Ritual of the Independent Order of Foresters for Subordinate Lodges

Canada, 1986

General Instructions
Presiding Officer: In the absence of the C.R., the Junior P.C.R. shall preside; if the Junior P.C.R. be absent, then the P.C.R. present who was most recently the C.R. shall preside; if no P.C.R. be present, then the V.C.R. shall preside; and if the V.C.R. be absent, the officer of the Court who is next highest in rank shall preside. If no officer of the Court be present, and providing there is a quorum of five beneficiary members, any member may call the Court to Order, and a Chief Ranger pro tem. be chosen, who shall preside until an officer of the Court arrives.
Absent Officers: In the case of officers being absent the Presiding Officer shall fill the chairs by pro tem. appointments from the members of the Court. Whenever a regular officer arrives he shall take his chair.
Voting: The Presiding Officer shall not be entitled to vote when the voting is by sign vote, but shall give the casting vote on such occasions in the event of a tie. When the voting is by ballot the Presiding Officer shall cast his ballot the same as the other members, and shall not in that case be entitled to give the casting vote in the event of a tie. In case of a tie in the election’ of an officer or a delegate a new ballot shall be taken. In other cases the motion is lost.
Balloting: If a ballot is necessary, the procedure shall be as follows: the CR. shall instruct the S.W. to prepare the ballot-box. The C.R. shall then appoint 2 Tellers and the V.C.R. shall appoint 1. The C.R. will then say to the Court, “We are about to ballot on ...”
The S.W. will then present the ballot-box to the V.C.R., and the Tellers who will inspect it to see that there are no ballots in the compartment into which the ballots are to be cast; it will then be presented to the CR., who will also inspect it, and, close the box. The S.W. will then place the ballot-box on the pedestal and return to his station. The C.R. will then direct the members to vote, one at a time. When all have voted who wish, the C.R. will say, “Have all voted who wish? If so, I declare the balloting closed.” The Tellers shall count the ballots and report the number of legal votes cast and the number of spoiled ballots. The presiding officer shall then declare the results.
The black * * * indicate the number of raps of the Gavel to be given by the Officers for calling up, seating, or calling the Court to order; in certain cases they also indicate the knocks to be given on the inner door of the Court room. Three raps of the Gavel call up the whole court; two raps seat the Court; one rap calls to order; in the hands of the V.C.R. one rap calls to order and two raps is a signal to the Senior Beadle to attend to any alarm.
In the Ritual, wherever the masculine or singular form is used it may be transposed into the feminine or plural form. When necessary the word “Companion” may be substituted for the word “Brother”.
Opening Ceremony

C.R., *:  I am about to open Court ... No. ... for business: if there are any persons present who are not members of the Court, or otherwise entitled to be present, will they please retire.
The Officers will assume their accustomed stations in the Court.
I appoint ... pro tem., respectively to the vacant offices.
The Woodwards will see that all present are entitled to a seat in the Court and report to the Vice Chief Ranger.
The Woodwards will report to the V.C.R.
V.C.R.: Chief Ranger, all present are entitled to a seat in the Court.
C.R.: Brethren, all present being recognized, I request your assistance in opening this Court. * * *
C.R.: Vice Chief Ranger, officers and members, I welcome you to this meeting and urge you to give your careful attention and best judgment to such matters as may be submitted for consideration. Keep in mind that we are gathered to advance the welfare of our Order by the practice of its principles at all times. Let us seek the opportunity to be of service to others by protecting their liberty and treating them with tolerance, understanding and justice. May we be moderate in all things and strive to promote concord among our fellowmen regardless of creed or nationality.
C.R.: We will sing one verse of the National Anthem. This may be omitted at the discretion ol the C.R.
C.R.: Will the Woodwards please present the colors. This may be omitted at the discretion of the C.R.
C.R.: The Orator will now deliver the invocation. * * *
Orator: Great and Merciful God, we humbly invoke Thy blessings not only upon the members of this Court but upon Thy people everywhere. Incline our hearts to do Thy will; teach us to be wise, moderate and just in all our actions and courteous and forgiving to one another. Inspire us to make truth, justice and charity, the foundation of all our acts; and to Thee be ascribed all the glory and praise, now and evermore.
All members: Amen.
V.C.R.: All present will join me in saluting our Chief Ranger. Left hand over heart with the left foot slightly advanced.
