Independent Order of Herdsmen
Initiation Ritual


First: This Ritual is issued by the Supreme Lodge of the Independent Order of Herdsmen for use in all Subordinate Lodges of this Order. This Ritual is the property of the Supreme Lodge, Independent Order of Herdsmen, and is loaned to the Subordinate Lodge only during the period in which the Subordinate Lodge remains loyal to the Supreme Lodge. At any time the Local Lodge becomes defunct, or has its Charter revoked for any cause, this Ritual must be returned to the Supreme Secretary. The President of the Local Lodge is held responsible for the safekeeping of this Ritual.
Second: At the Installation of Officers, the retiring President shall place upon the President's pedestal the five Rituals and the key to the secret work, and the President to be installed shall give a receipt for same. Receipt: This day of 19- I have received from -, retiring President, five Rituals and the key to the secret work of the Independent Order of Herdsmen.
Signed: President.
Third: The secret work as contained in the Ritual should be practiced as often as possible. The Captain shall have the right to select the officers to compose Initiatory Team should be careful to select those best fitted for each position. To make the work more impressive, it is suggested that each officer commit their part to memory.

General Instructions
The President shall be the Custodian of, and responsible for, the Rituals and other Private Work of the Lodge not provided for, and shall see that all Rituals are in the hall each meeting night.
The Inside Doorkeeper shall close the door, and shall allow no one to enter or leave the Lodge Hall during the Opening Ceremonies.
Members shall not be admitted until after the Flag Salute.
Members may be admitted during the Initiation, but shall do so quietly, and shall be seated near the entrance until the ceremony in progress has been completed, when they shall advance to the Altar, salute in regular form, after which they will be seated.
Lodges may be permitted to obligate candidates and give the secret work only and initiated their candidates later.
The Bible is not to be closed at anytime whether giving prizes or not. The only time the Bible is to be closed while the meeting is in progress is when the Lodge desires to hold a raffle. Then the President instructs the Jr. Past President to close the Bible and the President declare a recess.

Opening of the Lodge
President shall give two raps when calling up the Officers; Crook Bearers lead the line of march on the right and left side of the hall, followed by the Officers as follows: Left—Deputy, President, Recording Secretary, Assistant Recording Secretary, Warden, Associate Junior Past President steps in line immediately in front of the Warden, Outside Doorkeeper, Associate Vice-President. On the right—Captain, Associate President, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Conductor, Inside Doorkeeper, Vice-President.
Crook Bearers shall march right and left to corners, right and left down sides of hall, column right and left to the Vice-President's station, down center open order to the President's station, column right and left to corners, column right and left to Junior Past President and Associate Junior Past President's stations, right and left in to the Altar, form column of twos, march forward to Vice-President's station, column left, then right to the Anteroom.
All Officers shall follow the Crook Bearers when taking their stations.
All Officers will remain in retiring position except Financial Secretary who shall step in line with the Treasurer, the Assistant Recording Secretary who shall step in line with the Recording Secretary. All Officers shall about face, and proceed to re-enter the Lodge Hall led by the Crook Bearers.
NOTE: The Deputy shall take her position at the right of the Associate Vice-President's station. The Captain shall march to the left of Crook Bearer No. 2, up to the President's station, where she shall step out of line, permitting all Officers to pass; she shall then take her position to the right of the President's station. The Crook Bearers shall column left past the President's station, column left down side of Hall, column left to Vice-President's station, column left open order down center to the President's station, halt, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers countermarch to the Vice-President's station, turn right and left inwardly, march through center, Officers following to their stations. After President and Associate President have been seated, the Crook Bearers shall retrace their steps through the center, Vice-President and Associate Vice-President following; they shall then turn right and left outwardly, march as close as possible to the line of Officers, taking their positions at the head of each line; they shall then column left to corner, column left down side of Hall, column left past Vice-President's station, column left to Associate Junior Past President's station, column left open order to the Junior Past President's station, halt, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers shall countermarch to the Associate Junior Past President's station, turn inwardly, march through center; Junior Past President shall step in front of Altar; Crook Bearers shall escort her to her station, walking three abreast; Crook Bearers shall turn inwardly, march through center, seating the Associate Junior Past President in the same manner; they shall then turn right and left outwardly, marching as close to their lines as possible, taking their positions at the head of their lines; they shall then column left, column left open order to the Recording Secretary's station; halt, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers countermarch to the rear, right and left inwardly march through center, Officers following, right and left face, forward march past President's station, column left down sides of Hall, column left to the Vice-President's station, to the corner, column left open order to the Financial Secretary's station, halt, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers countermarch to the rear, right and left turn inwardly, march through the center, Financial Secretary and Treasurer following, right and left face, forward march, column left down sides of Hall, column left to Vice-President's station, column left open order down center, halt about two feet in front of Altar, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers countermarch to the rear, right and left turn inwardly, march through the center, Warden and Conductor following; Inside and Outside Doorkeepers will right and left face, and follow the Warden and Conductor. After the Warden and Conductor have been seated, the Captain shall step about two paces forward so as to be in position to march to the left of Crook Bearer No. 2; Crook Bearers shall forward march, column left, column left to Junior Past President's station, then left oblique open order to the Anteroom, halt, right and left face inwardly, Doorkeepers retiring through open ranks, Captain taking her station at the left of the Vice-President's station. Crook Bearer No. 1 will pass the Vice-President's station, turn left when opposite Crook Bearer No. 2; both will forward march to their respective stations, Deputy and Captain following.
PRESIDENT gives * to seat fee Lodge:
Sisters and Brothers, the hour has arrived for us to commence the business for which we have here assembled. We have met here tonight to once more refresh our memories in our obligations to our Order, for the diffusion of the Principles of Friendship, Love, and Charity. Any person present who is not entitled to a seat in this Lodge room will please retire to the Anteroom.
The Warden and Conductor will receive the Password from all members present and report to me any not in possession of the same.
NOTE: The Warden and Conductor shall communicate the Quarterly Password to the President, then proceed to take up the Password from each member present. If any member present is not in possession of the Password, the Warden and Conductor shall report the same to the President who shall then ask the Financial Secretary if the member is in good standing upon the books of the Lodge. If in good standing the President shall instruct the Warden and Conductor to communicate the Password to said member. If the member is in arrears with her or his dues, they must place themselves in good standing upon the books of the Lodge to be eligible to receive the Password, and to be entitled to a voice or vote on all business presented.
After the Warden and Conductor have received the Password from all members present, they shall meet at the Vice-President's station, march forward to the Altar, and report as follows:
Worthy President, I have examined all members on your left, and find them entitled to a seat in this Lodge.
Worthy President, I have examined all members on your right, and find them entitled to a seat in this Lodge.
You may be seated.
NOTE: As the President calls the Officers for their duties, they shall rise, repeat their charges, and remain standing until the Opening Exercises have been completed, after which the President shall give one (1) rap, seating the Lodge.
