Loyal Order of Moose
Ritual of the Degree of Purity

1967, Great Britain

General Opening Ceremony

Inner Guard, from his post:
Brothers, arise and receive your Officers.
Members rise and remain silent. Officers, except Governor and Guiding Moose, enter Lodge Room in two files, one to left of Vice-Governor's Station led by Past Governor, one to right of Vice-Governor's Station led by Previous Past Governor. They form a semicircle around Altar and face Governor's Station.
After a suitable interval the Governor, escorted by the Guiding Moose, enters and proceeds to his Station, passing on the WISDOM side of Altar. Guiding Moose moves to position m. via the Prelate's Station.
Governor, standing:
In the name of the Supreme Lodge of the World, Grand Lodge of Great Britain, Loyal Order of Moose, … Lodge, Number …, will come to order. Officers will assume their stations. Pause, while they bow to Governor and do so. The Inner Door will be closed. Pause. The Guiding Moose will ascertain whether or not all present are Loyal Moose.
Guiding Moose bows, turns about and moves to Inner Guard from whom he receives his report. If any visitors are present, the Vice-Governor will say:
Vice-Governor, without sign:
Brother Governor, I have the pleasure to announce that the following visiting Brothers are with us tonight.
Vice-Governor reads list of names, giving rank of any Officers and name and number of Lodge to which each visiting Brother belongs. The Governor will extend a welcome, and invite any visiting Officers to occupy any special seats near his station.
Guiding Moose:
Brother Governor, I find that all present are entitled to remain.
Guiding Moose remains at Altar. Governor gives one rap.
Brother Guiding Moose, prepare the Altar and Stations.
Guiding Moose, unfolds cloth:
With this cloth I drape the Altar, before which we assumed our obligation.
Holds up closed Bible with both hands:
This is the Holy Bible, our inspiration and our guide.
Places Bible on Altar and opens it at page marked by white riband, then holds up Bible again:
Here, marked by the white riband of Purity, are written these words:
Guiding Moose places open Bible on Altar and bows to Governor.

Procedure for apparelling station officers
1. Guiding Moose proceeds to each Station in turn, beginning with the Prelate's.
2. Guiding Moose drapes the Station and declares it.
3. The Station Officer then rises.
4. The Station Officer receives Collar from Guiding Moose, apparels himself, makes his response, and remains standing.
5. Guiding Moose remains standing at the Station till the response is complete.
6. Guiding Moose bows to Station Officer, who acknowledges the bow.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Station of Purity.
We bind ourselves to keep the heart pure, the mind chaste, and the body clean; to learn to love, and to love to learn, that which is good.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Station of Aid.
We are bound together in a common brotherhood, and we labour for the common good - "One for all, and all for one."
Guiding Moose:
This is the Station of Wisdom.
Past Governor:
"Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not... Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding."
Guiding Moose:
This is the Station of Progress.
Forward in the good; onward in the right.
Guiding Moose returns to his post, passing Station of Purity and remains standing.
The apparelling will now be completed.
On this command the remaining Officers will rise together and apparel themselves, taking their time from the Guiding Moose, and will remain standing.
Governor gives two raps to raise remainder of Lodge:
Brother Prelate.
All fold arms and bow heads during prayer.
God of the Universe, in Whom we live and move and have our being, Source of all created things, and Father of all the sons of men in all lands, everywhere - we acknowledge Thy supremacy, Thy majesty, Thy glory. Look Thou with favour upon our brotherhood. Prosper it. Give it peace, harmony and progress. Grant us to be just aid fraternal in all our dealings; and into the discord of material strife breathe the soft, sweet harmony of the Golden Rule, and teach us that man's greatest good is to be found in service to his fellow man.
All remain standing. Guiding Moose proceeds with Union Jack facing Governor, where he presents it, holding it upright, unfurled, the foot of the pole off the floor. Music.
Guiding Moose:
I present the flag of our country, the symbol of unity, the emblem of liberty, justice and brotherhood.
Guiding Moose retains flag motionless. Brothers sing first verse of National Anthem. Guiding Moose then proceeds with flag to rear and right of Governor's Station and places it in its stand, after which he returns to his post.
Brothers, let us now say together, "It is our duty …"
Governor and Brothers (together):
"It is cur duty - to keep inviolate our obligations - to strengthen and maintain the Defending Circle - and in our daily lives and conduct – to exemplify Purity, Aid and Progress."
Brothers, form the Defending Circle.
On the word 'Circle’: Brothers place left hand on heart and right hand on next Brother's shoulder without unseemly movement or noise; a lone Brother, for example, Inner Guard, Organist etc. - will simply place his left, hand on his heart. The Circle of Brothers nearest Altar must be continuous, but all Brothers behind shall be deemed to be symbolically a part of that circle though there is no actual contact. As the Governor advances the Circle is closed by the Brothers on either side of him.
And now listen to the legend of the Locked Horns.
In the primeval wilds of the northland two noble moose, leaders of their herds, met in deadly combat. Today their locked antlers, mute evidence of the futility of antagonism and strife, lie bleaching on the plains. We are met tonight as Brothers united in a common cause. Let the spirit of harmony and fraternal regard temper and guide our deliberations, lest we be blinded to the lesson of the Locked Horns. Brothers, dissolve the Circle.
While Organist plays introductory bars of Opening Ode the Circle is dissolved by each Officer returning to his Station and each Brother to his place.

