Patriots of America


Duties of Officers

First Patriot
The duty of the First Patriot is to preside at the lodge meetings, and he is the chief executive officer of the lodge. He should keep in touch with the National Office; and particularly should he study the Order and the power of education through lodge work and literature, and seek to utilize them in the conversion of the people of his community to our cause. He should be patient and impervious to ingratitude.
Second Patriot
The Second Patriot will preside in the absence of the First Patriot, and should observe all that is said of the duties of the First Patriot; otherwise his duties are provided for in the ritual.
Third Patriot
The Third Patriot will preside in the absence of the First and Second Patriots, observe all that is said of the First Patriot and perform the duties provided for him in the ritual.
The duty of the Chaplain, otherwise than as provided in the ritual, is, that he will prepare himself as a lecturer on the subject of civilization and the effect of laws on humanity. This officer should be selected from among those strongly in sympathy with the movement and capable of making an instructive speech, or who will probably become such a person, with practice. He should aim to speak once a week, at a public meeting, to the members of the Order and others who may attend, on such day in the week as may be decided upon by the lodge. In case he is a minister, it will probably not antagonize any one for him to lecture on Sundays. The Chaplains in the various lodges in a county should interchange in their appointments.
The Recorder should, after each installation, report names of the First Patriot, Chaplain, Treasurer and Recorder to the National Office and to the State and County Patriots, if such officers exist in his State and county. The National Office, the State office and the County office of the Order should have the names of the above-named officers and rely on the local Recorders for them. The other duties of the Recorder will naturally suggest themselves, and are in part provided for in the ritual.
The Treasurer will receive and pay out the money of the lodge. He will report all money received, who from, and all payments, to the Recorder; and at each meeting of the lodge he will read his report. The Treasurer should pay out money on the order of the First Patriot, countersigned by the Recorder. He should keep a list of all subscribers to the Patriots Bulletin at his place, with the date of the expiration of their subscriptions, and encourage all members in renewing their subscriptions. The National Office will furnish local Treasurers a list of subscribers at their place, on application.
The Sergeant-at-arms.
The Sergeant-at-arms has his duties very fully set forth in the, ritual, but in addition thereto, it will be his duty to see to the proper arrangement of the room, and to providing for and taking care of the flag, the ballot box, song books, and other property of the lodge.
The Librarian
The Librarian will seek to build up a circulating library from the money furnished him by the lodge, as well as from contributions otherwise received for that purpose, A library should include not only books but newspapers and periodicals.
The Guides
The duty of the Guides is to assist the Sergeant-at-arms in collecting the pass-word and initiating candidates, and otherwise, as provided for in the ritual.
Outside Doorkeeper
It will be the duty of the Outside Doorkeeper to be first at the lodge room, and require the pass word from all who enter, and show all candidates to an anteroom, He will attend to all alarms at the outside door and during the session of the lodge report all visitors or persons seeking admission to the lodge to the inside doorkeeper.
Inside Doorkeeper
Attend to all alarms at the inner door and ascertain their cause, and report to the Chaplain * * * for instructions, except when given by the Sergeant-at-arms when conducting candidates for initiation seeking admission; in this case he will report to the First Patriot, as given in the ritual. He will not advance to the altar when addressing the First Patriot, but will speak from his position at the door.