Associate President, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist the President in the discharge of her duties, and in her absence to take her chair and perform her duties. I am also to serve as a member of the Relief Committee, visiting those reported sick as our laws may require.
Vice-President, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist the President and Associate President in the discharge of their duties, and in the absence of both of them, to take the President's chair and perform her duties. It shall also be my duty to serve as a member of the Relief Committee, visiting those reported sick as our laws may require.
Associate Vice-President, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist the Vice-President in the discharge of her duties, and in her absence to take her chair and perform her duties. It shall also be my duty to serve as a member of the Relief Committee, visiting those reported sick as our laws may require.
Junior Past President, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist with the Devotional Exercises by reading a portion of the Scripture, to construe the laws of the Order, and to assist the President in the performance of her duties.
Associate Junior Past President, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist with the Devotional Exercises and to invoke God's blessing upon this meeting.
Recording Secretary, what are your duties?
My duties are to keep a correct record of the business transacted during the meeting, attend to the correspondence of the Lodge, and perform any other duties that I may be instructed to do by the laws of the Lodge.
Assistant Recording Secretary, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist the Recording Secretary in the discharge of her duties, and in her absence I am to take her chair and perform her duties.
Financial Secretary, what are your duties?
My duties are to collect the dues from the members, giving them a receipt for the same; turn all money received by me over to the Treasurer at the close of the meeting, taking his receipt for the same; always have my books ready for auditing; and perform any other duties that I may be called upon to perform.
Treasurer, what are your duties?
My duties are to receive all money from the Financial Secretary, giving a receipt for the same; pay all warrants when legally authorized, signed by the President, and attested by the Recording Secretary; and perform any other duty that I may be called upon to do.
Warden, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist in taking up the Quarterly Password from each member present, and report to the President any not in possession of the same. It shall also be my duty to assist in the balloting for Candidates, to have charge of the keys to the Wardrobe, assist in collecting all Rituals, Ode Cards, and other Paraphernalia at the close of the meeting, placing same under lock and key; and to perform any other duty required of me.
Conductor, what are your duties?
My duties are to assist the Warden in taking up the Quarterly Password from each member present, assist in the balloting for Candidates, assist in collecting all Rituals, Ode Cards, and other Paraphernalia at the close of the meeting; I am to take her station in her absence, and perform any other duty required of me.
Inside Doorkeeper, what are your duties?
My duties are to receive the Quarterly Password from each member entering, and report any not in possession of the same to the Vice-President.
Outside Doorkeeper, what are your duties?
My duties are to keep order in the Anteroom, and to receive the Permanent Password from each member entering.
Pianist, what are your duties?
My duties are to preside at the Piano, and render such music as may suit all occasions during the meeting.
Captain, what are your duties?
My duties are to seat the Officers at the opening of the meeting, have charge of all Ritualistic Work, and perform any other duty that I may be called upon to do.
It shall be my duty to preside at the Lodge meetings, to promote peace and harmony, to guard carefully the Charter of the Lodge, to keep all Rituals and Private Work of the Order under secure lock and key when not in use in the Lodge. It shall also be my duty to act as Chairman of the Relief Committee, to visit the sick, to pay sick benefits as the laws provide; and to assume such other duties that I may be called upon to perform.
We will join in singing our Opening Ode.
Opening Ode
The Morning Light is Breaking
Come, Herdsmen, gather near;
The sons of earth are waking
With loving help and cheer.
Each breeze that sweeps the ocean
Is calling from above,
To join with us in Friendship,
In Charity, and Love.
Let each and ev'ry member
Extend a welcome hand,
To those whom we find worthy
To join our noble band.
Let Friendship be our motto,
And God our only King;
And for our noble Order
Let all our praises ring. Amen.
The Junior Past President and the Associate Junior Past President will conduct the Devotional Exercises.
NOTE: The Junior Past President, stepping down from the right of her station, the Associate Junior Past President, stepping down from the left of her station, shall turn right and left, march up the side of Hall toward the Vice-President's station, turn right and left to the center of Hall; when in front of Vice-President's station, turn right and left and march to the Altar.
The Junior Past President shall read a portion of the Scripture, which she shall then announce as follows: "I have read … chapter …, verses … to … inclusive." The Associate Junior Past President shall then say: "Let us pray." She shall then offer the following prayer.
Lord, we humbly invoke Thy blessing upon the Officers and members of this Lodge. Grant, we beseech Thee, Thine aid in the work for which we have here assembled.
Strengthen our hearts and hands in the building up of this Order. Guide us aright in our deliberations this evening. Fill our hearts with love and sympathy for humanity. Watch over us, and at last lead us into eternal life. Amen.
The Junior Past President and the Associate Past President shall right and left about face and march to the Vice-President's Station, turn right and left to the south Of the Hall, turn right and left down sides of the Hall to their respective stations. During this time the Pianist shall play "My Faith Looks Up to Thee"
The Warden shall salute the American Flag which is placed in a stand at her right with the Military, then remove the American Flag from the stand. The Conductor shall remove the Christian Flag from the stand and both carrying these Flags with the staff at their right sides shall turn and right and left to sides of Hall down to the Vide-President’s station, down center and halt about three feet from the Alter, and present Flags straight forward so the Flags do not touch the Alter for the Flag Salutes.
The Captain will lead in giving the Salute to the American Flag and then the Christian Flag.
NOTE: The Captain shall occupy a position to the right of the President's station, from which she shall give the Salute to the Flag.
After the Flag Salute, the Conductor shall place the Flag in a stand, which is placed to the right of the Altar; she shall then take three steps backward, make one-half left turn, march to the Vice-President's station, turn right to side of Hall, turn fight down side of Hall, then right to her station. President shall then give one (1) rap, seating the Lodge.
I now declare … Lodge No. … open for the diffusion of the Principles of Friendship, Love and Charity.
Initiatory Work
Warden, retire to the Anteroom and ascertain if there are any persons present who desire to learn the mysteries of our Order.
NOTE: The Warden shall retire and ascertain the number of Candidates, and the names of those in waiting. She shall then return to the Lodge Hall, approach the Altar, salute the President, and report. When marching to and from her station to the Altar, the Warden shall march directly on a line with her station.
Worthy President, I find Candidates … in waiting to be initiated. Here give the names of the Candidates.
NOTE: The Warden shall remain standing at the Altar after giving her report. The President shall say:
Associate President, retire with the Warden to the Anteroom, and collect the required fees.
NOTE: The Associate President shall march directly from her station to the Altar, where she shall join the Warden; both salute the President, turn inwardly, march to the Vice-President's station, column right, then left to the Anteroom, where the Associate President shall collect the fees, if any.
The Associate President and the Warden shall re-enter the Lodge Hall, approach the Altar and salute the President, when the Associate President shall report as follows:
Worthy President, I have collected the required fees.
You may be seated.
NOTE: The Associate President and the Warden shall march straight forward to their stations and be seated. The President shall then say:
Captain, prepare the Team and Officers for initiation.
