Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity
Initiation Ritual


The Initiation Ceremony
After the room has been properly prepared and the officers have taken their proper seats, the Marshal shall go to where the initiates, chapter members, and chapter guests are assembled and inform them that the Initiation is about to commence. The Marshal shall admit the chapter members into the room where the Initiation is to take place and seat them in the chairs reserved for members. Then the Marshal shall escort the guests into the room and seat them in the seats reserved for guests.
The Marshal and a designated member shall return to where the new members are waiting and shall form them into a single line in alphabetical order. After this is accomplished, the designated member shall return to the Chapter Room and indicate to the Chapter Justice that the new members are ready to be escorted into the presence of the Chapter.
While the Chapter Justice is being so informed that the new members are ready to be escorted into the Chapter Room, the Marshal shall address the new members:
MARSHAL: I will now escort you into the presence of the … Chapter for your initiation into Phi Alpha Delta. Please give your serious attention to our statement of principles and ideals which will be given to you during this ceremony.
As you enter the room, please remain standing until you are asked to be seated.
When notified that the new members are ready to enter, the Justice shall sound the Gavel and say:
JUSTICE: The new members for admission into Phi Alpha Delta are about to be escorted into the Chapter Room.
Will all present please stand.
Whereupon the Marshal shall escort the new members into the Chapter Room and station them before the chairs provided, taking care that the alphabetical arrangement is not disturbed.
Then the Justice shall say:
JUSTICE: Please be seated
Then the Justice shall sound the Gavel and say:
JUSTICE: The purpose of this meeting is the Initiation of new members into our Fraternity and Chapter. This is a proud and happy occasion for the …  Chapter, as the benefits of membership in Phi Alpha Delta and active participation in Fraternity activities will now be possible for a new group of members.
On behalf of the Chapter, I extend a cordial welcome to our prospective members and their guests.
I ask your careful attention and earnest consideration of our statement of principles which follows.
The Marshal shall then stand at the front center of the seated new members and shall address the Chapter Justice as follows:
MARSHAL: Justice …, I am pleased to present the following new members for membership in Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International: Then the Marshal shall read the list of all new members: B.B., C.D., etc.
I request that they be admitted into membership of Phi Alpha Delta so that the Bond of Fraternalism which is the essence of Phi Alpha Delta may be extended to each of them.
Then the Justice shall address the new members thusly:
JUSTICE: You have been invited to join with us in the membership of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International. Before we proceed, however, there is a duty which the laws of the fraternity lay upon me. I must place before you certain matters of which we request your deepest consideration.
Phi Alpha Delta offers you an opportunity to translate an ideal into the practical side of your professional life. As aspiring members of Phi Alpha Delta, you must assume certain obligations and loyally fulfill them. This being so, in fairness to you and to ourselves, some indication of these obligations should necessarily be given to you at this time.
The fact that you are here together is symbolic of our Fraternity. With a common purpose and united by that bond which is Phi Alpha Delta, we aid each other in finding the way to honorable professional service within the legal profession. United by that bond, we can achieve much for ourselves, for our profession, and for humanity.
The attributes of Integrity, Compassion, and Courage, complemented by Professional Service, are fundamental principles of Phi Alpha Delta, and the indispensable ingredients of the character of a true lawyer. The Chapter Officers, here with me, will now address you concerning these attributes.
Addressing the new members, the Vice Justice shall say:
VICE JUSTICE: Integrity is one of the indispensable attributes of the legal profession. It is that characteristic which makes a lawyer’s services acceptable before the tribunals of our land.
It is that unchanging spirit of fidelity to principles which makes it impossible for a true lawyer to mislead a court, distort the rule of law announced in a decided case, or deceive a client as to the strength or weakness of his cause. It is that undeviating loyalty to truth which makes it impossible for one lawyer to mislead another as to the status of a matter, the availability of witnesses, or the merits of a cause. It is that subordination of one’s own personal gain or an advantage for one’s client to a higher principle which makes candor a habit and a lawyer’s word a universally accepted bond.
