this Council of Knight of the Sword is now closed.
G & M K: Accordingly I now declare this Council of Knight of the Sword closed.
All knock once; Great & Mighty King, with trowel or sceptre, Senior General, Junior General, Captain of the Guard and Sentinel with hilt of Sword using left hand.
Junior Warden: Sir Knights. Return Swords.
G & M K: Be seated, Sir Knights.

dit rituaal wordt vervolgd in de graad Knight of the East