NOTE: The Captain shall retire the Team and Officers as follows: Crook Bearers shall column right and left, Officers stepping in line in the following formation. When they reach the Vice-President's station they shall march down center open order to the President's station, Captain shall give the signal to salute the President, column right and left to corners, Captain marching to the left of Crook Bearer No. 2, column right and left to side stations, right and left in to the Altar, forward to the Vice-President's station, Crook Bearers and Captain marching three abreast, column left and right to the Anteroom.
The Team and Officers shall retire in the following order:
Left—Crook Bearer No. 1, President, Warden, Friendship (Banner), Associate Junior Past President, Advisor, Samaritan, Guard, Guard, Outside Doorkeeper, Love, Prelate, Associate Vice-President.
Right—Crook Bearer No. 2, Associate President, Conductor, Charity (Banner), Junior Past President, Charity at Cabin, Traveler, Guard, Guard, Inside Doorkeeper, Orphan, Widow, Vice-President
NOTE: The Crook Bearers shall march right and left to the corners, Officers following, column right and left down sides to the Vice-President's station, column right and left open order down the center to the President's station, halt, salute the President, column right and left to corners, right and left to side stations, right and left in to the Altar, twos forward to the Vice-President's station, column left, then right, to the Anteroom.
In the Anteroom the Officers shall clothe themselves with the proper Paraphernalia, about face, and prepare to re-enter the Lodge Hall in the following manner:
The Junior Past President shall step in front of the Warden, and Friendship (Banner) shall step in back of Charity (Banner), thus bringing the Junior Past President and Charity opposite each other, and the Associate Junior Past President and Friendship opposite each other.
The form for re-entering is as follows:
Left: Crook Bearer No. 2, Vice-President, Widow, Orphan, Inside Doorkeeper, Guard,
Guard, Traveler, Charity at Cabin, Friendship, Charity, Conductor, Associate President.
Right: Crook Bearer No. 1, Associate Vice-President, Prelate, Love, Outside Doorkeeper, Guard, Guard, Samaritan, Advisor, Associate Junior Past President, Junior Past President, Warden, President.
NOTE: The Captain shall march to the left of Crook Bearer No. 2; Crook Bearer No. 1 shall march on the right, thus marching three abreast. When the Captain reaches her position to the right of the President's station, she shall step , out of line, and when all Officers have passed she shall about face, and direct the floor work from this position. The Crook Bearers shall lead the Team and Officers around the Hall to the Vice-President's station, down the center open order to the President's station, halt, right and left face inwardly; Crook Bearers countermarch to the rear of line, turn right and left inwardly, march through center, President, Associate President, Warden and Conductor following, taking their respective stations. Crook Bearers shall then retrace their steps through the center to Vice-President's station, Vice-President, Associate Vice-President, Prelate, Widow, Love, and the Orphan following.
Crook Bearers shall then right and left face outwardly, marching close to their line, and resume their places at the head of the lines. They shall column left down sides of Hall past the Vice-President's station, column left down to the Associate Junior Past President's station, column left open order to the Junior Past President's station, right and left face inwardly. Crook Bearers shall countermarch to the rear, turn right and left inwardly, march through the center, Junior Past President and Charity (Banner) following. Crook Bearers shall retrace their steps through the center to the Associate Junior Past President's station, the Associate Junior Past President and Friendship (Banner) following. The Crook Bearers shall then turn right and left outwardly and march to their positions at the head of the lines; all shall right and left face, column left to the corner, column left past the Vice-President's station, column left oblique open order to the Cabin, halt, right and left face inwardly. Crook Bearers shall right and left face outwardly, countermarch to the rear, right and left turn inwardly, march through center, Advisor and Charity (at Cabin) following, right and left face, column left to corner, column left to Junior Past President's station, left oblique open order to the Anteroom. Crook Bearers shall right and left face and the Inside Doorkeeper, Outside Doorkeeper, Guards, Samaritan, and Traveler shall march through to the Anteroom.
Crook Bearers shall march down the center of Hall to their stations and be seated.
After all Officers have been seated the President shall say:
Warden and Conductor, retire to the Anteroom and prepare the Candidates for initiation.
NOTE: The Warden and Conductor shall march directly from their stations to the Altar, salute the President, about face inwardly, march to the Vice-President's station, column right, then left to the Anteroom. The Warden shall give the following pledge to the Candidates:

My friends, you are about to assume an Obligation and become one of us, but before you can be admitted, there are a few questions that you are required to answer. Are you willing?
I am.
Do you believe in a Supreme Being as a ruler of the universe?
I do.
Will you at all times defend the flag of our Country, support and uphold our Public Schools?
I will.
Then we welcome you among us. But if you are becoming one of us through idle curiosity, we do not desire your membership. If you wish to become a member of our Order for the good you can do toward advancing our objects and principles, then we welcome you.
To do this is a noble work, one that requires your best thoughts and greatest efforts. Our principles are broad and mighty, our Charity is secret. Do you fully understand the duties these questions and answers impose upon you? If so, answer "I do."
NOTE: After the Warden has prepared the Candidates, she shall give one rap on the inner door, which shall be answered with two raps by the Inside Doorkeeper, who, with crook in hand, shall march to the Altar, salute the President, and report as follows:
Worthy President, there is an alarm at the door.
You will ascertain its meaning.
The Inside Doorkeeper returns to the door, opens the wicket, and says:
Who comes there?
Friends in search of instruction in the mysteries of our Order. They have been duly elected, thoroughly examined, and prepared.
NOTE: The Inside Doorkeeper marches to the Altar, salutes the President, and reports as follows:
Worthy President, the alarm was caused by friends who seek admission to our Order.
In the spirit of Friendship, Love, and Charity admit them that we may impart to them the secrets of our Order.
NOTE: The Inside Doorkeeper returns to her station, opens the door, the Warden and Conductor enter with the Candidates.
The Warden shall lead, the Conductor shall march in the rear of the line of Candidates. The Warden shall lead the Candidates around the Hall to the Junior Past President's station, column left back of the Altar to the Associate Junior Past President's station, halt, left face the President, who shall step to the right of her station, join the Crook Bearers, march to the Altar three abreast; Crook Bearers shall step back two steps, and remain standing while the President administers the following Obligation:
My friends, will you help a worthy member of this Order when in need ?
I will.
Will you keep your Charity a secret from this selfish world ?
I will.
Will you forego some of your business and social pleasures to sit at the bedside of the sick or dying?
I will.
My friends, pause and think well before you take upon yourselves a solemn obligation that will forever bind you, as it has bound us, to duties like these. You will place your left hand over your heart and your right hand upon the Holy Bible and repeat after me.
I—of my own free will and accord—in the presence of Almighty God and these members—do solemnly promise that I will never reveal anything that is entrusted to me—in any way—to any one. I further promise that I will never repeat anything that I may hear about a member of this Order—but will always protect them from the slander of their enemies. I also promise that I will not wrong a member of this Order—and will defend the good name and reputation of any member—always giving them the preference.