The First Patriot will call the lodge to order by one rap of the gavel, saying:
The members will now come to order, and the officers will take their respective stations.
If there are any vacancies among the officers, the First Patriot will now proceed to fill the same from among the members present.
The First Patriot will now address the Sergeant-at-arms as follows:
Sergeant-at-arms, you will ascertain if all present are members of the Order, in good standing, and communicate to me our password.
The Sergeant-at-arms will, with two knocks of his staff upon the floor, call up the guides and address them as follows:
Guides, you will begin at the First Patriots station and collect the password upon the right und left, excepting the officers, finishing at the Librarians station, and communicate the same to me.
The Sergeant-at-arms, after receiving the password from the Guides, will communicate to the First Patriot (at low breath), and if the password is correct the First Patriot will say:
We find all present are members of the Order and entitled to sit with us.
The First Patriot now rises to his feet and with three raps of the gavel calls up the entire lodge and addresses them as follows:
I now declare … Lodge, No. …, duly in session for the transaction of such business as may properly come before it. Members, what is the fundamental principle of this Order?
Members together:
First Patriot:
How do you expect to promote the interests of humanity?
By studying the science of civilization and noting the effect of laws upon the liberty, prosperity and happiness of mankind.
In rendering this the Chaplain should lead for the members.
First Patriot:
You have answered well. One rap of the gavel seating the members.
First Patriot:
The Recorder will now call the roll of officers.
The Sergeant-at-arms, with staff in hand, steps forward to a position, say ten feet in front of First Patriot, and as the Recorder calls the roll the Sergeant-at-arms answers for the officers, "present" or "absent," as the case may be. The officers do not speak for themselves, the Sergeant-at-arms does this for them.
First Patriot:
Sergeant-at-arms, you will ascertain if there are any candidates awaiting initiation and report.
The Sergeant-at-arms will now, staff in hand, present himself in rear of the altar, salute the First Patriot and retire to the ante-room; upon his return he will present himself in rear of the altar, salute the First Patriot and address him as follows:
Most Worthy First Patriot, I find waiting for initiation the following persons: ….
First Patriot:
Recorder, have these persons been balloted on and elected?
Recorder answers
yes or no.
First Patriot:
The Second and Third Patriots, Treasurer and two Guides will now join the Sergeant-at-arms and retire to the ante-room and prepare the candidates.
The Second Patriot will address the candidates in the ante-room as follows:
Friends, before entering our temple of liberty, it will be necessary for you to take upon yourself a pledge of secrecy. Are you willing to take such a pledge? If so, you will hold up your right hand and repeat after me:
I hereby, in the presence of the Patriots here assembled, pledge upon my honor that I will keep sacred what occurs in this lodge, and communicate it to no one except it be a member in good standing.
The Treasurer will now address the candidates as follows:
It is my pleasure to inform you … here the Treasurer will state the facts as may have been determined by his lodge under Amendment No. 1, of the Constitution. He should carefully read that amendment in the light of the action of, his lodge and prepare the statement that he makes to the candidates. It cannot be placed in the ritual, as it is not known what action each lodge will take in fixing an initiation fee, if any.
The Second Patriot, Third Patriot and Treasurer will now return to the lodge room and resume their respective stations.
While the officers are preparing the candidates the interim may be filled in by the First Patriot addressing the members on their duty during the initiation ceremony.