C.R.: I now declare this Court duly and legally opened for the transaction of business. * *
Order of Business
1. C.R.: Recording Secretary call the roll of Officers.
2. The Chief Ranger will welcome any visiting dignitaries and invite them to a seat on the dais.
3. Minutes of previous meeting. C.R.: Recording Secretary, please read the Minutes of the previous meeting.
4. Communications. C.R.: Are there any communications?
5. Report on Applications for Membership. C.R.:  Are there any application(s) for membership?
(Recording Secretary reads names of applicants.)
6. C.R.: “Will the Court deal with the application(s) by standing vote?”
(If open vote is approved, C R. will say: “All those who are in favor of these applicants being admitted to membership in this Court please stand ... Contrary if any”)
7. Initiation.
If the applicants are waiting the Initiation ceremony will now be proceeded with.
8. Bills or Accounts. C.R.: Are there any bills or accounts?
9. Treasurer’s Report.
10. Reports of other Officers as occasion requires.
11. Reports of Committees.
(Under this order of business the Court Committee, the Sick Committee, Finance Committee, Special Auditing Committee and all other special committees will report when occasion requires.)
12. Election of Officers (the C.R. may invite a visitor of rank to preside.)
13. Installation of Officers.
14. Unfinished and General Business.
15. New Business.
16. Good and Welfare.
(Remarks by visiting dignitaries and announcements.)
17. Closing Ceremony.
C.R.: We have concluded the business of this meeting. I thank you for your attention and assistance and I look forward with pleasure to our next meeting which I trust you will attend.
The Orator will invoke the divine blessing. * * *
Orator: Great and Merciful God, we bow again in humble submission before Thee. We implore Thy direction and blessing upon all our efforts to advance the principles of our Order, and we earnestly beseech Thee to grant to all Foresters, but especially to all members of this Court, wisdom and strength to walk in the paths of peace, virtue, and morality. Guide our footsteps in safety to our homes, through the journey of life ever lead us, and finally, through Thy infinite mercy, bring us to Thy Heavenly Court above, and to Thy Holy Name be all the glory and praise now and evermore. Amen.
C.R.: Will the Woodwards please retire the colors. (Again this may be omitted).
V.C.R.: Brethren, join me in saluting our Chief Ranger.
C.R.: I now declare the Court duly and legally closed. *
Initiation Ceremony
C.R.: Will all members who are here for initiation please retire to the ante-room.
C.R., *: Senior Woodward, retire to the ante-room, and if there are any candidates awaiting initiation, please report their names to the Court.
S.W.: Chief Ranger, I find awaiting initiation ...
C.R.: Recording Secretary, (have) the candidate(s) been duly proposed and regularly elected for membership in our Order, and conformed with all other requirements of the Constitution and Laws, rules, and usages of the Order?
R.S.: Chief Ranger, all requirements have been met.
(In case one or more of the candidates have not complied with the requirements, his or their initiation will be postponed, and the others who have qualified may be initiated.)
(If the Court has a Guard of Honour, the guard should retire with the Woodwards and stay with the Woodwards and candidates during initiatory ceremony.)
C.R.: The Senior and Junior Woodwards will retire to the ante-room to prepare and introduce the candidates.
J.B.: * * *
S.B.: Vice Chief Ranger, there is an alarm at our inner door.
V.C.R.: Ascertain the cause thereof.
S.B., * * *, opening door: Who comes?
J.B.: The candidates under escort of the Woodwards, seek admission to the Court to obtain the benefit of initiation into our great Order.
S.B.: Vice Chief Ranger, the alarm was given by the Senior Woodward who asks for the admission of the candidates for Initiation.
V.C.R.: Chief Ranger, the candidates under escort of the Woodwards seek admission for Initiation.
C.R.: Admit them.
V.C.R.: Senior Beadle, by command of the Chief Ranger, you will admit the Woodwards and direct them to conduct the candidates to the Chief Ranger.
S.B., * * *:, opening door: Senior Woodward, you are permitted to enter the Court with the candidates whom you will present to the Chief Ranger.
The Senior Beadle opens wide the door and the Woodwards with the candidates march slowly around the Court to the station of the Chief Ranger
C.R.: My friends I extend to you a cordial welcome into our Court. In order that you may know of our history and purpose I will now instruct the Senior Woodward to escort you to the Past Chief Ranger who will address you.
The candidates will be conducted to the P.C.R the S.W. proceeding as follows.
S.W.: Past Chief Ranger, by direction of the Chief Ranger I present these candidates for instruction.
