Pi Gamma Mu
Initiation Ritual


PRESIDENT [or OFFICER 1]: Pi Gamma Mu is an international social science honor society. The name refers to the first letter of three Greek words that denote “the study of the social sciences”*, and it is to that end that the interdisciplinary honor society is dedicated. More specifically, the Society aims to reward interest and achievement in the study of social sciences by the conferring of membership upon those who have thus distinguished themselves, and who accept the Society’s aims and ideals.
VICE-PRESIDENT [or OFFICER 2]: Pi Gamma Mu has several meaningful symbols. The first is the Society’s key. [It would be helpful to refer attendees to a picture of the key at this point.) The wreath at the bottom suggests that social science is the outgrowth and fulfillment of natural science. The running figure is reminiscent of the ancient Greek torch race and symbolizes humanity bringing knowledge to the solution of its own problems and passing on the light from generation to generation. The Society’s colors are blue and white. These two colors are symbolic of truth and light. The motto of the Society is the precept of the Master Teacher, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
SECRETARY (SPONSOR) [or OFFICER 3]: Pi Gamma Mu has seven ideals: Scholarship, Science, Social Science, Social Idealism, Sociability, Social Service and Sacrifice
Scholarship - it is basic to all the rest. We are committed to the disciplined and open-minded pursuit of truth, in the firm expectation that it will ultimately bring to humanity what we passionately desire: peace, prosperity, equality and true freedom of both body and mind.
The second ideal is Science. We need and admire the spirit of science – the firm belief that the problems that confront humanity can be solved if we will search out the facts and think clearly on the basis of those facts.
The third ideal is Social Science. In our commitment to the truth, we are open to all sources of knowing, but we rely on the scientific method, with its careful observation and logical thinking, to produce valid and reliable social facts, including knowledge of human motives and behavior, the nature of past and present human association and social institutions, and social problems and responses to them.
OFFICER 4: The fourth ideal is Social Idealism itself. “Where there is no vision the people perish.” Our vision embraces the creation of an ever more compassionate, wise, just, and tolerant society and world system with freedom and equal opportunity for all. We aspire to maximize human potential in all regards, promoting individual and collective fulfillment and well-being.
The fifth ideal is Sociability. Specialization makes us narrow. Our social problems are complex. They will never be solved without the cooperation of all the social sciences and of those who study them.
The sixth ideal is Social Service. The pursuit of our ideals requires giving freely, fully, and joyously of our time, talent, and energy. The fruit of our scholarship, science, and idealism is reaped through service to others for the benefit of all humanity, and this, in turn, requires the cooperation, dedication, passion and participation of all people and of all the social sciences.
The seventh ideal is Sacrifice. We are engaged in the greatest and finest of all the arts, the building of human society. Giving freely of means, time, talent, energy, and passion contributes to the fulfillment of our other ideals.
PRESIDENT: To all candidates for membership assembled here, having heard the ideals of this Society, do you accept them as your own? If so, say, “I do”.
PRESIDENT: Sponsor, in your capacity as the faculty secretary and monitor of our chapter, have all the candidates here assembled met the stated qualifications for membership in this Society?
SECRETARY (SPONSOR): Yes. Their records have been examined, and they have been certified as meeting all local and international qualifications for membership. I recommend them to you individually for membership by the reading of each candidate’s name.
PRESIDENT: Candidates, as your name is called, please come forward and receive the credentials of membership and sign the chapter roster/light your candle.
President instructs the candidates to remain standing as a group until all have received the certificates (and signed the roll) and then continues with the following:
By reciting the motto of Pi Gamma Mu you pledge to honor the Society’s ideals and purposes. Repeat after me: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
NEW MEMBERS: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
Alternatively, the recitation of the motto could be omitted, the President could substitute the following for the above: “By signing the roll you pledge…” Or both acts could be requested and the following could be substituted: “By reciting the motto of Pi Gamma Mu and by signing the roll, you pledge…”
PRESIDENT: May the truth indeed make you free and this freedom make you strong and your strength set others free. I declare to all present that these initiates are now and henceforth members of Pi Gamma Mu and as such are hereby invested with all the rights, privileges, honors and duties connected therewith. Congratulations to all.
Chapters are permitted to innovate their own ritual, by, for instance, shortening the above. For an example of such, see the following “Brief Ritual”.
A Brief Ritual for the Initiation of New Members
PRESIDENT [or OFFICER 1]: Pi Gamma Mu is an international social science honor society. The name refers to the first letter of three Greek words that denote “the study of the social sciences”, and it is to that end that the interdisciplinary honor society is dedicated. More specifically, the Society aims to reward interest and achievement in the study of social sciences by the conferring of membership upon those who have thus distinguished themselves, and who accept the Society’s aims and ideals.
PRESIDENT: Sponsor, in your capacity as the faculty secretary and monitor of our chapter, have all the candidates here assembled met the stated qualifications for membership in this Society?
SECRETARY (SPONSOR): Yes. Their records have been examined, and they have been certified as meeting all local and international qualifications for membership. I recommend them to you individually for membership by the reading of each candidate’s name.
PRESIDENT: Candidates, as your name is called, please come forward to receive the items of official membership (and sign the chapter roster). Then please remain standing. [When all have received their certificates, etc., continue, as follows:] By reciting the motto of Pi Gamma Mu you pledge to honor the Society’s ideals and purposes (and will thereby complete all requirements for official membership).
Alternatively, the President could substitute the following: “By signing the roll…” or, “By reciting the motto of Pi Gamma Mu and signing the roll…”
Repeat after me: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
NEW MEMBERS: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”
PRESIDENT: I declare to all present that these new initiates are now and henceforth members of Pi Gamma Mu and as such are hereby invested with all the rights, privileges, honors and duties connected therewith. Congratulations to all.