Should I see any of them in difficulty I will render every assistance in my power to aid them. I will try to settle all disputes that might arise between members of this Order in a fraternal manner—and with a spirit of love. I will never recommend for membership any person whom I believe to be of unsound health or immoral character. I will be obedient to all laws—rules, and regulations that now exist—or that may hereafter be adopted by the Independent Order of Herdsmen.
I will recognize the authority of the Supreme Board of Officers—and will obey all orders emanating therefrom.
I will use every reasonable effort to promote the interest of this Order at all times. Should I be suspended—expelled—or voluntarily leave this Order—I will consider these promises and obligations binding upon me until death.
I solemnly promise—before God and man—that I will always keep and never break this Obligation.
The Warden will extend to you the right hand of fellowship;
NOTE: The Warden shall clasp the hand of each Candidate, and repeat as follows:
Sisters and Brothers, in behalf of … Lodge, No. …, Independent Order of
Herdsmen, and in token of the Spirit of Friendship, Love, and Charity, I extend to you the right hand of fellowship. Be ever faithful in your duties—always bearing in mind the precepts of your Obligation.
NOTE: The Crook Bearers shall step forward on a line with the President, all shall right about face, and march three abreast to their stations, when the President shall give one (1) rap to seat the Lodge, after which she shall say:
Warden and Conductor, conduct the Candidates to the Anteroom to await our further commands.
NOTE: The Warden, Conductor, and Candidates shall right face, march past the Associate Junior Past President's station, column right, past the Vice-President's station, then column left to the Anteroom.
The Prelate shall take his station in front of the Chapel, open Bible in hand.
The Altar shall be removed from the center of the room, when the Captain shall report as follows:
Worthy President, we are ready to proceed with the initiation.
Inside Doorkeeper, admit the Warden and Conductor with the Candidates, that they may learn the lessons of Friendship, Love, and Charity.

Onward,Christian soldiers!
Marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle
See His banners go!
Onward.Christiau soldiers!
Marching as to war,
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before.
NOTE: The Warden shall conduct the Candidates to the station of the Associate Junior Past President, halt, and face the Chapel. Members selected for this purpose shall sing from the Chapel, "God Will Take Care of You."

Be not dismayed what-e'er betide,
God will take care of yon;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of yon.
God will take care of you,
Thro' ev'ry day,
O'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of yon.
The Widow and Orphan, clinging closely together, shall walk past Vice-President's station, down side of Hall very slowly, past the Candidates, when someone selected for this purpose shall repeat as follows: (The Widow and Orphan may dress in white if desired.)

My Friends, the Grim Reaper entered our Lodge and removed from our midst a Brother, who devoted his life to the promotion of the principles of our Order. In our care is left his Widow and Orphan. The principles of Friendship, Love, and Charity teach us to be ever ready and willing to give aid to all, when such circumstances arise. As members of the Independent Order of Herdsmen, we have obligated ourselves to duties like these.
NOTE: At this time the Widow and Orphan will have reached the Chapel, the Prelate shall step forward toward the Widow and Orphan, and shall repeat as follows:
My Friends, "let not your heart be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me." Your future seems as dark and gloomy, as your hearts are sad and heavy; but in this sad hour there comes the golden promise of our Order, the assurance of kindly sympathy and assistance, to perform such works of mercy as will cheer the heart and enable the sorrowing to face the future with hope and courage. Friendship, Love, and Charity are the foundation stones of our Order. Friendship for our fellow man. Love for our Creator. Charity, which is prompted by the heart, to do deeds of kindness.
When your heart is sad and lonely,
And your friends seem far away,
Turn to Him who is all holy
And He'll drive all your cares away.
When a dear ones seems to fail you
And for Friendship true you long,
Confide in Him, who is all true,
And He'll right your every wrong.
Jesus' heart is your true refuge,
To Him you can always flee;
Even when your hopes are sinking,
He will then a true Friend be.
He will soothe your lonely spirit,
He will love and bless and say,
"Come to me, and I will comfort you,
Today and every day."
May we always remember the blessed promise of our Heavenly Father:
"I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee,
I will thy greatest comforter be,
If thou wouldst but lean upon Me."
Be not dismayed what-e'er betide,
God will take care of yon;
Beneath His wings of love abide,
God will take care of yon.
God will take care of you,
Thro' ev'ry day,
O'er all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of yon.
NOTE: The Prelate shall walk slowly toward the Anteroom door, with the Widow marching on his left, and the Orphan on his right; both shall take hold of the Prelate's arm. During this time, the ladies selected shall sing from the Chapel, "God Will Take Care of You."
When the Prelate reaches the Vice-President's station the Widow and Orphan shall march forward to the Anteroom, after which the Prelate shall resume his station in front, and to the right of, the Associate Vice-President.
NOTE: At a signal from the Captain, the Warden shall turn right, march forward to the President's station. Love shall march forward to the center of Hall, Friendship and Charity shall march directly across the Hall to the center, join Love, and face front. When in this position, the President shall say:
You will learn something of the meaning of the words Friendship, Love, and Charity.
They represent the three Cardinal Principles of our Order that bind us so closely together. You will now about face.
NOTE: Love shall stand in the center, Friendship to her right, Charity to her left, facing the President. Friendship shall be the first to give her charge, then Love, then Charity.
After they have completed their charges, Love shall lay her hand upon the clasped hands of Friendship and Charity, during the singing of the Banner Song. At a signal from the Captain, Love shall about face, Friendship and Charity shall right and left face; at the second signal from the Captain, they shall march to their stations and be seated.
NOTE: The three ladies may sing the Banner Song, or, if desired, a soloist may be selected.
My Friends, permit me to call your attention to this Banner with Friendship inscribed. Friendship is one of the greatest virtues, and is one of the foundation stones of this Order. Friendship softens the sorrows and thrills the hearts of humanity—like a tidal wave it sweeps through the avenues of life. Wherever men and women meet and mingle together, Friendship must sway their every action, and bind them together in an inseparable bond.
As in Æsop's fabled bundle of sticks, their strength is in their union. Friendship is the inseparable bond that binds us heart to heart. Suffer not this sacred bond to be broken, else we shall become separated and our strength shall become weakened, and all the efforts of our noble Order shall come to naught.
Be strong and courageous, my Friend, and you will help to strengthen and extend this spirit of Friendship, until the earth be filled with its blessings, and until every human soul shall feel the uplift of its inspiring influence.
LOVE: Love is the emblem of eternity—it is the Christ spirit spreading the sublime doctrine of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. It is the silver link—the silken tie, which binds our hearts together in one sacred bond. Nearly two thousand years ago, Love, a flower divine, closed its petals on the Cross of Calvary, and today bears its ripened fruit in that great spirit of Love, which is the foundation stone of our Order, and, above this avalanche of Love which has come to bless our times, we can look beyond the centuries to the Cross borne by the lowly Nazarene on the far-off hills of Judea.
