Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests
Degree of Knight of the Triple Cross


Compiler's Note: Meetings of the Order are held in a Sovereign Council of Knights under the chairmanship of a Grand Commander, the First and Second Knight Wardens known as Sublime Knights, a Master of Ceremonies known as the Grand Esquire and other members known as Knights. A Knight Guardian & Knight Warden guard the approaches. The regalia consists of a round cap sky blue, that of the Grand Commander and Past Commanders has a gold braid of one half inch material around its circumference, while all others bear a ribbon of red, white and green, being one inch wide. A sash of the same colour, three inches wide is worn over the right shoulder falling to the left hip. Uppermost on the sash near the shoulder should be a red cross pattee, at the middle one of white and at the lower part, one of green. It is from a point just below the green cross that the jewel of the degree is suspended. The apron is of a sky blue colour with a triangular flap. Bordering the body and flap is a three coloured ribbon of the same pattern as that of the cap. In the centre of the apron is embroidered or printed a Passion Cross in gold of six inches in height, with the cross arms one inch from the top. At the extremity of the one arm is the letter D in red, at the foot of the cross is the letter L in white and at the extremity of the other arm, the letter V in green so that a person reading the letters would see D.L.V. The jewel which is hung from the sash comprises a triangle made up of the three crosses, each enamelled in red, white, and green respectively, the whole being surmounted upon a square with arms of equal length, the point of the square pointing downwards.
The Council Chamber is furnished thus, the Grand Commander is seated in the East, under a canopy of sky blue cloth upon which is patterned the jewel of the Order. Alternatively, a shield of sky blue upon which there appears a device of the jewel may be hung from a suitable place behind the Grand Commander's chair. He also has a small table in front of him on which lie the following: An open record book, an ink-stand and quill pen and to the front of those are two candlesticks with candles of blue and a crucifix. Past Grand Commanders should also be seated in the East on a bench or chairs covered in sky blue material. The First and Second Warden are seated in the West with the Grand Esquire placed between them. All three sit on benches or chairs draped with red material.
Knights in the South and North Columns sit on benches draped with white and green cloth respectively. If clothes are not available the Knights in the East, West, South and North respectively may wear scarves of the colours of the stations to differentiate them. Sixteen lights should be placed in the Council, four at places in the E, W, S and N. The four lights in each Station should be mounted on wooden slats shaped as Passion Crosses, one at the top, one at each extremity and one at the foot. The wooden slats should be painted with the respective station colours. The tracing board should be placed in the N. E. Corner. The battery of the Order is three equally spaced knocks i.e., * * *. Before the Council assembles, the Grand Esquire establishes that all present are Members of the Order.



* * *: Sublime Knights, First and Second Wardens, announce to the Knights that this Sovereign Council is opened.
The Wardens do so in turn when the assembled Knights rise, turn to the East and exclaim:
DLV and thereafter remain standing. Sublime Knight First Warden, to what objective do we extend our powers?
To combat with the infidels who possess the Holy Land, to conquer them or perish in attempting so to do.
What is to be the reward of our labours?
A portion of that land when conquered on which to build a Temple to the True God.
What led you to obtain admission as a Knight of the Triple Cross?
The example set by my ancestors and the celebrated Crusaders from whom we are descended.
On what occasion are we now met in this Sovereign Council?
A Knight of the Red Cross and St. Andrew desires to assume our obligation, to receive the crosses and to follow where we lead.
Then let us discharge that worthy undertaking. *, All sit.