P.C.R.: My Friends our Motto consists of the words, “Liberty, Benevolence and Concord,” which are represented by the letters, “L. B. and C.”
LIBERTY is used by Independent Foresters in its best and noblest sense. The Order recognizes the right of its members to enjoy freedom in all things. It does not assume to judge between creeds, but accords to everyone civil and religious liberty, so sacred to all.
The second word of our Motto: BENEVOLENCE brings before us our responsibilities to our neighbours. It seeks to broaden our minds and to enlarge our sympathies, to widen the circle of our friends and to free us from the confining influences of selfishness.
The last word of our Motto: CONCORD suggests to all Independent Foresters the imperative duty we owe to our beloved Order to zealously promote within our fraternal circle that mutual respect which begets Concord in all our acts.
You will now be conducted to the Vice Chief Ranger for further instruction.
The Woodwards will conduct the candidates around the Court once, halting before the V.C.R.
S.W.: Vice Chief Ranger, I present the candidate(s) for further instruction.
V.C.R.: I will now explain briefly the origin and objects of The Independent Order of Foresters.
As to its Origin
“Forestry” was suggested by the romantic and historic story of Robin Hood and his Merrie Men of Sherwood Forest. In the twelfth century these men banded themselves together for mutual aid and protection. There in the forest they practised their “Swain Motes”, and shared the joys and sorrows incident to the life of every one. Though centuries have passed since their time, their deeds of bravery, their skill in Forestry, and their acts of charity are still the theme of many a song and story. The simile is this, “The Forest was their world, to-day the world is our Forest”.
Qualifications of Membership
Moral courage, physical fitness, and stability of character were their essential qualifications. The aims and objects of our Order are also in a measure akin to theirs, to assist each other in health and sickness, and to provide for our loved ones when the axe of time shall fall in our Forest.
Our Aims and Objects
From time immemorial this world has been likened unto a Forest. As every tree in the Forest has its own particular sphere of usefulness, I would urge you as Foresters journeying through the Forest of Life to leave a trail of kindly deeds, and charitable acts, so that when it shall please the Supreme Ruler of the Universe to summon you to the Heavenly Court above, you may prove worthy to hear the words: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord.”
The Woodwards will now conduct you to the pedestal for obligation.
The Woodwards will conduct the candidates around the Court, hailing below the pedestal facing the C.R.
S.W.: Chief Ranger, the candidates are at the pedestal to take the obligation.
C.R., * * *:  Let the circle of concord be formed.
All members will form a circle surrounding the candidates , Woodwards and Orator, who will give the Obligation.
C.R.: My Friends, membership in The Independent Order of Foresters is entirely voluntary, its principles are to believe in the existence of God, to cherish and protect each other in every laudable purpose and undertaking, to visit the sick and attend to their wants, and to constrain no one in his political or religious convictions. Thus, you see, the Brotherhood of God and the brotherhood of man is the foundation upon which the Order is established, and the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would they should do unto you,” is the standard of all our actions.
C.R.: The Orator, Brother ...,will now ask you to pledge your observance and loyalty to our Order and its principles. This pledge contains nothing of a secretive nature and does not conflict in any way or manner with any duty you may owe to your religion, your country, your family or to yourself. Are you willing to make such a pledge?
The Orator will administer the pledge * * *.
Orator: My friends, place your right hand over your heart as a token of your sincerity and answer the following questions by saying, “I do”.
1. Do you believe in God, the Creator and Ruler of our Universe?
2. Do you promise to give true allegiance to the Supreme Court of our Order and to be governed by its Constitution and Laws, its rules and usages now in force and any which may hereafter be enacted or established?
3. Do you agree for (yourself) (yourselves) and on behalf of your beneficiaries that in the event of your ceasing at any time to be (a member) (members) in good standing of the Order (as defined in the constitution and laws of the Order) all your rights, title or claim to or interest in any property, funds, privileges or benefits either of this Court, the High Court or the Supreme Court of The Independent Order of Foresters shall thereby terminate and become null and void?
4. Do you promise to do your best at all times to be a good member of society in general, honoring all forms of government properly created by the will of the people and to render true allegiance to the laws of the land?
5. Lastly, do you promise to do your best to alleviate the needs and protect the honor of every member, and to advance the welfare of this Order?
C.R. * *. All return to their seats except the Woodwards and candidates.
C.R. *: The Woodwards will present the candidates to the Vice Chief Ranger for instruction in Private Work.