Integrity makes of each lawyer a custodian of those high principles of the legal profession which ensure our heritage of human freedoms, individual liberties and equal justice under law for all of our citizens; to tolerate the abridgement of these principles is to forfeit the right to declare that one is “of the law” - a lawyer.
Addressing the new members, the Clerk shall say:
CLERK: Compassion and Courage are two additional principles which every lawyer must possess.
Compassion leads a lawyer to accept the cause of the unfortunate, the underprivileged, and those who are the object of scorn and public disfavor.
Courage brings the lawyer to press these causes and to defend the rights of these persons with full abilities and a stout heart.
Compassion and Courage are essential if a lawyer is to be a true servant of the law for all the people. One who would serve the law and attempt less than complete loyalty to these principles is unworthy of the status of a lawyer, or of membership in this Fraternity.
Addressing the new members, the Treasurer shall say:
TREASURER: In conjunction with the principles of Integrity, Compassion, and Courage - and deriving strength from them - is another which is required.
This principle is Professional Service.
Professional Service is of vital importance in our ever-changing world and increasingly complex society. Professional competence is the capstone of a lawyer’s essential structure of principles and virtues. Public trust demands the enlightened leadership which lawyers are especially well qualified to provide. If the legal profession is to fulfill its responsibilities to society, we, as lawyers, must assume the obligations of effective and competent professional service and must discharge these responsibilities with the utmost of our abilities. Only then will our free institutions survive and the principle of Equal Justice Under Law become a reality for all of humanity.
Competent and effective Professional Service, in every form, is a proper complement to a lawyer’s indispensable attributes of Integrity, Compassion, and Courage and is the essence of Phi Alpha Delta.
JUSTICE: So that you may better understand your responsibilities as a member of Phi Alpha Delta, the Chapter Vice Justice will now explain to you the symbolic meaning of our Coat of Arms.
Whereupon the Marshal shall place the Coat of Arms in a position where it is readily visible to all the new members and proceed to a standing position adjacent to the initiates. After this has been accomplished, the Vice Justice shall address the new members thusly:
VICE JUSTICE: Before you is the Coat of Arms of our Fraternity. An understanding of the symbols of our Coat of Arms will give you a better understanding of the principles and ideals of Phi Alpha Delta and of your responsibilities as a member of our Fraternity.
The Book of Law, located on the right side of the shield, typifies that immortal and undying spirit which is in truth the Law - to which all precedents must bow and all rules conform. May this spirit, which is the law, inspire you with an ever-abiding faith in the Rule of Law, which is worthy of your loyalty and support....pause...
The Lamp of Learning, located above the shield, signifies that only through great industry and application will true learning be acquired. To be worthy of the title... “a lawyer” ... you must be diligent in your application to the study of law throughout your legal career. Only then will your accomplishments serve as a true guide to those who follow you...pause...
The Scales of Justice, located on the left side of the shield, represents the impartiality of the Rule of Law which gives to every individual true justice, without favor or distinction.
You are of the law... a lawyer... only if you can judge with impartiality and fairness to all...pause...
The Scroll, located below the shield, contains the name of our Fraternity...Phi Alpha Delta...and signifies that fraternal bond which unites us into a cohesive force for the advancement of the legal profession and of our Fraternity...pause...
Our name...Phi Alpha Delta...connotes the Greek phrase “Philos Adelphos Dikaios”.
Translated into our contemporary language “Philos Adelphos Dikaios” stands for “Justice is a Dear Brother”, and in another translation, “Love of humanity and justice for all”.
Our name thus signifies the two basic precepts upon which our Fraternity is founded: Fraternalism - the joining together in a common spirit; and Justice - that ideal which we who have chosen the legal profession must preserve by exemplifying the principles of Integrity, Compassion and Courage and by devoting our time and talent to Professional Service...pause...
The Column, which supports and sustains all the other symbols on the Coat of Arms, represents our membership, whose duty it is to maintain the principles and ideals of Phi Alpha Delta and to pass them on, intact, to those who follow us.