The Grand Esquire rises, gives the sign and the cry and retires. He satisfies himself that the candidate is duly· qualified and on receiving the proof advises the Candidate that he will now escort him into the chamber. Before entering the GE gives the candidate his petition and then enters and halts at a midpoint in the North.
Knight Grand Esquire, whom do you introduce into this Council?
I present to the Knights assembled, Sir Knight … Christian name only a Knight of the Order of the Red Cross and St. Andrew, duly proven.
Why does he come amongst us?
He desires to be admitted into the Order of Knights of the Triple Cross that he may travel to the Holy Land and take up arms against the Infidel.
We doubt not the sincerity, nor the worth of his desire, but what does he bring to recommend his person to us?
He carries with him a petition, which he urges be heard.
Then let him await a while.
The SW leaves his station and goes to the GC and appears to whisper info his ear. The GC listens and then gives a nod, and the SW returns to his station and remains upstanding.
Knight …, the Grand Commander has agreed to hear your petition, speak it now and let your voice be heard within this Council.
CAND. reading from his petition card:
Grand Commander and Knights of this Order of the Triple Cross, I, … (Christian name only), being a Knight of the Red Cross & Saint Andrew, do hereby seek admission into the Order so that I may serve its cause and travel to the Holy Land, there to undertake the labours of the Order. Should I be graced by acceptance, I do hereby vow that I will always obey the Statutes of the Order and the Call to Arms.
Knight Grand Esquire, you have taken it upon yourself to introduce this Knight into our midst that he may request to assume the Obligations of the Order, do you believe him to be worthy of that honour.
I do.
Sublime Knights, First and Second Wardens, do you believe him to be worthy.
We do.
Brother Knights, does any among you have ought to urge against him. Hearing no word of complain, the GC continues. Then do you also believe him worthy?
All the other Knights arise and remove their caps with right hand, and holding it aloft say:
All: We do. After which they return caps and sit.
Knight Grand Esquire, you will now interrogate the candidate.
Brother Knight, do you have a certainty that you possess the resolution to face that which lies before you and to expel the Infidel from the Holy Places? Cand. assents. Then journey with me to a quiet place where you may repose yourself and meditate upon your undertaking. The GE conducts the Cand. out of the Council and after a few minutes instructs him to give the three raps upon the door. These raps are repeated from within and a nominated Knight responds by opening the door and asking:
What is wanted without?
It is a Knight of the Red Cross and St. Andrew who comes to take upon himself his final arrangements.
Without closing the door, the Knight repeats this to the GC who says:
Is he entirely resolved in this course of action and in respect of what is required of him? On receiving an affirmation to this question, the GC says: Then permit him to enter this Sovereign Council.
The GE conducts the Cand. to the West and halts in front of the GE chair.
Brother Knight, you have hitherto shown much zeal in all that concerns the Royal Art, I hope that you will display the same in the new labours which lie before you during your admission. Will you have the courage to follow wherever we shall lead, by land or sea?
CAND, prompted by G:
I will, Grand Commander.
Then lay aside your sword. The unsheathed sword is removed. Come hither and kneel before Jesus Christ whom you see here points to the Crucifix and take before Him and in His Name, an Oath to keep this promise that you have now made to me. The First and Second Wardens arise and stand on each side of the Cand. They raise their arms nearest to the Cand. and he lays his hands upon theirs. The GE then assumes a position directly behind the Cand. and then gives the command,
Approach the Grand Commander. This is done and the Ws drop their hands but remain the same position, as does the GE. Knights, To Order.
All stand and draw their swords which are held at the carry, and then they remove their caps which are held in the left hand, across the chest.
Bro. Knight, you will kneel on both knees, place your right hand on your heart and repeat after me:

Oath of Obligation

Great God, Saviour and Redeemer of the World, I, Knight ..., do swear unto Thee that I will follow my Brother Knights wherever they may go to labour for Thy glory. That I will rather die with them than fail to unite with them in completing their objectives. That I will join my arms to those of my Brother Knights, to avenge Thee on the Infidels who for so long have outraged Thee. If our power equals our zeal then we will re-establish the Holy Land in a place where Thou has rested and I furthermore promise never to reveal the private matters of this Degree to any person not duly entitled to the same, under the penalty of Divine Indignation. Deign to endow me with the graces and virtues which are necessary in order to succeed in so holy an enterprise. Amen, Amen, Amen. When the oath is ended:
DLV. The GE then hands the Candidate's Sword to the GC, who takes it and dubs the Cand. three times (right shoulder, left shoulder, right shoulder) after which the Cand. is motioned to stand, the GC returns the sword to him and it is replaced in it’s sheath. the GC then says:
Never use that sword except in defence of the laws of your God. By the power with which I am invested, I have instituted you a Knight of the Triple Cross and now invest you with the Cap, the apron, and scarf (if used). The History of this Order will now be explained to you by the Sublime Knight, the Second Warden.
All Knights, replace their caps, sheath their sword, and, except for SW, GE and Cand. take their seat.