S.W.: Vice Chief Ranger, the candidates ... are before you for instruction in the Private Work of the Order.
V.C.R.: My friends, I congratulate you upon being admitted as members of this court. Having taken our obligation, we are about to entrust you with the private work. It is divided into three sections, the first of which describes our signs, passwords, grip, and the use of the gavel as follows:
V.C.R. will then demonstrate.
First Section
The First Sign is called the Entersign, and is given thus: Left Hand Over Heart.
The Countersign, or answer to it, is given by the Chief Ranger or Past Chief Ranger in a like manner.
The Sign of Recognition is given thus: Draw Fingers of Left Hand Across Your Forehead.
The Sign of Distress is given thus: Raise Your Right Arm Straight Up Above Your Shoulder, Palm Of Hand Open And Outwards.
The Countersign, or answer to it, is given thus: In Same Manner With Left Hand.
The Words of Distress are as follows: Will No One Help Me.
The Token is given thus: Raise Your Right Arm, Palm of Hand Outwards Bending Arm At Elbow And Bringing Up Close To Side With Tips Of Fingers At Level With Shoulder.
The Voting Sign is given thus: Raise Your Right Hand in Front Of your Face, Palm Inwards And Ten Inches From Your Face. When you are requested to give this sign in voting you will Look Into The Palm Of Your Hand signifying that you make your decision with an open and unbiased mind.
The Grip is given in this manner: Clasp Hands As In Ordinary Clasp But With Point Of Index Finger Placed Lightly Upon The Pulse Of The Member You Are Greeting, (indicating that the hearts of all Foresters should beat in unison.)
In the hands of the Chief Ranger, three raps * * * of the gavel call up the whole Court; two raps * * seat the Court; one rap * calls to order.
In the hands of the V.C.R. one rap * calls to order and two raps * * is a signal to the S.B. to attend to any alarm that may be given.
The Woodwards will conduct you to the Orator, who will instruct you in the Second and Third Sections.
Second Section
S.W.: Orator, by command of the Vice Chief Ranger, I present the candidate(s) for instruction in the Second and Third Sections.
Orator: To enter a Court while in session, proceed as follows: At the outer door give any usual alarm. This will admit you to the ante-room. There clothe yourself in the proper regalia. At the inner door give * * and to the officer in charge give the permanent Password Liberty. This will admit you to the Court. Advance to the centre of the Court, below the Pedestal, and, facing the Past Chief Ranger, give the Entersign. He will answer you by giving the Countersign, when you will take your seat.
If not in order for you to be admitted at the moment of giving alarm at the inner door, (and it is not in order for you to be admitted during the Opening, Closing, or Initiatory Ceremony) the Senior Beadle will answer your alarm by giving * on the door, in which case you will wait; and when the ceremony for which you are thus detained is completed, the Senior Beadle will give * * on the door, when you will be admitted on your giving the proper Password.
If you desire to, address the Court, rise, face the presiding officer and raise your right arm, bent at the elbow, and say, “Chief Ranger”. When you are acknowledged, proceed with your remarks.
If you desire to retire before the Court is closed, proceed in the same form.
Third Section
The Honors given to Visitors of Rank are as follows: To Chief Rangers and Past Chief Rangers, thus: Left Hand Over Heart And Left Foot Slightly Advanced.
To an Officer of a High Court thus: Left Hand Over Heart And Old Entersign Given thus: the Old Entersign is given by placing the tips of the fingers of the right hand touching the right shoulder with the elbow extended level to the shoulder.
To an Officer of the Supreme Court other than the Supreme Chief Ranger thus: Interlock Fingers Of Both Hands In Front Of Body In Form Of a C representing The Circle of Concord. Bring The Hands Together Locked Up Over Your Head In The Form Of an A representing The Act Of Benevolence And Then Drop Your Arms Quickly By Your Side, Signifying That They Are Again At Liberty.
To the Supreme Chief Ranger the Royal Salute, thus: The same salute is given, but is repeated twice and the Hands Are Brought Down With Some Force At Your Side.
The Woodwards will conduct you to the Chief Ranger.
S.W.: Chief Ranger, the candidates have been instructed in the proper Signs of the Order and are before you for the final act of reception.