Opening Ode
Father of all men, in this hour
Show forth in us Thy love and power:
May we in harmony be found,
And may our lodge be hallowed ground.
So may our work begun in Thee
In peace and concord, ever be
Performed in true sincerity;
And prosper this fraternity.
Enlarge our circle here below;
Thine aid upon our Lodge bestow,
Thy wisdom through Thy truth reveal,
And help us in the common weal.
Brothers, I bid you welcome, and now declare … Lodge, Number …, Grand Lodge of Great Britain, Loyal Order of Moose, duly opened. The Inner Guard will admit all those who are qualified to; enter.
Governor gives one rap to seat Lodge.
After the entry of late-comers, if the annual password has been changed since the last meeting, the Governor announces this in the following terms:
Governor, two raps:
Brothers, by commission of the Grand Governor I give you the current annual password, which is .... You will repeat it, in an undertone, with me.
Brothers do so. One rap.
At this point all Lodge business will be proceeded with and completed. If an Initiation Ceremony is to be performed, the following instruction will be given before the offertory.
Where no Offertory is taken, this instruction should be given shortly before completion of Lodge business.
Brother Previous Past Governor, you will retire to the ante-room to make enquiry, and receive assurances from the candidate(s) in waiting.
Previous Past Governor bows to Governor and proceeds to the ante-room.

This should be taken at the end of primary business, immediately before Initiation.
Brothers, the Lodge Offertory will now be taken. Give from your heart as the Guiding Officers wait upon you to receive your offering. This will be devoted to …. Organist plays until next words are spoken.
Guiding Moose takes offertory from Quadrants of PROGRESS and PURITY, and Assistant Guiding Moose from Quadrants of WISDOM and AID. They place offertory bags on Governor's Station, bow, and return to their posts by the way they came.
Brother Warden.
Warden takes up position before Governor's Station.
I commit to your care the offerings of our Brothers.
Warden takes offertory bags, bows, and returns to his post.

Particular Instructions

1. The Ritual of this important ceremony must be performed exactly as it is written. This applies both to the spoken parts and to instructions; no alterations, additions or omissions will be permitted.
2. A Lodge may, if it so desires, appoint a Degree Team to perform the Initiation Ceremony.
3. The officiating Governor shall have absolute charge and control of the Ceremony; he shall familiarize himself thoroughly with the ritual; he cannot read it too often or devote too much study to its performance.
4. All Officers shall commit to memory their parts in the Ceremony which shall be performed without the use of the printed ritual. Any part distinctly assigned to a Past Governor should not be taken by other than a Past Governor unless no such one be available. Whenever possible, more than one Brother should be prepared for each part, and all Brothers taking part in the Initiation Ceremony should frequently rehearse together to ensure adequate performance of this important work.
5. The Secretary shall collect the fees and dues prior to the Initiation Ceremony. To prevent delay, he should do this before the meeting.
6. The Chimes to be used in the Initiation Ceremony shall have the approval of the Ritual Committee.
7. The Mooseheart used in the Initiation Ceremony shall be the Mooseheart Lamp. It shall be suspended about three feet above the Altar. It must be procured from the Supplies Department.
8. Where at any point in any Ceremony a change of Officers has to be made, the incoming Officer shall proceed to the Altar, and shall then be conducted to his Station by the Guiding Moose. The outgoing Officer shall stand, place his collar on the Station, and conduct into his place the incoming Officer, who shall apparel himself. The Officers shall exchange bows, and the outgoing Officer be escorted to his seat in the Lodge Room by the Guiding Moose, who then returns to his post.
9. Care should be taken to ensure that the Organist, the Electrician and the Chimes Player are at their posts.
10. No business of any kind shall be transacted during the Initiation Ceremony.
11. It is important to remember that no signs or salutes are given during the Initiation Ceremony, until the instructions are being given.
12. The Ritual generally contemplates that there will be "Candidates"; if, in fact, but one Candidate is to be initiated, the appropriate changes should be made. Only such candidates as can reasonably be accommodated at the Altar shall be initiated at the same time except, for example, at the Institution of a Lodge (for which separate instructions are issued), or in other special circumstances. In such cases other candidates will be directed to their places in the Quadrant of Purity (and Quadrant of Aid, if necessary), by the Assistant Guiding Moose, and the Governor will address them thus:
Governor: Friends, in the Ceremony of Initiation this evening, we have selected Mr … to represent you. You will each consider that this Initiation is conferred upon you individually. You will be in the charge of the Assistant Guiding Moose and will follow his instructions. You may be seated.