Then the Marshal shall return to seat provided for the Marshal. Thereafter, the Justice shall say:
JUSTICE: So that you may have a better understanding of the principles upon which our Fraternity was founded, the Chapter Clerk will now address you.
Thereupon, the clerk shall address the new members thusly:
CLERK: Phi Alpha Delta is unique in that it is the only law fraternity which was founded as a result of a legal controversy. It has grown to its size and structure today from a series of events commencing in 1897.
On November 4, 1897, the Illinois Supreme Court, without prior notice, adopted a rule retroactively affecting all new members for admission to the Bar. In response, a group of law students formed the Law Student League with the avowed purpose of obtaining an exemption for those students who had commenced their legal education prior to the adoption of this rule. The League was successful in obtaining passage by the Illinois Legislature of an act exempting these students from its provisions. That organization of students was then formally organized in 1897 as Lambda Epsilon Fraternity, Lambda standing for “law” and Epsilon for “equity”.
It soon became apparent that this type of organization had universal appeal and that its benefits should be made available to all members of the legal profession. Accordingly, Lambda Epsilon Fraternity was dissolved by unanimous action of the Third Biennial Convention, meeting at the Colonial Tavern in South Haven, Michigan . On the next day, July 27, 1902, the “Articles of South Haven”, which were to be the foundation of Phi Alpha Delta, were adopted by those in attendance.
At a subsequent meeting in Chicago the Articles, a Constitution, Ritual and Rules to govern the new organization were formally adopted. The name Phi Alpha Delta was chose, denoting a continuing bond of friendship among members of the Law Student League and of Lambda Epsilon Fraternity and of the new Fraternity.
By 1910 the number of chapters had grown to twenty-three. In 1969, the Fraternity chartered its first active chapters outside the boundaries of the United States with the establishment of Chapters in Canada and Puerto Rico . In 1972, Phi Delta Delta Law Fraternity, the leading law fraternity for women, was, by joint resolution, merged into Phi Alpha Delta, and 5,000 leading women judges, lawyers, educators and law students became members of Phi Alpha Delta.
Thus, growing from a tiny nucleus originating in a legal controversy at the turn of the century, Phi Alpha Delta has achieved a position of preeminence among the law fraternities.
As you become members of Phi Alpha Delta, we ask your aid and support to ensure that our Fraternity and its principles will endure into the future - as it has in the past - with the aid of those who have preceded you as members of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.
Then the Justice shall address the new members:
JUSTICE: You have now heard our statement of those principles and ideals which must dominate the professional activities of a member of Phi Alpha Delta, and indeed, of every member of the legal profession...pause...
To signify your acceptance of these principles and ideas as your own, I will now administer to you the Oath of Membership in Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International.
Will the new members please stand.
Then the Marshal shall stand at the rear of the new members. Thereupon, the Chapter Justice shall stand and raising the right arm in the manner of giving an oath, shall administer the Oath of Membership, saying:
JUSTICE: Raise your right hand and repeat after me: I solemnly and sincerely promise and swear...that I will support...the laws and legal precepts of my country...and of its legal entities...that I will respect their courts...and obey their legal mandates...that I will be just and all my professional activities...and will be those whom I represent...and that I will support...the Constitution, Rules and Principles...of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International,...insofar as they do not conflict...with my religious or civil duties.
JUSTICE: Please be seated.
After all the new members have been seated, the Marshal shall return to the regular station, and the Justice will be seated. Thereupon, the Justice will say:
JUSTICE: In a moment you will sign the Official Roll of the Chapter signifying your formal entry into the membership of this Chapter.
You will receive the Fraternal Greeting of the Fraternity, which consists of a normal handshake with the index finger extended along the wrist of the other member touching the pulse. This greeting is symbolic of the Bond of Fraternalism which Phi Alpha Delta exemplifies.
Thereupon, the officers shall leave their posts and in single file, station themselves near the table upon which the Roll of the Chapter is placed.
After all officers are at their proper stations, the Clerk shall open the Roll of the Chapter to the proper place and distinctly call, alphabetically, the name of each initiate, who will then sign the Roll.