C.R.: Brother(s), Companion(s), I am now authorized to address you by that term, and in Liberty, Benevolence and Concord extend to you a hearty welcome into our Order. You have bound yourself / yourselves to us by a tie which all upright persons respect; it becomes you, from the present hour, to follow our principles by leading an honorable life, whereby you will reflect credit upon the Order with whose progress and prosperity your interests are now identified.
I now take pleasure in presenting to you your membership pins bearing the colors of this degree. I trust that each of you will wear it with dignity and with credit to Court ... No. ...of The Independent Order of Foresters. * * *
If membership pin was presented with certificate this paragraph may be omitted.
Now by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the Order, I proclaim each of you a Forester, entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership in The Independent Order of Foresters.
Foresters join with me in extending a cordial greeting to our newly initiated member(s). * *
Applause is permitted.
The Chief Ranger may declare a short intermission to welcome the new member(s).
Installation Ceremony
The Officers who are entitled to install are: Supreme Chief Ranger, Elective Officers of the Supreme Court, Past Elective Officers of the Supreme Court, a High Chief Ranger, the members of any High Standing Committee and the Past Elective Officers of any High Court within its own High Court jurisdiction, Court Deputies and District Deputies commissioned by the Supreme Chief Ranger The officer conducting the Ceremony of Installation shall at all times during the ceremony be addressed by his proper title, as Supreme Chief Ranger, High Chief Ranger, etc., as the case may be. In public Installations, employ four raps for calling up and three for seating the Court The High Chief Ranger or other Installing Officer will proceed as follows:
H.C.R.: Chief Ranger, your officers having been constitutionally elected, and the Court having made the necessary reports and remittances to the Supreme Court and to the High Court, it is my pleasure that the Installation of the officers-elect be proceeded with; for which purpose you will direct the present officers to vacate their respective stations.
C.R.: Officers of Court ..., No. ..., by command of the High Chief Ranger, I direct you to relinquish your stations so that your successors in office may be duly installed.
H.C.R.: Chief Ranger, in recognition of your eminent services, it is my desire that, on this occasion, you occupy the post of honor upon my right as Junior Past Chief Ranger of the Court.
If the C.R has been re-elected, then the above will be addressed to the P.C R. who shall be requested, to occupy this position at the dais after the C.R. has been conducted to the pedestal. The Installing Officer will then appoint a High Marshal and Conductor or Conductress, as the case may be. The H.M. and H.C. will arrange the Regalia.
H.C.R., *: The High Secretary (or Officer appointed by I.O.) will call the roll of the officers to be installed. These officers will remain standing until they are escorted to the pedestal to receive the obligation.
The High Marshal and Conductor will suitably arrange the officers to be installed just below the pedestal facing the presiding officer.
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, the officers to be installed are at the pedestal ready to take the Obligation of office.
H.C.R., * * *: Each of you will say “I”, pronounce your name in full, and repeat after me the
Obligation of Office
I, (name in full), in the presence of these witnesses, / do most solemnly and sincerely / promise and declare / that I will, / to the best of my knowledge and ability, / honestly and faithfully perform / the duties of the office / to which I have been elected or appointed.
I will act with strict impartiality / in all matters connected with my office, / and see that all members have their just dues. / I will enforce / the Constitution and Laws / the Rules and Regulations / and the Ritual of the Order / and be governed by the same. / I will pay due respect and obedience / to my superiors, / and treat with kindness and consideration / those who are my subordinates in office. / I further promise and declare / that I will safely keep and preserve / the Charter / books / papers / regalia / all other property and effects, / and the funds of this Court, / and of the Order, / which may come into my possession or custody, / and use them / solely for the benefit / of The Independent Order of Foresters. / At the close of my term of office, / I will safely transfer / and deliver them / to my successor in office, / or at any time / upon the demand of the Supreme Chief Ranger, / to him personally, / or to anyone whom he may designate / to receive the same.
For the faithful observance / of each and all of these several promises, / I pledge my most sacred honor. * *
The officers just obligated will remain standing below the pedestal, and the High Marshal will present them to the H.C.R. for investiture, in the following order:
Trustees and Members of the Finance Committee
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I present to you the Trustees and Members of the Finance Committee for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Trustees you have been elected by the Court to be the Trustees for all the property of the Court, together with the Chief Ranger, Vice Chief Ranger and Recording Secretary. I am persuaded that you will so discharge all of your duties as to merit the still further confidence of your court.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Finance Committee Officers, you shall examine all bills or accounts presented and report upon their regularity and correctness.