Ceremony of Initiation
In ante-room
Prior to taking of Offertory, or before the close of business, the Previous Past Governor will have retired to the ante-room.
Previous Past Governor:
Friends, do you, and each of you, promise to refrain from discussing with non-members details of the ceremony in which you will participate this evening? If so,
you will answer "I do."
I do.
Previous Past Governor:
You will be expected to take an obligation of loyalty to the Order, its laws and procedures, of support for its services and Mooseheart in particular, and of the practice of a high standard of conduct.
Are you, and each of you, willing to take this obligation which will not conflict with any religious, political or social affiliations you may now have, and which will not conflict with your duty to your family, your country, or your God? If so, you will answer "I am."
I am.
Previous Past Governor collects the printed cards and awaits the Guiding Moose.
In Lodge room
We will now proceed to initiate the Candidates in waiting. Brother Secretary, do you vouch that all necessary membership requirements have been fulfilled?
Secretary, rises:
Brother Governor, I do.
Brother Guiding Moose, you will retire and conduct the Candidates to the Lodge Room.
Guiding Moose bows and retires to ante-room. When inner door re-opens, Previous Past Governor enters and advances before Governor.
Guiding Moose and candidates wait just inside the door until Previous Past Governor makes his report and is seated.
Previous Past Governor:
Brother Governor, the Candidates are in readiness.
Previous Past Governor resumes his seat. Guiding Moose conducts the Candidates to the Altar, and, with the Candidates on his left, faces the Governor. The Assistant Guiding Moose takes position on the left of the Candidates.
Guiding Moose:
Brother Governor, I present Mr. ….
Mr. …, on behalf of this Lodge, I welcome you. Your attention will now be directed to the splendid characteristics of the noble animal from which our Order takes its name, that you may the better understand the purposes of our Brotherhood.
Strong and majestic, guarding within a defending circle the younger members of his family, waging war upon the enemies of his herd and battling stubbornly for the protection of his own, the moose, the animal from which our Order takes its name, exemplifies our motto - "One for All, and All for One."
The woodland is his home; the far-reaching plains of the Northland are his playground. To live he does not kill his fellowlife. The green things of the forest, the leaf and flower of the water-lily are his food; he takes only that which he needs; he robs not his fellows, he lays waste no land and despoils no homes. Grazing in the mountain parks he kneels, as if in adoration to the Creator and Preserver of life universal. The moose loves freedom; with mighty strides he seeks the heights, and, leaving the meadows and small hills far below, he takes his stand high among the clouds.
Of all the animal kingdom, none excels the moose in reasoning power; whether cropping the leaves of the birch or sporting in the pure waters of the rivers, whether scaling the mountain crags or avoiding the wiles of the wolf pack, he fearlessly and wisely uses his brain. Monarch of his kingdom, he lives to a great age - the just reward of a life of simplicity, moderation and loyalty.
He is the embodiment of courage and strength, a source of inspiration to all the nobler qualities of life, and his antlers are ever borne in the cause of Purity, Aid and Progress,
Friends, you have heard the story of the moose. Hear now those precepts which will lead you to the heights.
Thou shalt believe in God and worship Him as thy conscience dictates. Thou shalt be tolerant and let others worship each in his own way.
Thou shalt love thy country and be a loyal, peaceful citizen thereof. Thou shalt strive to make its people happy and contented; peacefully devoted to ideals rather than to love of conquest; known for their happiness rather than the extent of their domain.
Thou shalt be the guardian and protector of thy household; there shalt thou dwell in love and be unending in devotion.
Thou shalt devote thyself in service to thy fellow men.
Thou shalt measure them by what they are, not by what they have; by their virtues, not their vices; by their deeds rather than their words.
Thou shalt protect the weak, lift up the fallen, and with a willing hand give aid.
Thou shalt guide thy Brother in the path of righteousness; aid him in the time of need; comfort him in his hour of sorrow, and protect his family when it is fatherless. So wilt thou honour this, thy Fraternity.
Thou shalt beware the slanderous mouth, the loose tongue and the deceiving spirit.
Square thy words with thy deeds; be not a vain pretender; avoid hypocrisy; shun deceit.
Thou shalt be tolerant of all weakness; words spoken in heat, wise men comprehend, and then forget.
Thou shalt be true and pure; thou shalt be just and kind; thou shalt be humble and free from greed. Thou shalt be fearless in the cause of right.
And — "Whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so unto them."
Prelate returns to his Station and sits. Vice-Governor resumes position.
Friends, you have learned the precepts of our Order as well as the source from which they are drawn. If you desire to join in our work, you will clasp the hand of the Governor over the Altar.
Governor assumes position, and clasps each Candidate's hand in turn, saying:
I accept your token and pledge.
Stands back from the Altar.