After the signing of the Roll of the Chapter, the Justice shall extend the Fraternal Greeting to each initiate, followed by the Vice Justice and Treasurer.
It is appropriate and recommended at this portion of the ceremony that each initiate be invested by the Vice Justice and Treasurer, aided by the Marshal, with an appropriate item of Fraternity jewelry, or in lieu thereof, with a Red Carnation, the official flower of the Fraternity.
Thereafter, each initiate should return to the seat heretofore provided. After the above has been accomplished, the officers shall return to their seats.
Then the Justice shall address the Chapter, saying:
JUSTICE: Members of Phi Alpha Delta, I take you all to witness that the new members here present have been duly initiated into our Fraternity and Chapter, have taken the Oath of Membership, and have signed the Official Roll of the Chapter.
Then the Justice will sound the gavel and shall address the new members:
JUSTICE: Will the new members please stand.
After all new members are standing, the Justice shall stand and raise the right arm in the manner of giving an oath and say:
JUSTICE: Now, by virtue of the authority vested in me, I declare you members of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, and of the … Chapter of the Fraternity. I hereby invest you with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto.
Please be seated.
After all new members are seated, the Justice will be seated and, addressing the new members, shall say:
JUSTICE: On behalf of all members of Phi Alpha Delta, I extend to you a cordial welcome into our Fraternity. We are happy to have you join with us in furthering the principles and ideals of Phi Alpha Delta.
Here the Justice may add such additional words of welcome as are appropriate.
Then the Justice will face the Alumnus Member and say:
JUSTICE: I now recognize …, who is present as a representative of the Alumni of Phi Alpha Delta.
The Justice may add such introductory remarks as may be appropriate to further identify the Alumnus Member.
Then the Alumnus Member will stand and say:
ALUMNUS MEMBER: As a member of the Alumni of Phi Alpha Delta, and representing all of its alumni members, I extend to each of our new members a fraternal welcome into our Fraternity...(pause)...
Facing the new members, the Alumnus Member shall say: To you, our new members, we offer the assistance of the Alumni in the achievement of your goals. I urge each of you to seek the aid and guidance of the Alumni of Phi Alpha Delta whenever we can be of service. You will find us ever ready to be of help to you...(pause)...
Turning to face the assembled Chapter Members (or Chapter Officers), the Alumnus Member shall say: To you, the older members of this Chapter, I commend these new members and urge you to make them welcome in your midst so that they may soon realize the true and full significance of membership in our Fraternity.
Then the Alumnus Member shall be seated.
Thereafter, the Justice shall address the new members thusly:
JUSTICE: The development and maintenance of a special relationship between the student and alumni members of Phi Alpha Delta is of vital importance and is a unique characteristic of our Fraternity. I commend to you the greetings of our Alumnus Member.
Then the Justice shall face the Alumnus Member and say:
JUSTICE: name of Alumnus Member, on behalf of our Chapter, please accept our sincere appreciation for your presence and participation, which will serve as a reminder to each of us of the Bond of Fraternalism which exists between all members of Phi Alpha Delta.
Then the Justice shall address the new members thusly:
JUSTICE: Your initiation into Phi Alpha Delta is now completed, and you are now full members with us in Phi Alpha Delta. I charge each of you to hold foremost in mind the principles and ideals to which you have subscribed today. With your help, Phi Alpha Delta can remain a real, living force for the advancement of our profession and so of humanity.
The Justice shall sound the gavel and say:
JUSTICE: Will everyone present please stand.
We have gathered here today to advance in this meeting the principles and ideals of Phi Alpha Delta by the initiation of the new members present here with us.
The admission of our new members will ensure the future of Phi Alpha Delta and of our Chapter, and we are indeed proud to have them join us in Phi Alpha Delta.
In adjourning this meeting, let us do so with the firm resolve that our new members will be made welcome into our midst as full members of this Fraternity and Chapter.
I now declare this meeting of the ... Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International, adjourned.
Thereafter, the members present will be afforded the opportunity to greet and congratulate the new members.