CHARITY: Charity teaches us to do deeds of mercy and kindness. Charity renders good for evil, joy for sorrow. Charity is a flame, burning with ever-increasing warmth and beauty within the heart. The Principles of our Order teach us to fan the flame of Charity until the whole world has caught the spirit, and emulates our example until it knows no limit—until it has encircled the world with deeds of kindness, as the engirdling belt in the Milky Way, blazing in the midnight sky.

Here united in one union,
We at Friendship's Altar stand;
Pledged to serve and help each other
For our noble cause so grand.
Charity a noble virtue,
Close our hearts will be entwined.
For Fraternity unbending
Love will prove a blessing kind,
NOTE: After the three ladies have completed their charges and returned to their stations, the President shall say:
Warden and Conductor, conduct our Candidates to the station of our Associate Junior Past President.
NOTE: The Warden shall lead the Candidates to the Junior Past President's station, column left to the Associate Junior Past President's station, column right, and station the Candidates at the Associate Junior Past President's station, where they shall be instructed in the lesson of Friendship, as follows:
My Friends, in assuming our Obligation you have entered into this fellowship.
The observance of our Principles will offer you many opportunities of doing good. Meeting together with your Brothers and Sisters will serve to remind you of your obligation to others, and will place you in a position to do good when the occasion arises. We are here to teach you to be friendly to all. While our Principles are all worthy of a high place in the esteem of our members, yet Friendship is the greatest of them all. Friendship teaches us to be friendly, to visit the suffering, care for the widow, comfort and educate the orphan. Friendship is mighty in its stainless loyalty, and triumphs over all the vassal years. It graces youth, honors manhood, and comforts age. When the night of adversity is longest, when the storm is hardest, and the clouds darkest, Friendship shines brightest to bring help to those who need it. Friendship and Love stand erect as tireless truths, with hands outstretched to help crusaders for the blazing boon of brotherhood. Friendship and Charity are the divine principles which teach us to believe in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. Both must forever live to comfort and bless mankind, or both perish. Friendship, Love, or Charity never brought sorrow to a human heart, but keep alive the memories of attachments in youth, even in the winter of old age.
You will do well, therefore, to be mindful of your Obligation, to ever cherish and defend, at the cost of life itself, the Principles of Friendship, Love, and Charity. May the lessons which they teach be indelibly impressed upon your mind.
Warden and Conductor, conduct the Candidates to the station of our Vice-President.
NOTE: The Warden shall turn right, and lead the Candidates to the Vice-President's station; all shall left face the Vice-President, who shall instruct them in the lesson of Love, as follows:
Love is the second great Principle of our Order. It is a bond of union, for the mutual benefit of all within its circle. It is as lasting as eternity. How comforting it is to members of our Order to know that when all life's duties are o'er and they sink into that last calm repose, that the loved ones they have left behind will be cared for. Love never casts a shadow o'er a home, never wounds a human heart, never wrongs a human being. It is never deaf to the cry of the needy, never blind to the wants of the deserving. Its broad and noble heart deals gently with the erring in an endeavor to reclaim them. It lifts up the fallen, aids those in distress, and upbuilds the human race through sympathy.
Friendship, Love, and Charity are the greatest possessions of the soul. They are the basis of all that is true, beautiful, and good. They sing all the songs, and win all the smiles in life.
When you first entered this Hall we wanted you to realize that you had reached a place where the common jars and discords of the outside world are unknown; where men and women meet, in order to help each other in the great battles incident to everyday life. As you learn the true meaning of the Principles of our Order, you can stand upon its platform with a clear vision and see the true destiny of man. There is much in life to live for, and you will see many opportunities to do good. The constant meeting with others serves to remind us of our Obligation to each other, and places us in a position to do good wherever we see an opportunity. Now, my Friends, let this lesson linger in your mind; ever cherish these Principles of fraternal love, and your name, and the record of your kindness, will be inscribed among those of God's noble men and women. Continue on your journey and, in the coming crisis of your life, may your good purposes find contentment in Love's magic power.
Warden and Conductor, conduct our Candidates to the station of our Junior Past President.
NOTE: The Warden, Candidates, and Conductor shall right face, and march to the station of the Junior Past President, who shall instruct them in the lesson of Charity, as follows:
My Friends, man that is born of woman is full of trouble, and, unaided, gropes his way through life, from the cradle to the grave in darkness; but we, as Brothers and Sisters, are banded together to help lighten each others burdens in sickness and distress. We are here today, full of life, vigor, and ambition—tomorrow we are summoned to appear before our Creator, and we are gone forever. But if our lives have been noble and worthy, our Brothers and Sisters who remain will keep green the memory of our good deeds. The scene which you have just witnessed has exemplified the comfort, kindly sympathy and assistance which our Order renders in times of trouble and distress.
Charity is the third great Principle upon which we stand. We teach that the highest Charity is not in the gift of the thing, but it is the spirit that makes charity the greatest of all virtues, bringing gladness into the cottage of the poor, sending sunshine into some dreary soul, speaking kind words that, make music to some heart, soothing the pillow of the suffering, binding up the wounds made by mistakes in life, helping some fallen soul gain respectability, when the world hurls its hissing maledictions, leading a mind from helplessness to victory, from error to truth.
Charity is the feeling heart and helping hand that administers to the sick, soothes the suffering, buries the dead, dries the widow's tears, and educates the orphan. Brothers and Sisters banded together with strong hearts and willing hands can accomplish much for their own happiness, and for the good of humanity. The laying of a rose upon a pulseless breast, or the planting of a flower beside a lonely grave, these are the deeds that Charity bids us do. Always remember that Charity is one of the cornerstones of our Order that we all love so well. Go into the byways and highways and invite the worthy to join us in our great and good work.
Warden and Conductor, retire with the Candidates to the Anteroom to await our further commands.
NOTE: The Warden, Conductor, and Candidates shall right face, march column right around the Hall, past the Vice-President's station, then column left to the Anteroom.
NOTE: The Captain shall arrange the Hall as follows: The Cabin shall be placed to the right of the President's station, the Advisor shall take his place inside the Cabin; Charity shall be seated near by, so as to be prepared to step inside the Cabin and receive the Traveler. When all is in readiness, the Captain shall report:
Worthy President, we are ready to proceed.
Inside Doorkeeper, we are prepared for the return of the Warden and Conductor with the Candidates.
NOTE: The Inside Doorkeeper shall admit the Warden and Conductor with the Candidates. The Warden shall column right, and lead the Candidates around the Hall to the Cabin, while the Lodge will sing first and third verses of "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.
We share our mutual woes,
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.
NOTE: When the Warden reaches the Cabin she shall give two raps on the door, the Advisor from within the Cabin shall say in an aged voice:
Who comes here to disturb one who is at peace with the world?
Worthy Advisor, it is the Warden with a Candidate (or Candidates) who desires (or desire) to listen to the words of wisdom, that they may profit by your years of experience.
NOTE: The Advisor shall step outside the Cabin door, lean heavily upon his staff, during which time a spotlight shall be thrown on the scene. He will then repeat the following charge:
Tis well that my advice be such that ye may better understand the lessons we teach. My Friend, in seeking to become a member of this Order, you are seeking a noble and worthy calling of the purest beings that earth can produce; for here, alone, is exhibited pure and unalloyed love.