Let this be a solemn and serious covenant. Write it deep in your heart. Let it find expression in your daily life, and wherever you meet a Loyal Moose in trouble, want or danger, remember the pledge you now give "One for All and All for One." And even as you do unto a Brother, so shall it be done unto you.
Governor and Vice-Governor return to their Stations.
After a suitable pause, the chimes will be sounded; the lights will be turned out. The chimes should be sounded intermittently throughout the Lecture, as arranged between the Orator and the Chimes-player.
Listen, my friends, listen to the bells!
Their song, their melody, their harmony are all for you. Bells chime.
Listen to the bells - they are calling you, calling you from a world of strife and discord to a world of peace and rest. Bells chime.
Listen to the bells — they admonish us to lay aside prejudice, hatred and jealousy, the discordant notes in the affairs of men; they are tenderly calling us to make for Purity, Aid and Progress. Soft chiming.
The message of the bells is that we must not withhold words of love, kindness and good cheer. As good has come to us, and the spirit of fraternity is ours, so to keep the good must we pass it along. The world famishes for kindness, courtesy, truth and love Bells silent for kindness; then withhold not good when it is in the power of your hand to do it;—for courtesy; "A word spoken in due season, how good it is!" -for truth; "to thine own self be true, thou canst not then be false to any man." -for love; "A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity." Soft chime.
Give out harmony and harmony shall be yours, and life shall be a glad sweet song. Louder chime. So hearken to the chiming of the bells. Does not the concord of their sweet sounds quicken all that is truest, best and noblest in your soul, and inspire you to stand "One for All and All for One?"
Orator pauses. Chimes sound softly at first, then loudly and then softly as the Orator proceeds;