The Sergeant-at-arms will arrange the candidates in single or double file and place himself at the head, the right hand guide at the head and right of column, holding the first candidate by the arm; the left hand guide following at the rear on the left and holding the rear candidate by the left arm. The Sergeant-at-arms will now march with his candidates to the inner door and give three distinct knocks.
The Inner Doorkeeper will answer in like manner, and then opens the door and says:
Who comes here?
Friend who desire to enter our temple of liberty for the purpose of being instructed in the science of civilization, and of becoming a part of this great work for humanity.
Inner Doorkeeper:
Who vouches for them?
I vouch for them.
Inner Doorkeeper will now close the door and says:
Most Worthy First Patriot, candidates for initiation seek admission to the lodge room.
First Patriot:
Admit them if properly vouched for,
Inner Doorkeeper now opens the door wide and says:
By order of the First Patriot you will enter this temple of liberty in the name of humanity.
The Sergeant-at-arms will enter marching at the head of the candidates and about three or four feet in advance and march once around the lodge room, halting in front of the First Patriot, about eight feet from his stand, Once around the room may be omitted.
The First Patriot will call up the members by three raps of the gavel on entrance of the candidates into the lodge room, and the members will join in singing one more verses of "America," while candidates are being conducted around the lodge room.
The Sergeant-at-arms will now address the First Patriot as follows:
Most Worthy First Patriot, I present you with candidate, who enter our temple of liberty for the purpose of being instructed in the science of civilization, and of becoming a part of this great work for humanity.
First Patriot, first giving one rap of gavel to seat members:
Friend, the foundation principle of our Order is humanity. The spirit that animates our organization is that spirit which every true lover of his country finds in the Declaration of Independence.
We require of every member that he shall hold human rights and the general welfare of a common country as above selfish interests, individually or collectively. We have accepted your application for membership in our Order as evidence that you recognize the imminent dangers that threaten our country, and the necessity for all sincere patriots to band together in an intelligent effort to preserve the government of the people instituted by the unselfish patriots of 1776. If your love of country is stronger than your love of self; if you are prepared to unselfishly work today that you and your children may enjoy the blessings and happiness of a brighter tomorrow, we want you among us and need your assistance.
Before proceeding further, it is fitting that I should briefly explain to you that there is nothing in this Order nor in the affirmation that you will be required to make that will, in any way, conflict with the religious belief you may entertain, nor with your allegiance to the constitution and laws of this country. With this assurance upon my part, are you willing to proceed?
I am.
The Sergeant-at-arms may now take his seat in the lodge.
First Patriot will now Obligate the candidate as follows:
You will now hold up your right hands and say:
I, pronounce your name, now repeat after me, hereby affirm that, I will support the Constitution of the United States, the State in which I live, and the Constitution of the Patriots of America. I sincerely promise and affirm, that I will diligently cultivate the exalted principles of this Order, and so long as, I am a member thereof, will conform to its tenets. I also sincerely promise and affirm, that I will preserve inviolate the inner workings of this Order, and communicate what occurs at the meetings thereof, to no one except it be a member of the Order in good standing, so far as the same does not conflict with my duty to my country or to my God. To the faithful performance of this obligation, I pledge my manhood and my sacred honor.
I now call your attention to the emblem of our Order.
This is the cue for the Second Patriot, who will at once begin, pointing, as he does so to the emblem of the Order. The emblem should be in the possession of the Second Patriot, but if mislaid one will be found in the Recorder’s roll of membership.
Second Patriot:
This picture is to teach you, while defending the Constitution of the Republic, you should ever cherish and revere the flag, emblematic of Our freedom and the principles of liberty.
You will also observe that the flag in the hand of the Goddess of Liberty is surrounded by the pictures of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson and Lincoln, whose lives were dedicated to the principles we represent. Washington served his country for eight years without pay or other moneyed consideration.
Jefferson gave us the immortal principle that man serves himself best by promoting the common good.
Jackson defended us from the money dealers who sought to establish here a duplicate of the Bank of England, that would have sapped the organic fluid of our civilization and hastened the same financial distress that has since come upon us in another form; displaying the heroic courage that refused to bend or yield to the influence of wealth and ostracism of a moneyed aristocracy.
Lincoln was the great emancipator, who decided wisely when property interests and the interests of humanity came into irreconcilable conflict; teaching a sublime devotion to the principles of humanity, that knew no faltering, even in the darkest days of the Republic.
We are now entering upon a struggle in which we will need to combine within ourselves a devotion to all the principles and teachings of these illustrious leaders. These are the lessons I would impress upon your minds. Should you emulate the virtues of these illustrious patriots you will deserve to be congratulated.
This is the cue for the Third Patriot to immediately say.
Third Patriot:
I, congratulate you, on having testified, your fidelity to the principles of humanity. We have adopted a Practical plan for referring to the wisdom of the people, all questions of civilization as affected by the laws of nations. We seek to bring together the plain people, in a great school where they may study and inform themselves on the science of government, where each may become an intelligent elector in the discharge of his duty as a citizen of the Republic.
Be carefully watching the progress of this Order, you will discover that the power to be derived by organization of the people is unlimited, It invokes, as we have planned it, the unselfish wisdom of the people, for the solution of those questions necessary for our success as an organization, I invite you to study the strength and power of organization when embodied in an unselfish brotherhood.
This is the cue for the Chaplain, who will immediately say.
Brother, voicing the sentiment of this brotherhood, I, too, welcome you among us. It is my pleasant duty to say to you that all the members of this Order, wherever they may be, recognize one common religion and that religion is humanity.
Chaplain, now addressing Guides:
Guides, conduct the candidates to the altar. A United States flag should be on the altar.
First Patriot, or Chaplain:
Brother, you will take the folds of this flag in your right hand, and repeat after me: By this sacred emblem. I do this day vow that I will not rest until this land is free from the monarchical influences of Europe; until the purest principles of Americanism and a popular form of government have been permanently established in the United States, based upon the intelligence of the people; and that I will diligently and unselfishly apply myself to the principles of this noble Order. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in this my honorable and patriotic determination.
First Patriot will promptly, as the last word is uttered by the Chaplain, give three raps of the gavel, calling the members all to their feet, and say: Members, join me in the center of the room.
All the members, including the candidates, will join hands in a circle around the altar; if too many for one circle make two or more circles.
First Patriot:
To restore the republic all hands raised, to secure forever the principles of humanity all hands raised again, and promising to be ever faithful to this brotherhood all hands raised again, I pledge my life and my sacred honor all hands raised again.
First Patriot:
Brothers, upon the keeping of this pledge of honor rests the future happiness and destiny of the human race. Ever remember your sacred vow.
Candidates, you are now members of this Order, and in your honor I now declare a recess of five minutes, during which time you will sign our constitution. Any member wishing to make donations or pay his monthly dues will take advantage of the recess to visit the treasurer.
Congratulations and music are in order during this recess, which may be extended ten minutes by the First Patriot. It will be the duty of the Recorder to see that the candidates sign the constitution, with street addresses, if living in cities.
At the close of the recess, the First Patriot, on calling the lodge to order, will say:
The newly-made members will now appear before me for further instructions:
The First Patriot will give them the pass word and such other advice as to attending meetings, literature, buttons, badge, etc., as he may see fit, including the fact that the Bulletin, with literature, is published by and belongs to the Order.

Closing he Meeting
First Patriot give * * *, all standing:
Attention, members! We are now about to bring this session of the lodge to a close.
The verse of a song may here be used, if desired.

I desire to impress upon those present that by the obligation of membership, you are prohibited from disclosing to any person not known to you as a member of this Order, any information concerning anything that has occurred here.
I now declare this session of our lodge closed until … night, … day of … week, as the case may be. *.