At the close of each quarter or at any other time when ordered by the Court, you shall audit the books of the Financial Officers of the Court and report the result in writing; Such report shall include a duly prepared income statement for the preceding period and a balance sheet.
The High Marshal will now invest each of you with your badge of Office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your respective post, where you will at once enter upon the discharge of your duties.
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I present to you the Senior and Junior Beadle for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Senior and Junior Beadles, you will faithfully guard the doors, and allow no one to enter the Court Room without permission of the Chief Ranger unless the proper passwords are given; and in all things strive to promote the welfare and harmony of your Court.
The High Marshal will now invest each of you with your badge of office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your respective post, where you will at once enter upon the discharge of your duties.
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, the Woodwards are before you for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Senior and Junior Woodwards, it will be your duty to see that all present at the opening of the Court are entitled to a seat in the Court, to visit the sick and attend to their wants. You shall take charge of and carefully keep all the property of the Court, and at the end of your term of office hand the same over to your successors in office; and perform such other lawful duties as may be ordered by the Chief Ranger, or by the Court.
The High Marshal will now invest each of you with your badge of office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your stations in the Court to enter upon the discharge of your duties.
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I present to you the Organist for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Organist, you are to superintend and conduct the musical services of the Court, and perform such other duties as may be assigned to you by the Court. Yours is an important position in the Court, for by the proper performance of the functions of your office, you can add materially to the effectiveness of the ceremonies and the interest and pleasure of the meetings.
The High Marshal will now invest you with your badge of office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your station in the Court.
Promotor of Junior Work, Promotor of Fraternal and Social Work
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I now present to you the Promoter of Junior Work and the Promoter of Fraternal and Social Work for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Promoter of Junior Work, the department assigned to you is deserving of your best energies. I trust that during your term of office we shall have flourishing Junior activities under your care and promotion.
(Brother) Promoter of Fraternal and Social Work, it will be your duty to design Fraternal and Social programs that will uphold the dignity of the Court and assist in fulfillment of its purpose.
The High Marshal will now invest each of you with the badge of your office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your respective station in the Court.
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I now present to you the Orator for installation into office.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Orator, you have been chosen to fill an honorable position in the Court. I trust you will always perform the duties of your office with due solemnity and dignity; and that our humble prayers, to our Creator, will be rendered by you, with all reverence and devoutness.
The High Marshal will now invest you with the badge of your office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your station in the Court.
Public Relations Officer
H.M.:  High Chief Ranger, I now present to you the Public Relations Officers for installation and presentation of his commission.
H.C.R.:  (Brother) ..., upon the recommendation of this Court, you have been selected to be commissioned as the Public Relations Officer. Your duties will be to provide maximum public awareness of Court activities, submit all reports required and perform such other duties as the Court may require. The proper public recognition of the fraternal and community activities of this Court will rest upon the diligent performance of the functions of your office.
The High Marshall will now invest you with your badge of office, following which you will be conducted to your station in the Court by the High Conductor.
Treasurer, and Financial Secretary
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I now present to you the Treasurer and the Financial Secretary for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Treasurer, your duties are to maintain such books and records as required by the constituted authorities of the Order and to safely keep the funds of this Court, and to pay all legal orders drawn upon you out of such funds. The great importance and responsibility of the office you have assumed will always admonish you to hold untarnished the honor you have just pledged to the Court.
(Brother) Financial Secretary, it will be your duty to keep accurate accounts as requested by the Court and pay over to the Treasurer any funds in your hands, taking his receipt for the same; you shall also perform such other duties assigned to you by the Chief Ranger or by the Court.
The High Marshal will now invest each of you with the badge of your office, after which the High Conductor will escort you to your stations in the Court. (You will enter upon the discharge of your duties as soon as you shall have given the bonds required by the Court.)
Recording Secretary
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I now have pleasure in presenting the Recording Secretary for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Recording Secretary, you will keep accurate minutes of all meetings of this Court; you will conduct all the correspondence of the Court and make true and correct reports to the Supreme Court and to the High Court; you will read to the Court at each meeting all communications received from the Supreme Court or the High Court since the last meeting; sign all orders voted by the Court and none other, unless otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Laws of the Order; and perform such other lawful duties as may be ordered by the Chief Ranger or by the Court.
The High Marshal will now invest you with the badge of your office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your station in the Court, and you will at once enter upon the discharge of the duties of your office.
Vice Chief Ranger
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I have pleasure in presenting to you the Vice Chief Ranger for installation.