Ring out, sweet bells, ring out!
Ring out the evil slander and the spite;
Ring in the love of truth and right,
Ring in the common love of good.
Ring out the thousand wars of old,
Ring in the thousand years of peace.
Ring in the valiant man and free,
The larger heart, the kindlier hand;
Ring out the darkness of the land,
Ring in the LIGHT that is to be.
Orator returns to his seat.
"He that hateth his Brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth; but he that loveth his Brother abideth in the light." Lights turned on.
Guiding Moose:
Friends, we have learned the purpose of this Order and have heard the message of the bells. With their chimes still echoing in our hearts, let us proceed on our journey to that Defending Circle, where all Loyal Moose meet and abide in Brotherly Love.
Guiding Moose leads Candidates to Prelate's Station, taking his position to left of, and facing Station; Assistant Guiding Moose arranges Candidates on right of Guiding Moose and takes his own position on their right.
The procession around the Stations is led by the Assistant Guiding Moose and thy take up the same relative positions in front of, and facing each Station - Assistant Guiding Moose on extreme right, Candidates on his left and Guiding Moose on their left.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Prelate's Station - the Station of Purity.
Prelate, rises:
We bind ourselves to keep the heart pure, the mind chaste, and the body clean; to learn to love, and to love to learn, that which is good. Remains standing.
Assistant Guiding Moose leads to Vice-Governor's Station.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Vice-Governor's Station — the Station of Aid.
Vice-Governor, rises:
We are bound together in a common brotherhood, and we labour for the common good — "One for All and All for One." Remains standing.
Assistant Guiding Moose leads to Past Governor's Station.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Past Governor's Station – the Station of Wisdom.
Past Governor, rises:
Get wisdom, get understanding; forget it not ... Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Remains standing.
Assistant Guiding Moose leads candidates to Governor's Station.
Guiding Moose:
This is the Governor's Station – the Station of Progress.
Governor, rises:
From this Station issues the direction of the Lodge in the advancement of our ideals and purposes, pause. Forward in the good; onward in the right. Governor gives two raps as the Assistant Guiding Moose conducts the Candidates to the Altar by way of the Prelate's Station.
The Guiding Moose takes position as the Candidates turn to face the Altar. Dramatic chords played during this movement should cease abruptly as they turn, and the Guiding Moose immediately says:
Guiding Moose:
This is the Altar at the centre of our Circle. Here YOU will be called to make your solemn promise to the Brotherhood. Regard it with reverence and be eager to fulfil your vows.
Guiding Moose takes his place at the right of Candidates.
Brothers, form the Defending Circle. Candidates are brought inside Circle by the Assistant Guiding Moose, who will arrange them in an arc behind the principal Candidate.
Past Governor:
Friends, you are now within our Defending Circle. It embodies the thought that in union there is strength; that a burden heavy to one is borne lightly by many; that the strong should share their strength with the weak.
In days of sorrow it is your comforter; in the darkness of despair it throws the strength of loving arms about you.
Henceforth as members of our Defending Circle, you stand charged with us to make its protection a real vital factor in the life of every Brother. In the discharge of that duty may you never fail or even falter, but willingly and with a glad heart stand ever ready.
Be you helped or be you helping, whether you receive or whether you give, the Circle of our Fraternity will make life for you happier, more useful and more contented.
But human life is not for ever; death comes to all. As the light of life fades out lights to be turned out darkness comes upon the scene. But in the darkness WE gaze upon the emblem of
Mooseheart Mooseheart lamp lit lit by the light of love, hope and truth.
This emblem links us with our Brothers across the ocean, who in founding Mooseheart - now the City of Happy Childhood — shelter orphaned children and train them for a full and useful life.
Realising that no institution which labours for self and self alone can remain great and mighty and serve posterity, the Fraternity in this country has given expression to its ideals and principles by the establishment of British Mooseheart and its welfare service. It is the heart of the Order from which flow the pure streams of Aid and Progress.
All our power, of which you are now to become a part, is pledged to the fulfilment of those great principles for which our Order stands.
Whate'er our faith, whate'er our creed, Mooseheart makes fraternity a living thing, and under the guidance of Him who is the Father of all, we strive to embody in this noble endeavour the high spiritual purpose that man should be devoted in service to his fellow man.
Past Governor returns to his place in the Circle. Lights are turned on. Mooseheart Lamp extinguished.
Do you believe in the purposes of our Order, and do you sincerely desire membership therein: If so, you will answer "I do."
I do.
Governor, leaves his place in the Defending Circle and takes position:
And now give your close attention to this solemn and serious obligation, which once taken, shall bind you to us for all time.
Governor reads slowly and distinctly from a printed copy:
I do most solemnly promise that I will obey the laws of the Supreme Lodge of the World, Grand Lodge of Great Britain, Loyal Order of Moose, and the bye-laws of the Lodge of which I am to become a member.
I will not become a member of any organisation using the word Moose as part of its name, unless such organisation is under the jurisdiction of the Loyal Order of Moose.
I will not appeal to any civic authority in matters pertaining to this Order, until I have exhausted all the means of redress provided by this Order.