Whoso cannot find happiness among these friends, and around his own fireside, cannot find it elsewhere. Kings and mighty Generals have sought it elsewhere, with a lavish expenditure of blood and treasure, only to be disappointed. Even Solomon, the wisest of men, lavished uncounted gold, and squandered precious hours to find it elsewhere, and pronounced his mightiest efforts vain.
If you would be happy, seek happiness in your own home, and around your own fireside. Spend your hours in trying to help others, those you love, and those who love you for what you are. Other friends may charm you while the sun is bright, and all is blithe and gay, but it is to your true friends and to home that you turn when sickness, poverty, and shame have turned the world against you. However, if you will be true to your Obligation, you will ever find true friends who will stand by you, through sickness and disappointments of this life, and will ever be ready to administer to your wants. Now, my Friends, think seriously of the admonition that I have given you tonight, for truth, honesty, and brotherly love must and will be rewarded. I have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
You will about face.
NOTE: During the time the Advisor is giving his charge, a Campfire scene is being arranged to the right of the Vice-President's station, toward the center, around which is seated four men clothed in black robes, dividing their spoil, which shall be imitation paper money.
The Warden shall column left around the Hall, pass the scene slowly, giving the Candidates a chance to see what is being done by these men. She shall then march to the President's station, halt, and all shall left face the center of room. The Traveler shall enter from the left of the Vice-President's station, walk around the Campfire scene twice, slowly, and observe the division of money. When the Traveler leaves the scene one of the men in the group, selected for this purpose, shall strike him with a blow which sends him to the floor, after which the Traveler shall say at short intervals:
Help! Help! I’ve been robbed and wounded. Will no one help me?
NOTE: The Prelate shall enter from the right of the Vice-President's station, walk slowly around the Hall to the right, toward the Traveler with open Bible in hand, as if reading; looks at the Traveler, walks slowly away, hears Traveler's cries for help, returns to the scene, looks upon the wounded man again, and retires to the Anteroom without-giving aid.
During this time the Traveler shall say:
Here comes a man of God—he will help. me. Oh, man of God, I have been wounded and robbed. After a brief pause, continues: No, he will not help me, he passes me by on the other side. Must I perish here alone?
NOTE: The Samaritan enters from the left of the Vice-President's station, walks slowly toward the prostrate form of the Traveler, while he is repeating his cries for help. When reaching the Traveler, he stops, looks, upon him, then leaning over him, says:
Poor fellow, he has been wounded, and is almost dead.
NOTE: The Samaritan rises, and proceeds toward the President's station, when again the cry for help is heard. The Samaritan stands as in deep thought, then hastily returns to the Traveler, raises him to a sitting position, gives him a drink from his canteen, and in a loud voice says:
Though this man may be an enemy of mine, and of my people, yet is he not my brother?
Members shall repeat in unison:
My Brother.
NOTE: The Samaritan removes the cape from around his own shoulder, places it around the Traveler, raises him to his feet, picks up the crook which the Traveler was carrying, and assists him to an Inn for aid.
When about six .feet from the Inn, the Samaritan knock on the floor with the Crook, thereby attracting the attention of Charity; who is stationed inside of the Inn.
The Warden and Conductor with the Candidates shall follow the Samaritan to the Inn. Charity hears the Samaritan's knock, open/the door, and steps outside; she Samaritan shall then say:
Charity, this man I found wounded, and almost dead—do for him as you would for one of your own, and when I return I will reward you well.
Stranger, I will do all in my power to nurse him back to health. Our reward we get from Him above. Always remember, "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Bring him in, that I may administer to his needs.
NOTE: Charity re-enters the Inn, followed by the Samaritan and Traveler, closes the door. The Warden and Conductor with the Candidates remain in same position, while a member selected to give the Lecture shall occupy a position near the Inn, to the right of the President's station, when giving the following charge:
During the Lecture the Captain shall arrange the scene of the "Rock of Ages," which shall be placed to the right of the Vice-President's station. A Sister, wearing a long white robe, shall kneel, and arrange herself as if hanging on the Cross. Three Sisters shall group around the Cross, one to the rear, in a kneeling position, hands folded, head bowed as if in prayer; one standing to the left, with head bowed, hand over right eye, as if weeping; and the other shall hold arms outstretched toward the Cross. These Sisters may wear long white robes, if they so desire.
During the time this scene is being arranged, the following lecture shall be given, while the Candidates are standing at the Cabin.
My Friends, the scene which you have just witnessed was not introduced in a spirit of levity, or to trifle with your feelings, but it is a way we have chosen to show you in a realistic manner the spirit of Love and the weakness of man to stand alone. To show you that man, through all his life, needs friends upon whom he can rely in time of trouble—staunch, true friends who will do and dare for friendship's sake. This man was passed and unaided by a Prelate—a man of God whom we would expect to give aid and sympathy and who surely should be filled with a spirit of Love—but he passed him by on the other side, and left him his fate alone. Soon there chanced to come a hated Samaritan, an enemy of the wounded man and his race of people; yet he had compassion on him. He gave him to drink, sheltered him with his own cape, assisted him to an inn for shelter, and offered to pay for his care. Charity refused to accept a reward, and willingly nursed him to health. Which of these two me was his brother—the one who passed him by on the other side, or the one who helped him to a place of safety? This act illustrates the necessity of prompt action in assisting a Brother or Sister who may be in dire distress; to relieve the sick or needy; or to defend those whom the enemies of purity may endeavor to drag down to their own level. The one who tries to rob you of your manhood or purity is an enemy of the worst type, and should be avoided as you would a pestilence; but the one who is willing to risk his own life to save you and direct you to the road that leads to happiness, honor, and prosperity is a true friend, one upon whom you can depend. Cling to the friend and avoid the enemy. This lesson we impact to you that you may escape the pitfalls of life, and rejoice in the companionship of a Brother or Sister who is steadfast and true. To our members whose hearts are troubled, this Order stands for security and hope. Let the lessons which have convened mind that you will never neglect an opportunity to lend a helping hand to a Sister or Brother who may need your help.
You will about face and witness another beautiful and impressive scene.
NOTE: The Warden, Conductor, and Candidates shall about face, and witness the scene "Rock of Ages," which shall be presented in the form of a Tableau, on which a spotlight shall be thrown to improve the effect. During this scene the Soloist shall sing "Rock of Ages."
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood
From Thy wounded side which flowed,
Be of sin, the double cure,
Save from wrath and make me pure.
At the conclusion of the singing, the Lecturer shall instruct the Warden to conduct the Candidates to the Anteroom, to await our further commands.
