Order of Benefit Association of Railway Employees
Ritual for the Installation of Officers


The officers entitled to install the officers-elect in a Local Division are any of the National Officers or the Past Conductor of a Local Division. General or Field Organizers or any Local Division officer or member may be authorized by the National Division to conduct this ceremony. The officer acting as Installing Officer shall be addressed as Brother Installing Officer.
Some member should be selected to act as Master of Ceremonies to assist the Installing Officer, and he should arrange nine chairs in a half circle in front of the altar, and as the names of the officers-elect are read, Master of Ceremonies will escort the officers to their seats, according to their rank, beginning with the Past Conductor and also place three chairs in rear of regular officers-elect for Board of Trustees.
When ready to proceed the Installing Officer will take the Conductor's chair, call the Division to order, and proceed as follows:
Sisters and Brothers, I am now ready to proceed with the installation of your officers. Brother Master of Ceremonies you will escort the officers-elect to seats in front of the altar as their names are read.
Here read names of elected officers. After all elected officers have been placed in their proper positions in front of the altar, the Master of Ceremonies will report to the Installing Officer, as follows:
Brother Installing Officer, the officers-elect are in their places, ready for installation, and now await your pleasure.
Officers-elect, I compliment and congratulate you upon your election to the offices which you are now about to assume; your fellow members have bestowed upon you a legacy which no doubt is merited; see to it that you prove yourselves worthy in every way of the confidence reposed in you.
The above should be delivered from the Conductor's station, at the conclusion of which, the Installing Officer will call all members to their feet, when he will advance to the altar, in front of the elected officers, and proceed as follows:

Officers’ Oath

Each of you will place his right hand over his left breast, covering the heart, while taking the official obligation.
In the presence of the members here assembled, do you solemnly promise and declare that you will, to the best of your knowledge and ability, perform the duties of your office, until your successor has been duly elected and installed?
Officers answer.

Will you be considerate of your subordinates in office and obedient to your superiors in this Division, and in the National Division, having jurisdiction over it?
Officers answer.

Will you do all that we have a right to expect of you in promoting true brotherly regard among the members of this Division, and 'use all honorable endeavor in securing good and worthy persons for members in this Order?
Officers answer.

Finally, will you as officers, act at all times with strict impartiality, administering simple justice to all?
Officers answer.

These promises, if fulfilled, will place you in the highest esteem of your fellow members, and thus cause your term of office to reflect to your credit. You may now stand at ease.
After administering the official obligation, the Installing Officer will return to his station, and seat the members with one rap of the gavel, and proceed with the installation, as follows:

Board of Trustees

The members of the Board of Trustees will please rise.
My Brothers it shall be your duty as the Board of Trustees to supervise the financial transactions and affairs of this Division.
You will select one of your members as Chairman and you shall meet at least once each three months, to examine the hooks and accounts of the Division and report your findings to the Division in writing. You will also audit and approve the Semi-Annual and Annual Reports, made by the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer to this Division and to the National Division.
Your compliance with these instructions will be highly appreciated by the Division and your National Officers.
You may now take seats among the members.

Past Conductor

Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will please escort to this station the Past Conductor of this Division.
Brother Past Conductor, in appreciation of your services during your term of office, it is only fitting that you should install the officers of this Division, and that shall be your duty except when a National Officer is present, on which occasion he should be asked to preside. You shall, in the absence of the Conductor and Engineer, preside at all meetings of this Division and perform such other duties as are required by the Ritual. You will please take a seat on the rostrum.


Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will escort to this station the


Brother ..., you have been honored, by being elected to the highest office within the gift of this Division; prove your fitness by a faithful and efficient discharge of your duties. You are to preside over all meetings of this Division during your term of office.
You are to decide all points of order, appoint a majority of all committees, maintain order and decorum, and exert your every effort in promoting the good and welfare of the Order.
I entrust to your keeping the charter of this Division, and we expect you to defend and uphold it with all the zeal and loyalty at your command.
I also present you with a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws, and a ritual of our Order, which will guide and instruct you in all of your deliberations.
This gavel I now entrust to your keeping; with it you will control the movements of the members of this Division, when in session.
Be firm, yet kind and courteous, remembering, that as an officer you are at all times a criterion for others to follow. May your duties be both pleasant and beneficial, and may your term of office redound to your honor and exaltation. Welcome to your exalted station.
Extend right hand as he steps to his seat, which should be just to the right of the Installing Officer, until installing ceremonies are concluded.


Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will next present to this station the Engineer-elect.
Brother Engineer, you are to assist the Conductor in the discharge of his duties; you are to preside in his absence; appoint the minority of all committees, aid in maintaining order, and in cultivating a brotherly regard among the members.
You are to assist in the instruction of candidates, have supervision over the inner guard, attending to the admission of all who seek to enter without the proper pass words. Be faithful and attentive to your duties, and see to it that your conduct is at all times of such a character as to merit the praise of all. Brother Master of Ceremonies, you will escort the Engineer to his station and present to me the Secretary-Treasurer elect.
Master of Ceremonies conducts the Engineer to his station, then presents the Secretary-Treasurer elect.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Brother Secretary-Treasurer, yours is a most important office, in fact, the most laborious one in the gift of a Division. The duties of your office require you to keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Division, and upon the faithfulness with which you discharge that duty much depends. You are to take charge of the funds of the Division and render a true and correct account of all receipts and expenditures, draw all checks and pay all bills ordered paid by the Division, have charge of the seal and conduct all the official correspondence of the Division, and upon retiring from office turn over to your successor all lodge funds and Division property entrusted to your keeping and render a report of same to the Division. May success crown your efforts and your accomplishments entitle you to reasonable pride.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct him to his station and present the Fireman-elect.
Master of Ceremonies escorts Secretary-Treasurer to his station, then escorts Fireman-elect to Installing Officer's station.


The following form to be used only when the offices of Secretary and Treasurer are separate:
Brother Secretary, yours is a most important office, in fact, the most laborious one in the gift of the Division. The duties of your office require you to keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings of the Division, and upon the faithfulness with which you discharge that duty much depends.
You will receive all money paid into the Division and pay same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor.
You will have charge of the seal and conduct all the official correspondence of the Division, and upon retiring from office turn over to your successor all lodge funds and Division property entrusted to your keeping and render a report of same to the Division. May success crown your efforts and your accomplishments entitle you to reasonable pride.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct him to his station and present the Treasurer-elect.
Master of Ceremonies escorts Secretary to his station, then escorts Treasurer-elect to installing officer's station.


Brother Treasurer, it will be your duty to receive all money paid into the Division from the hands of the Secretary, giving a receipt therefor. You will keep a true and correct record of such receipts and pay them out only on warrant properly authorized by the Division and signed by the Conductor and Secretary. You will also keep a record of all expenditures in a hook provided for that purpose and with the assistance of the Secretary prepare Semi-Annual and Annual Reports of the financial standing of the Division which shall be submitted to the National Secretary. Upon retiring from office turn over to your successor all lodge funds and Division property entrusted to your keeping and render a report of same to the Division.
Observance of these instructions will bring you credit and elicit the approval of your Division and the National Officers. Brother Master of Ceremonies conduct him to his station and present the


Master of Ceremonies escorts Treasurer to his station, then presents the Fireman-elect to the Installing Officer.


Brother Fireman, it will be your duty to instruct all candidates entering the Division in the principles of our Order and see to it that the work is clone in such a manner as to leave a lasting impression on the minds of all who are admitted for membership.
An efficient discharge of these duties will bring you credit.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, escort the Fireman to his station and present to me the Machinist-elect.
Master of Ceremonies escorts Fireman to his station, then presents the Machinist-elect to the Installing Officer.


Brother Machinist, yours is also an important part. At the opening of Division meetings you are to collect the pass word from all present, and ascertain that all are entitled to a seat in the meeting after which you will properly arrange the altar, then report to the Conductor.
You are to have charge of all the Division paraphernalia, seeing to it that it is properly cared for; you are to arrange for the safe conduct of all candidates admitted for initiation into the Division. You are to become the Captain of the Degree Team, unless otherwise decreed by the Division. If you are diligent in the discharge of these duties your services are certain to gain you favor with all members.
Brother Master of Ceremonies escort the Machinist to his station, then present to me the Motorman-elect.
Master of Ceremonies conducts Machinist to his station, then presents the Motorman-elect.


Brother Motorman, you also have an important part in the activities of the Division, and I admonish you to hold yourself ready to assist the Conductor and perform such duties as may he required of you. Brother Master of Ceremonies, escort the Motorman to his station, and present to me the Brakeman and Flagman-elect.
The Master of Ceremonies escorts the Motorman to his station, then escorts the Brakeman and Flagman-elect to the Installing Officer.

Brakeman and Flagman

Brothers Brakeman and Flagman, your duties are to carefully guard
the Division against imposition by those not entitled to enter, and to see that the proceedings of Division meetings are not disturbed, admitting no one except when it is proper for them to enter. Upon your watchfulness and tact much depends; look well to your stations.
Brother Master of Ceremonies, conduct them to their station, after which you are discharged with many thanks.
After conducting the Brakeman and Flagman to their respective places, just inside the inner door, he will take a seat, while the Installing Officer will proceed.
Officers and members ... Di vision No. .... Your Conductor and full corps of officers have been duly and lawfully installed and are now vested with due authority to perform their official duties according to the laws of the Order. By your united efforts the Division will grow and prosper in whatever measure you deserve; see that each one does his full duty and that none, be he officer or member of the rank and file, prove recreant to his trust; remember the objects of our Order, and in the spirit of true fraternity, strive to excel in good works only, thus exemplifying the true brotherhood of man, and now by the power vested in me by the National Division, I proclaim the officers of ... Division No. ... duly installed, and they are hereby authorized to enter upon their official duties for the ensuing term and until their successors are elected and duly installed.