I will extend the hand of fellowship and Brotherhood to any Loyal Moose with whom my relationship has become estranged.
I will never knowingly propose an unworthy person for membership in this Order, nor will I oppose the admission of any worthy applicant.
I will strive always to practise and encourage a high Standard of moral conduct.
I will cherish and support the aims of British Mooseheart and its welfare service, pause.
Each Candidate will place his left hand on his heart, raise his right hand, and repeat after me, using his name where I use mine.
I, …, of my own free will — without reservation — accept this obligation — binding me to the Loyal Order of Moose. — And may God keep me steadfast — in this my solemn pledge. Amen.
Governor folds his arms as a sign that prayer follows.
Prelate, from his Station:
Almighty Father, Who searchest the hearts of men and readest their inmost thoughts, help us to keep inviolate our obligation. Bind us steadfast unto this great Order of Moose. Implant within our hearts love, service and sacrifice, that the bonds of fellowship here forged may never be severed, and that our purpose here declared may remain ever fixed — to strive always to strengthen and maintain our Defending Circle. Amen.
In loyalty unbroken
We pledge you friendship true;
And by the words here spoken
Our mutual vows renew;
Each Brother e'er defending
Through change and stress and ill,
Our Circle e'er extending
Our purpose we fulfil.
After the ode the Circle is re-formed.
Governor, raises right hand:
Friends, by virtue of the power vested in me as Governor of this Lodge, I hereby declare you (and each of you) a Loyal Moose. Pause. Brothers … surnames, on your entry to this Lodge Room, I welcomed you as friends. Now on behalf of the Grand Lodge of
Great Britain, I welcome you as Brothers. Pause. Brothers, dissolve the Circle.
Governor returns to his Station and gives one rap to seat all except the newly created Brothers, and Guiding Officers.
Appointed Past Governor:
Brothers, listen attentively to the instructions you are now to receive.
To gain admission to any Lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, it is necessary to give both the permanent and annual Pass Words.
The permanent Pass Word is and the annual Pass Word for the current year is: ….
The Sign of Courtesy is given thus demonstrates and signifies "I give my heart to the service of my Brother." The demonstration should clearly indicate the correct starting point of this Sign.
Our Grip is made thus ….
And finally, whenever Moose are gathered in the name of the Order, they are requested to stand, fold their arms, and for a while bow their heads in silent prayer, then repeating in concert the words - "Suffer little children to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. God Bless Mooseheart."
This ceremony is performed to direct our thoughts and prayers to the orphans sheltered at Mooseheart, Illinois, and to those who receive benefit through the services of British Mooseheart.
Appointed Past Governor returns to his seat.
Brother Previous Past Governor, you will complete the instruction of our new Brothers.
Previous Past Governor takes position.
Previous Past Governor:
If you arrive after the Lodge has opened, you will give the permanent Pass Word to the Outer Guard. You then give on the inner door. This will be opened by the Inner Guard to whom you will give in a whisper the annual Pass Word.
You then go direct to the Altar, face the Governor, take one step forward and salute him with the Sign of Courtesy, which has been shown you. You then bow to him, after which you will take your seat.
If it is necessary for you to leave before the Lodge closes, you will go direct to the Altar as on entering, salute the Governor with the Sign of Courtesy and say "Brother Governor, I request your permission to leave." After consent has been given, bow to him and then leave the Lodge Room.
The gavel is the emblem of the authority of the Governor. One rap calls the Lodge to order, or seats members when standing; two raps call up the Lodge; three raps call up the Officers.
The voting sign is made by raising the right hand. During prayer, you will rise and remain standing in silence with head bowed and arms folded.
Previous Past Governor returns to his seat.
Brother Past Governor, you will invest the new members of our Defending Circle with the emblem of membership.
Past Governor approaches the Altar; the Guiding Moose brings to him, on a cushion, the emblems and wallets.
Past Governor:
Brothers, I place upon your shoulders this emblem of your membership of that great Defending Circle which seeks to unite men of noble ideals and high purposes, invests each Brother in turn. And now, I present to you this wallet containing your receipt for Dues, the Book of General Laws, the Bye-Laws of this Lodge and the Ritual of the Degree of Purity.
May your membership of the Order be long, rich and fruitful.
Past Governor returns to his Station and Guiding Moose to his post.
Governor, standing in his Station:
My Brothers, may you display for those entitled to your protection the keenness of vision, the speed to aid in time of danger, the noble endurance and the unfaltering loyalty of the Moose. May you ever be worthy members of our Defending Circle, realising that we stand "One for All and All for One."
No avowal of loyalty is worthwhile unless the virtue itself is practised. To love truth is not enough; you must also be true. To think in terms of mercy is not sufficient; you must be merciful.
The law of love can only be fulfilled by loving acts. Therefore, may you ever be mindful of your obligation to Mooseheart, translating your thoughts into deeds, your intentions into acts, exemplifying in a concrete way the high spiritual purpose embodied in that noble endeavour.
Be ever alert to your responsibility as exponents of our principles - Purity, Aid and Progress, and let your sense of justice be tempered by mercy, remembering that while it is human to err, it is divine to forgive.
Organist signifies the singing of Ode by playing first line. Brothers stand for the Ode.