H.C.R.: (Brother) Vice Chief Ranger, it will be your duty to aid in preserving order; and in the absence of the Chief Ranger and the Past Chief Rangers of the Court, to perform to the best of your ability, the duties of. presiding officer; and to strive by all lawful means to advance the welfare of the Court. You will perform such other lawful duties as may be required of you by the Constitution and Laws of the Order, or by the Court.
The High Marshal will now invest you with the badge of your office, and the High Conductor will escort you to your station in the Court to enter upon the discharge of your duties.
Past Chief Ranger
H.C.R.: (Brother) Junior Past Chief Ranger, it affords me much pleasure to have the privilege of decorating you with this badge of honor. May this Court and the Order long enjoy the benefits of your wise counsel and experience. You will now be escorted by the High Conductor to your post.
Court Deputy
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I have now the honor to present to you for investiture with the badge of his office, Brother ..., who has been commissioned as Court Deputy of this Court.
H.C.R.: (Brother) ..., you have been recommended to the most honorable position in the Court. It is your duty to exercise a general supervision over the work of the Court; to give decisions on points of law whenever an appeal is made to you; to enforce a strict adherence to the requirements of the Constitution and Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Order; to install the officers of this Court in the absence of superior officers; and to perform such other duties as may be required of you by the Constitution and Laws, or by the constituted authorities of the Order. I have every confidence that you will discharge the duties of your office faithfully and efficiently.
I now invest you with the badge of your office, and your Commission which has been duly signed. You will now take your seat on the left of the Chief Ranger’s chair and will enter upon the discharge of your duties.
Chief Ranger
H.M.: High Chief Ranger, I have now the honor to present to you Brother ..., the Chief Ranger of this Court, for investiture and induction.
H.C.R., * * *: (Brother) ..., you have been elected to the highest position in the gift of your brethren. As Chief Ranger of the Court, your duties will be many, and at times very onerous, requiring from you great patience and tact. As chief executive officer, you should hold the interests of the Court, and of its members, of paramount importance. Ever strive to promote harmony among the members; rule with justice; reprove in kindness; and, above all, set an example of promptness and regularity in attending the meetings of the Court, and of loyal obedience to the Constitution and Laws of the Order. I now invest you with the badge of your office (does so), in the full confidence that it will be handed to your successor in office as unsullied as you now receive it, and I welcome you to your post of trust and honor. Take the Constitution and Laws and the Ritual of the Order as your guide and instructors. I commit to your keeping the Charter of this Court; may you ever cherish and defend it as the Magna Charta of your Forestric liberties and privileges; and may God protect you in health, and give you wisdom to govern this Court with honor to yourself and prosperity to our beloved Order. I have great pleasure in seating you in your official chair and I proclaim you the Chief Ranger of this Court.
H.C.R.: High Marshal, it is my pleasure that you proclaim the officers of Court ..., No. ..., duly and legally installed.
The H.M. will stand immediately in front of the Chair, below the Dais, face the Court and make proclamation as follows: By command of the High Chief Ranger, and in Liberty, Benevolence and Concord I proclaim the officers of Court ..., No. ..., of The Independent Order of Foresters, duly and legally installed; and may peace, harmony and good-will ever reign in this Court.
H.C.R.: Chief Ranger, I now surrender to you this gavel, the emblem of your authority; enter upon the discharge of your duties by seating the Court.
C.R.: *  *.
Instituting Ceremony
The ceremony of instituting a new Court shall be conducted by the Supreme Chief Ranger, or, in his absence by an authorized Officer When everything is ready and the doors properly tyled or secured, the Instituting Officer shall, if there are other Foresters present, appoint an acting Secretary and a Marshal to assist in the ceremony. After which the Instituting Officer will proceed as follows:
Instituting Officer: We are about to institute a new Court of The Independent Order of Foresters.
I.O.: The names of Charter Applicants have been noted for the records of the Court.
I.O.: The Marshal will now present the Charter Applicants for obligation.
The Marshal having arranged the Charter Applicants in a semi-circle below the Pedestal, the Ceremony will be proceeded with as follows: The Instituting Officer must here, and to the end of the Ceremony, be addressed by his correct title as Supreme Chief Ranger, High Chief Ranger, District Deputy of the Supreme Court, etc., as the case may be.
M.: Supreme Chief Ranger, I have the honor to present the Charter applicants who have petitioned for a new Court of The Independent Order of Foresters. They have all signed the required Applications and they are now ready to take upon themselves the Obligation. of the Order.