NOTE: The Warden and Conductor shall conduct the Candidates to the Anteroom, where the Candidate who is to take the work shall be prepared with a hoodwink, and a chain placed about her neck. The Captain shall arrange the Hall as follows: The Altar shall be placed in center of Hall. The King shall be seated near the President's station, and after the Warden has conducted the Candidate to the President's station, and she has given her charge, the pedestal shall be moved and the King shall be seated in her station. Four Guards, each carrying Spears, shall take their places near the King, two on each side. Friendship with Assistant shall sit at the right and left of the Associate Junior Past President. Love with Assistant shall sit near the Vice-President's station.
Charity, with Brother Assistant, shall sit at the right and left of the Junior Past President's station. The Hall shall be in semi-darkness. When the Hall is in readiness, the Captain shall report:
Worthy President, we are ready to proceed.
Inside Doorkeeper, admit the Warden and Conductor with the Candidates, that they may learn the lesson of Charity.
NOTE: At this time the Inside Doorkeeper shall admit the Conductor with the Candidates, except those who are to take the work, who shall remain in the Anteroom with the Warden. After the Conductor has seated the Candidates, she shall retire to the Anteroom where she shall join the Warden and Candidate. The Warden, Conductor, and Candidate shall be admitted, walking three abreast to the President's station, when the Conductor shall take her station and be seated.
During this time the members shall sing one verse of "Ninety and Nine."

There were ninety and nine that safely lay
In the shelter of the fold.
But one was out on the hills away.
Far off from the gates of gold
Away on the mountains wild and bare,
Away from the tender Herdsmen's care,
Away from the tender Herdsmen's care.
NOTE: At the conclusion of the singing, the Warden shall say:
Worthy President, I have in my care a Friend whom I found at the door. I will place him (or her) in your charge.
My Friend, you are now in a secret chamber, where the world is shut out. None but those who prove themselves to be true and worthy can be admitted to the presence of our King. You are now in darkness, and bound by chains, and you will remain so until you have proven yourself to be what you appear. Warden, lead on our Friend, until he proves himself to be worthy of the Charity which we teach.
NOTE: The Warden shall escort the Candidate to the right around the Hall, while repeating the following charge:
My Friend, rely on me, I am your Friend; I will endeavor to guide you safely into the presence of our King. But before we reach our goal you have to undergo many hardships. You are now about to enter the narrow defiles of a large city where the Principles of Charity are unknown. Should you fall by the wayside, fear not; I will remain with you to the end. Have courage, and let nothing deter you on your journey. Press boldly forward, and you will surely receive your reward.
NOTE: Here the Candidate reaches the "Rocky Road," several Brothers shall jostle the Candidate for some little distance over the Rocky Road, but care must be taken so that the Candidate will not be injured.
After the Candidate has reached the end of the Rocky Road, the Warden shall again take hold of his arm and proceed toward the Palace of the King, march around the Altar, while repeating the following charge:
We are now through the city, and the Palace lies just beyond the mountains through which we must pass. Make haste here the Warden and Candidate shall quicken their steps, for I see in the distance a great storm approaching. Here give storm effects. See the lightning flash, hear the thunder roar? We are now through the mountains, and the storm has passed, and we are reaching the Palace of our King. Remain here, and I will endeavor to persuade the Guard to admit us to the presence of the King.
NOTE: Four Guards, spears in hand, two on each side of the King, shall be ready to draw spears at the report of the Guard. The Warden shall instruct the Candidate to remain standing, while she approaches the King's Guard, to the right of the King, to whom she shall say:
Noble Guard, I have here a Friend who wishes to be admitted to the presence of our King.
Most Worthy King, our very doors are besieged by strangers who seek to be ushered into your presence.
NOTE: The Warden returns to the Candidate, and escorts him to the King, when the King shall say:
Let me look upon this stranger.
NOTE: At this time the Guards stand with drawn spears as if to attack the Candidate.
O Noble King, I have with me a Friend who desires admission to our noble Order. He has passed the Committee, and has proven brave and courageous. He seeks not to destroy, but wishes to promote the Order and extend its usefulness.
Warden, you may restore our Friend to light and liberty here remove the hoodwink and the chain, and may the light flow into his soul, and may the liberty which we now enjoy be to him what freedom was to the slave. Always remember that by becoming a member of this Order you have entered into a closer friendship with us as long as you prove to be a loyal and worthy member. We have all taken this solemn Obligation, and it has never been broken by any worthy member, and we hope that it will never be broken by you. We now become your true Friends here the Guards will draw back their spears), and we expect you to become ours. You must catch the spirit, and learn to be a dispenser of Charity.
Warden and Conductor, place our Friends in a position to receive the lessons of Friendship, Love, and Charity.
NOTE: The Warden shall lead the Candidates around the Hall, and back to the President's station, where they will view the Tableaus of Friendship, Love, and Charity. Each Officer shall stand during the scene at her station. A spotlight shall be used on all scenes. Friendship and Assistant shall stand in front of the Associate Junior Past President's station with their hands clasped; the Associate Junior Past President shall lay her right hand on the clasped hands of Friendship and her Assistant. The Sister selected for this Lecture shall proceed as follows:
As they clasp their hands in fellowship and friendship, one of the great Principles for which we stand, it is indeed a beautiful sight. It represents the equality and helpfulness of all mankind.
No rich, no poor, no low; all standing upon the same platform—that of Friendship.
NOTE: Love shall be standing slightly to the right of the Vice-President's station, with left hand on the right shoulder of her Assistant, who is in a kneeling position, with head thrown backward, eyes looking upward at Love, as if grateful for her help. The Sister selected for this Lecture shall proceed as follows:
What a wonderful blessing is Love. Love strews roses in the pathway of the heartbroken, and her spirit should be as radiant to all mortals as the sun is to the earth. It binds us together that we may share the joys and sorrows of others. Go now, "sustained and soothed by an unfaltering trust. Approach thy grave like one who wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams."
NOTE: The Brother Assistant to Charity shall be in a lying position, in front of the Junior Past President's station, resting on his right elbow,, with his left arm outstretched toward Charity, who shall lean forward, with both arms outstretched toward Assistant, as if ready to give aid. The Sister selected for this Lecture shall proceed as follows:
Charity teaches us that whenever we hear a cry of distress, a moan of the heartbroken, or a wail of the suffering we should be quick in our administration of Charity. Charity places us in an attitude where we can feel another's suffering and know their every sigh; where sorrow flows from heart to heart, and joy from eye to eye.
Our Lord and Saviour has proclaimed Charity as humanity's greatest virtue—that it covers even a multitude of sins.
NOTE: At this time the Warden, Conductor, and Candidates shall form a circle around the Altar; the Officers and the characters in the scenes shall form a circle around the Candidates; all shall remain standing and join in singing, "I've Anchored My Soul in the Haven of Rest."
NOTE: At the conclusion of the singing, the Warden shall say:
The Candiates will repeat after me—Go in peace, for as much as we have sworn, both of us, in the name of our Lord, saying, the Lord be between me and thee, and between my seed and thy seed, forever. Amen.
NOTE: All Officers and Characters in the circle shall repeat in unison "Amen." They shall then resume their stations. The Warden shall lead the Candidates around the Altar to the President's station, where they shall be seated, after which the Warden shall say:
Worthy President, I have the pleasure of presenting to you these Friends who, having been instructed in the lessons of Friendship, Love, and Charity, now desire to receive instructions in the various signs and secret work of our Order.