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Brothers' love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.

We share our mutual woes,
Our mutual burdens bear,
And often for each other flows
A sympathising tear.
Brother Guiding Moose, conduct our Brother(s) to his (their) place(s). Lodge remains standing.
Mooseheart Ceremony
This ceremony is normally performed during any session or any meeting where only Loyal Moose are present. Except for an Initiation Ceremony, it may be taken at any convenient time at the discretion of the Governor or the Chairman. At non-sessional meetings the Ode may be omitted.
Brother Warden will now conduct the Mooseheart Ceremony.
If the Lodge is seated, Governor gives two raps. Lights are turned low, Mooseheart Lamp is lit.
Brothers, at this hour we remember the dependent children of departed Brothers Moose. Let us, with arms folded and heads bowed, stand for a moment in silent prayer.
All fold arms and bow heads. Pause for silent prayer.
Brothers, you will say with me - "Suffer little children …"
Warden and Brothers:
"Suffer little children - to cone Unto Me - and forbid them not - for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." God Bless Mooseheart.
Warden returns to his post.

Mooseheart Ode
God Who hath made the daisies
And every lovely thing-
He will accept our praises
And hearken while we sing:
He says, though they are simple,
Though ignorant they be,
"Then suffer little children
And let them come to Me."
Lights turned on and Mooseheart Lamp extinguished.
Governor gives one rap.

Closing Ceremony
Brother Vice-Governor.
The Vice-Governor conducts the greetings. Greetings on behalf of Mooseheart Lodge No. 01933 will be given by the senior officer present or by his delegation.
Has any matter of importance been neglected or overlooked? Pause. Brother Vice-Governor, have you any reports of sickness or distress to make?
Vice-Governor rises, makes his report and resumes his seat.
We will now proceed to close.
Governor, gives two raps:
Brother Prelate.
All fold arms and bow heads during prayer.
Divine Father of men, guide us, guard and keep us as we go our several ways. Bless Thou the good we have done, and forgive us the evil. We pray Thee, Father, to remember in Thy mercy those of our Brothers who this night have not shared with us the joy of fellowship. Watch by the sick, and comfort those who are bowed down by the cares of this world. Be Thou with us all in our homes, and protect us and all our loved ones. Give us wisdom and understanding, and to Thee be the Power and the Glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Brothers, we will say together - "It is the duty...
Governor and Brothers:
It is the duty of every member — to refrain from discussing — the business of this Lodge — outside the Circle of our Fraternity.
Brothers, with the left hand on the heart in token of sincerity, and the right hand on the left shoulder of the brother to your right in token of friendship, form the Defending Circle.
Governor, right arm upraised:
That which is done is done.
Closes Bible with right hand, front cover upwards, and steps back.

The future will determine whether it be for good or ill. Let none depart from this Altar with anger in his heart. Let us all go forth with good thoughts, good words, and good deeds for all mankind.
While Organist plays introductory bars of Closing Ode, Governor returns to his Station and Officers form a semi-circle around Altar and face Governor's Station, as in Opening. Remaining Brothers return to their places. If a Grip is given, it shall be the Grip of the Order, and shall be given during the last line of the Ode.

Closing Ode
Father, let Thy peace and blessing
Rest upon us as we part;
May we, Brothers' love possessing,
Ever friendly aid impart.

Pure be purpose, high endeavour,
Till true Brotherhood be won.
Naught our friendship true shall sever;
Clasp of hand shall seal us one.
When Ode is finished, and while Organist is playing concluding bars, the Guiding Moose advances to Governor's Station.
Governor, waits till music has ceased:
Brothers, I fraternally bid you good night.
Good night.
Guiding Moose bows to Governor and escorts him from the Lodge Room. Distinguished Officers and Lodge Officers follow, the latter surrendering their collars to the Inner Guard within the entrance.
Guiding Moose and Assistant Guiding Moose then collect insignia and equipment.