History of the Order

In 1080, Suliman, Prince of the Turks, established the scat of his Empire, or rather, of his tyranny, under which groaned Asia, Palestine and particularly Jerusalem, and at Nicopolis, the chief city of the province of Bithynia, in Syria Minor. Among the many pilgrims who at that time had journeyed to the Holy Places in Palestine, was a French Knight Bachelor by name of Pierre de Clement. De Clement had forsworn the use of arms and had taken unto himself the habit of a poor monk. He had arrived in Jerusalem in the year 1093 and had become a scrivener to Simon, the Patriarch of Jerusalem. When the city began to suffer under the yoke of Suliman's followers, de Clement offered to carry letters from the Patriarch to the Pope and all the Western Princes, calling upon them to rise and expel from the Holy Land, the barbarians and infidels who now held it. The good Patriarch readily accepted this offer and entrusted to him all the letters for which he had asked.
Pierre de Clement embarked without delay and repaired to the court of the Pope, where he presented the letters to Urban II who then sent him into all the provinces on both sides of the Alps, to negotiate with the princes of these realms and publicly to preach the Crusades. All who heard his words were therefore made acquainted with the designs of the Pope and they exhibited such zeal for so holy an undertaking that Urban thought it fitting to convene a Council, at which he himself would preside.
The Council was arranged to be held at Clermont in 1095 and as the Pope stood to address those who had gathered there, the grey and stormy sky which had visited upon the scene, was cast away by the emergence of the sun in a cloudless blue sky. The Pope's presence and the seemingly miraculous sign in the sky, caused the crowds to cry, as if in concert, Dieu le Veut.
Urban then willed that this cry was so good an omen that it should become the device of the Crusading army and its initials should be borne on flags and standards of sky blue and be taken up as the war cry of the soldiery and their captains m battle as it would animate all to deeds of daring in the face of the enemy, He then directed that the Commanders of the differing national factions should meet on the Plains of Gisors to settle upon the strategics required for the forthcoming Crusade.
This meeting was held and it was decreed that the knights of the French army would wear red crosses to distinguish them, while the English and the Flemings would wear white and green respectively. Thereafter the three armies called upon certain stone masons in their ranks to build a small church and erect a wooden cross as memorials to so great a holy undertaking. That part of the Plain of Gisors was thereafter known as the Sacred Field. Many Princes and Nobles of the three lands took up the call to anus and accepted the cross. They were conjointly chiefs of their own armies with none claiming to be superior or the right to command, over any other.
I will now entrust you with the distinctive styles of recognition of Knights of this Order. The Sign of the Order is given by extending your right arm straight with your fist clenched as if holding a banner. Knights may recognise each other by giving the Knight's Clasp, which is given by taking each others hands, right to right and left to left, the left being uppermost. The Word of the Order is DIEU LE VEUT, meaning in our tongue, GOD WILLS IT, while the Pass Word is, LE VOYAGE DE DIEU, meaning THE JOURNEY OF GOD.
Brother Knight, you will now listen most carefully while the Instructions of the Order are repeated.
The First Warden rises and comes to stand beside the Cand.



Are you a Knight of the Triple Cross and of Palestine?
Yes, my heart has led me to become so.
What is your duty?
To do combat with the Infidels who possess the Holy Land, to overcome them, or die.
What is to be your reward?
A portion of that land, whereon to erect a Temple to God.
Why did you seek admission into this Order?
To imitate, in all aspects, the celebrated Crusaders.
What brought about the other famous Crusades?
The cruelties of the Infidels perpetrated upon the Christians who visited these Holy Places. Later, their debased acts induced Simon the Patriarch of Jerusalem to send letters to all the Western Princes and they leagued together to make war upon the Disbelievers.
Who bore the letters of the Patriarch Simon?
A monk called Pierre de Clement, A French Knight and native of Amiens in Picardy. He conveyed them to Rome to the court of Pope Urban II, who induced the Princes of Europe to engage in a Holy War.
Why do you wear die cross upon your cordon?
To show that we are defenders of the True Cross.
Why are your crosses of three differing colours?
To distinguish the nations that joined in the Crusades, the French wearing Red. The English white and the Flemish green.
Why again of three colours?
In memory of our ancestors, the Grand Esquire and the two Wardens wear the red cross and represent the French. The knights of the South wear it white and represent the English and those who sit in the North wear it green and represent die Flemish.
Give me the sign and word of Knights of this Order.
FW gives them.
Whence comes that Word?
From the general acclamation on the occasion of the discourse pronounced by Urban II, at the Council which he held. He caused it to be mounted on banners and standards of sky blue, and those to be borne to the Crusades.
Why of that particular colour?
Since the sun miraculously dispersed winter's stormy sky at the time of the Council and left die heavens in that wondrous blue colour, Urban proclaimed that this shade of blue be the backdrop for all devices of the Crusade and the Knights of this Order later took it as the colour of their rank.
Where was that Council held?
At Clermont in Auvergne, in the year 1095, in the month of November.
Give me the Pass Word.
Le Voyage de Dieu.
What does it denote?
The journey of God which was the name given to the Crusades.
What does our Tracing Board depict?
The holy church and cross erected at Gisors. Again the blue sky denotes the colour of the Order, the builders shown erecting the church are the masons drawn from the ranks of the men-at-arms of the three armies and these armed with drawn swords represent the Knights of this Order who protected them. In the bottom left hand comer are certain papers, representing the letters carried by Pierre de Clement, and at the bottom right hand, is a mitre, symbolical of the personage who received these letters. In the centre at the bottom, written in letters of red, white and green are the initials DLV of which the meaning has already been explained, while the colours of the letters represent the nations who took part in the Crusade.
Finally, Sublime Knight First Warden, what is the first care of a Knight of the Triple Cross?
To always be armed and ready to march to, or embark for, the Holy Land, as did the First Masons of the New Law.
FW retires to his seat.
GC, approaches the Cand.:
In conclusion my Brother Knight, let me place over your shoulder this sash or cordon of sky blue, bearing the three crosses which represent the nations of the Order. You will now assume your place amongst us and take up your station in the South, or North) column.
GE escorts the new Knight to his place and then assumes his own.



Knights of the Triple Cross. Maintain your fervour and zeal for your duty. Ever remember those first Masons, and strive to deserve, as they did, glory and eternal loyalty. May this be your fortune, and mine own. *.
FW: * * *.
* * *.
Knights, depart in peace and journey in safety. This Sovereign Council is closed. *.