My Friends, I will now instruct you in the secret work of our Order. Wishing to enter the Lodge while in session, you will give an alarm at the outer door. The Outside Doorkeeper will open the wicket, and to him you will give in a whisper the Permanent Password, which is …. If correct, he will admit you to the Anteroom. You will advance, and give three (3) raps on the inner door. The Inside Doorkeeper shall report to the Vice-President that there is an alarm at the door. The Inside Doorkeeper shall raise the wicket, and through it you will give your name, and the name and number of the Lodge to which you belong. This is … Lodge, and its number is …. You will then give to him in a whisper the Quarterly Password, which for this term is …. The Inside Doorkeeper shall report to the Vice-President, who shall order your admission, if correct. The Inside Doorkeeper shall then admit you to the Lodge Hall, when you will advance to the Altar, salute the Flag by placing the right hand over the right temple, then drop hand to your side. You will then give the Salutation Sign in this manner …. The President shall respond to the Salutation Sign in this manner …. You will then be seated.
Should you desire to leave the room while the Lodge is in session, you will arise and say, Worthy President, may I retire? If in order, you will be given permission to retire. It is never in order to retire during the opening and closing ceremonies, during the reading of the minutes, balloting for candidates, or during the election of Officers. When the President has given you permission to retire, you will advance to the Altar, salute the flag, salute the President with the Salutation Sign, and retire.
The Recognition Sign is made by …. The Answer is made by …. Wishing to test a member further, you will give the Challenge, which is …. The Answer is …. The Grip of the Order is made by …. At the same time you will advance and repeat these words, …; you will be answered by these words ….
The Voting Sign of the Order, when voting on any question, is made by the ….
This concludes the Secret Signs and Words of the Order, except the Distress Signs and Words, which are the most important of all. The Distress Sign is made with the …. The Answer is made in the same manner, using the …. The Distress Words, which are to be used only when it would not be in order to use the Signs, or when it is impossible to do so, are …. The Answer is ….
It is highly important that you remember these words, but you are never to use them, unless when in immediate danger; in fact, you have obligated yourself not to do so. To become more familiar with these words, you will repeat them after me. ….
NOTE: If the Candidate repeats these Words, some of the Brothers standing in the rear of the Candidates shall make a loud noise with a slap board, to prove that they have not taken heed to their instructions. Care should be taken not to frighten the Candidates too much.
After the confusion has subsided, the President shall say:
What is all this confusion?
The Vice-President shall answer.
Worthy President, the new members gave us the Distress Words, and as true and faithful members we answered, as our Obligation requires us to do.
My Friends, this is no idle ceremony, but is to teach you an important lesson—that of remembering and keeping your Obligation. You were instructed never to give these words except when in immediate danger, but you thoughtlessly gave them when in no danger at all. The instantaneous answer to your cry for help by the members present is to teach you that whenever duty calls upon you for quick action to act at once. I hope the members present will be always ready to respond to all duties connected with this Order as they have appeared to do on this occasion.
My Friends, this concludes the Secret Work which will distinguish you from those outside of our Order. It is very essential that you become familiar with the work and aid in every laudable manner the furtherance of the purpose of this Order. You will now be conducted to the Anteroom where you will exemplify the fact that you have given heed to the instructions imparted to you. You will work your way into the Lodge, where you will be introduced and welcomed.
NOTE: The Warden shall retire to the Anteroom with the Candidate who is to work his way into the Lodge. The Conductor shall seat the other Candidates, after which she shall take her position just inside the door of the Lodge Hall, where she shall wait for the admission of the Candidate. After the Warden has instructed the Candidate how to work his way into the Lodge Hall, and the proper signs at the Altar, the Inside Doorkeeper shall admit him, the Conductor shall then escort him to the Altar, where he will give the signs. The Conductor shall then station the Candidate to the right of the Altar, toward the station of the Associate Junior Past President. She shall then resume her station at the inside door to await the admission of the next Candidate, if any. This procedure shall continue until all Candidates have worked their way through the Lodge. After the last Candidate has been placed at the Altar, the Conductor shall resume her position at the door, where she will be joined by the Warden, both shall march down the center of Hall to the Altar, salute the President, and turn right and left, and take their positions at the end of the line of Candidates.
The President shall then proceed.
I will now instruct you in the use of the gavel. One (1) rap calls the Lodge to order, and seats the members, when standing. Two (2) raps calls up the Officers, three (3) raps calls up the entire Lodge.
Officers and members, I now have the pleasure of introducing to you these Brothers and Sisters, who have been duly initiated and instructed into the Order of the Independent Order of Herdsmen, and who are entitled to all the rights and privileges of the Order, according to our laws.
In behalf of … Lodge, No. …, I bid you welcome. The Lodge will sing, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."
NOTE: The Conductor shall conduct the Candidates to the Financial Secretary, where they shall pay their dues. The Warden shall take her station during this time. After the Candidates have all paid their dues, the Warden shall march around the Altar and conduct the Candidates to the Recording Secretary, where they shall designate their Beneficiary. The Warden shall then seat the Candidates, after which she shall march to the Vice-President's station, down the center to her station, and be seated. At this time the Captain shall retire the Team and Officers in the same form as seating. If time will not permit retiring, the President may instruct the Officers to vacate their stations, and the regular Officers to take their places. When the regular Officers have resumed their stations, the Captain shall report:
Worthy President, we are ready to proceed with the regular Order of Business.
Closing Ceremonies
I shall proceed to close this meeting. Financial Secretary, please report the receipts and expenditures of the meeting.
At this time the Financial Secretary shall make her report.
Recording Secretary and Treasurer, please make notation of the receipts and expenditures, and enter them in detail upon your records.
The Lodge will join in singing our Closing Ode.
President gives three raps with gavel.

Closing Ode
God be with you till we meet again,
By his counsels guide, uphold you,
With his sheep securely fold you
Till we meet, . till we meet,
Till we meet at Jesus' feet;
Till we meet, till we meet again,
Till we meet,
Till we meet, till we meet,
God be with you till we meet again.
Till we meet, till we meet again,
The Junior Past President and the Associate Junior Past President will approach the Altar and unite in the Closing Exercises.
NOTE 1: The Associate Junior Past President shall offer the Closing Prayer, after which the Junior Past President shall slowly and reverently close the Bible.
O God, wilt Thou impress upon our hearts the truth that no one lives to himself alone, but that all, living for Thee, must live sympathetically and lovingly with one another; in the name of Christ. Amen.
NOTE 2: At the conclusion of the Prayer, all members shall repeat in unison, "Amen."
The Junior Past President and Associate Junior Past President shall right and left about face and march to the Vice-President’s station, turn right and left to sides of Hall and march down sides to their respective stations.
Warden and Conductor, please collect all Rituals, Ode Cards and other property of the Lodge and see that they are accounted for and locked up.