The S C R. will conduct the ceremony, and administer the Obligation. The members will then be seated.
If the name has not already been selected, it will then be done, care being taken not to select the name of a living person, nor the name of an existing Court in the same High Court. It is always advisable to select two alternative names, giving the order of preference.
I.O.: We have selected ... as the name for the new Court. The number has been assigned by Supreme Court.
I.O.: I will now appoint a Committee to recommend a staff of Officers to serve until their successors are installed following this institution.
When the Committee has made its selection, and if the selection meets with the approval of the Instituting Officer, he will, on behalf of the Executive Council, appoint them as the first staff of Officers and proceed to install them.
Installation of Officers
I.O.: Brethren, on behalf of the Executive Council of the Supreme Court, I will now install as the Officers of this Court the members whose names have been reported by the Committee.
I.O.: The Secretary will please call the names of the staff of Officers selected by the Committee, commencing with that of the Chief Ranger; and the Marshal will please place them before the pedestal for installation.
M.: The officers to be installed are at the pedestal ready to take the Obligation of Office.
I.O.: Each of you will say “I”, pronounce your name in full, and repeat after me the

Obligation of Office

I, (name in full), in the presence of these witnesses, / do most solemnly and sincerely / promise and declare / that I will, / to the best of my knowledge and ability, / honestly and faithfully perform / the duties of the office / to which I have been elected or appointed. / I will act with strict impartiality / in all matters connected with my office, / and see that all members have their Just dues. / I will enforce / the Constitution and Laws / the Rules and Regulations / and the Ritual of the Order / and be governed by the same. / I will pay due respect and obedience / to my superiors, / and treat with kindness and consideration / those who are my subordinates in office. / I further promise and declare / that I will safely keep and preserve / the Charter / books / papers / regalia / all other property and effects, / and the funds of this Court, / and of the Order, / which may come into my possession or custody, / and use them / solely for the benefit / of The Independent Order of Foresters. / At the close of my term of office, / I will safely transfer / and deliver them / to my successor in office, / or at any time / upon the demand of the Supreme Chief Ranger, / to him personally, / or to anyone whom he may designate / to receive the same. /

For the faithful observance / of each and all of these several promises, / I pledge my most sacred honor.
The Officers just obligated will remain standing below the Pedestal and the Marshal will present them to the I.O. for investiture, in the order shown in the Installation Ceremony.
I.O.: Marshal, it is my pleasure that you proclaim the officers of Court ..., No. ..., duly and legally installed.
The M. will stand in front of the Chair, below the Dais, lace the Court and make proclamation as follows: By command of the Supreme Chief Ranger, and in Liberty, Benevolence and Concord, I proclaim the officers of Court ..., No. ..., of The Independent Order of Foresters, duly and legally installed; and may peace, harmony and good-will ever reign in this Court.
I.O.: Your Officers having been duly installed, I congratulate you on the successful performance of a most important ceremony :  the institution of a new Court. It is by such inauguration as this that our Order will extend throughout the length and breadth of the whole land. May the establishment of this Court bind its members in acts of brotherly love, practical fraternity and good-will to mankind, and in perpetuating the blessings of social union to the remotest time.
And now, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws, as (give title), I declare that Court ..., No. ... of The Independent Order of Foresters is duly and legally instituted for the objects and purposes recognized by the Constitution and Laws of the Order now in force, or that may hereafter he enacted; and I declare each and every one of you entitled to all the rights and privileges due to all worthy Foresters by the Constitution and Laws, Rules and Usages of the Order.
Chief Ranger, you will now enter upon the discharge of your duties by seating the Court..
Where it is possible to have a Guard of Honor to assist, they will conduct the Charter Members (candidates) to the Altar for obligation.
Reception Ceremony for Visiting Officers
J.B., * * *, gives the S.B. the name and rank of the visitor.
S.B.: Chief Ranger, I have the pleasure of announcing that Brother ... (rank) is in the ante-room for the purpose of visiting our Court.
C.R., *:  The Woodwards will retire to the ante-room and escort the visitor into the Court room, halting immediately in front of the pedestal. The Court will rise at the sound of the gavel and assist me to receive and salute our distinguished visitor with the honors due his rank.
The members will remain at the salute until the visitor is seated.
The C.R. will then address a few words of welcome to the visitor, after which he will instruct the escort to conduct him to a seat on the dais.
