Grand Order of the Sword of Bunker Hill - Sons of Liberty
Ritual for the Installation of Officers of Subordinate Orders


M.H.G.C.C.: Brethren, we are about to install the Officers of … Order No. … O.S.B.H. The secretary will call the roll of Officers who, as their names are called, will be placed in line by the M.H.G.A. and escorts.
When in position M.H.G.C.C. proceeds:
Brethren, you have been chosen to serve as the Officers of … Order No. … O.S.B.H. Upon you devolves the duty of conferring this order.
You should realize that responsibility ever goes hand in hand with privilege and power. As Officers of this order you should not feel above your fellows but should realize that you now stand not even upon the level with but 'beneath those who have chosen you to serve them.
Brethren, Previous to investiture it is necessary that you should signify your assent to those ancient charges and usages which point out the duties of the Officers of an order of the S.B.H.
You promise that you will pay due respect to the M.H.G.C.C. and that you will faithfully carry out all regulations and edicts issued from his Office.
You promise that you will promote the general good of our order and that on all proper occasions be ready to give and receive instruction, particularly from the Grand Officers empowered to give the same.
That you will be cautious in your beaviour, courteous to your brethren, and faithful to your order.
You promise to promote at all times, "The pursuit of happiness" as stated in the Declaration of Independence.
You promise that as Officers, you will be proficient in your respective positions, and particularly the Secretary-Treasurer will keep accurate records of all meetings, candidates and membership and make prompt returns to the Grand Order.
You promise, that you will use your utmost endeavors to confer the work of this order in a dignified and impressive manner, and that nothing of a questionable nature shall detract from the general principles of our patriotic order.
These principles are the foundation of the Grand Order. Do you submit to these charges and promise to support these regulations as all officers have done in ages before you?
All answer:
I do.
Now by the authority in me granted as the M.H.G.C.C. of the Grand Order of the S.B.H, I declare the Officers of … Order No. … duly installed for the ensuing term.
