Ceremony for the degree of Sage, or Prince Brahmin, 58°

Dit Amerikaanse rituaal dateert uit de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw.

Instruction in natural and spiritual science. How worlds are in process of formation; how suns disappear whilst others are newly born, and how globes are in a state of incandescence for ages. The Night and Day of Brahm, or his Inbreathing and his Outbreathing, or Awakening.

How organic life begins at the lowest step of the ladder and progresses, in untold ages, through the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdom, and is crowned by the birth of humanity. The Lunar race, and the Solar races. I have translated the following from the Conference on Indian doctrine. It represents, that of Reason, and Reply of Divine Wisdom.

O! Sublime first born of God, we say that thou hast created the world, thy child Reason asks how all was produced.
My child, deceive not thy self, think not that I have created the world independently of the first mover: God hath made all things, I am but the instrument of his will, He calls upon me to execute his eternal designs.
How must I think of God?
That He is immaterial, incomprehensible, invisible, without form, eternal, all-powerful, that he knows all things, and is everywhere present.
How then did God create the world?
The Will dwelt with him from all eternity; He being triple as Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer. The Will of God conjoined with his goodness, produced. first matter; and the two movements of the will produced motion.
What are we to understand by Sentiment?
It is a portion of the Great Soul of the universe; it rests in all creatures for a marked time.
What becomes of it at death?
It animates other bodies, or it plunges like a drop of water in the immense ocean from which it set out.
Will virtuous souls be recompensed, and will criminal souls escape punishment?
The Souls of men are distinguished from those of animals inasmuch as they have the knowledge of good and, evil. If man does good his soul when disengaged from his body by death, will be absorbed in the divine essence and not again enter an earthly body. But the Soul of the wicked is vested in the four elements, and after it has been punished it will retake an earthly body, but if it takes on its first purity it will be absorbed in the bosom of God.
What is the nature of this Union with God?
It is a participation in the Supreme essence. We no longer know passions, the entire Soul is plunged in eternal felicity.
O! my mother, thou hast told me that if the Soul is not pure it cannot dwell with God. The actions of men are sometimes good, and at other times bad; where go all these mixed souls immediately after death?
They are divided into classes, for some time they hardly realize their uniquities, then they either enter heaven, or they receive sometime the recompense of their good actions; or finally they enter new bodies.
What is that which we call time?
It exists with God from eternity, but we cannot comprehend, or measure, the period when God created movement.
Sign: clasp fingers and bring back of hands to brow.

Touch: fingers clasped bring palms together and, give the S.W.A.U.M. (implying, Fire, Water, Ether.)

Password: same as last degrees.

Battery: *******   *******   *******   *******   *******   *******   *******.

Jewel and Symbol: a circle within which is a Star.

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