Eta Sigma Gamma
Initiation Ritual


The candidates for initiation into Eta Sigma Gamma will remain outside the room in which the initiation ceremony is to take place. It is here that they will be given any necessary instructions about the ceremony. When the initiation ceremony is to begin, the candidates will be led (alphabetically) into the room by the Guide. The candidates will form a semi-circle about the initiation team. The initiation team will be seated around the table with the Lamp of Learning candle illuminated in the center.
Everyone will rise as the candidates are led into the room. After the candidates are positioned and everyone is seated the chief installing officer shall speak about Eta Sigma Gamma.

Opening Ceremony
PRESIDENT: The Sergeant-At-Arms will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
SERGEANT-AT-ARMS leads everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
In addition, a prayer may be given if it is deemed appropriate
PRESIDENT: Are you an Eta Sigma Gamman?
PRESIDENT: What makes you a worthy member of Eta Sigma Gamma?
VICE PRESIDENT: By upholding the ideals of teaching, service and research individually and collectively through our professional honorary, I am a worthy member of Eta Sigma Gamma.
PRESIDENT: What is the main objective of Eta Sigma Gamma?
SECRETARY: The main objective is to further the professional competence and dedication of the individual members in and for the discipline of health education.
PRESIDENT: How is this objective to be achieved?
SECRETARY: The main objective is achieved in several important ways:
A. By facilitating communication and discussion between individuals and groups through the exchange of ideas on the content and process of health education.
B. By motivating and recognizing service and academic achievement.
C. By developing and implementing new educational strategies, materials and programs to further the profession.
D. By conducting and stimulating others to conduct research.
E. By upholding and developing high professional standards and ethics for members of the profession.
PRESIDENT: What comprises the ideal concept of health?
TREASURER: It is the composite of dynamic interactions of heredity, personal behaviour and environment that an individual experiences throughout his/her life. These interactions are continuous and ever changing. It is not merely the absence of disease but rather one's ability to function effectively and happily in one's environment. Health involves knowing, believing, valuing and doing those things which make one effective day to day, throughout life.
PRESIDENT: What comprises the health education discipline?
TREASURER: The health education discipline is an applied discipline utilizing basic natural, physical and behavioral sciences for the purpose of preventing disease and promoting healthful living. It is characterized by a process with intellectual, psychological, spiritual and social dimensions related to activities which increase the ability of people to make informed decisions affecting their personal, family and community well-being. It is a process based on sound scientific principles which facilitate learning and necessary behavioral change. Health education is more than the provision of information. While it includes acquiring knowledge about health matters, its purpose is the use of that knowledge. It addresses the formation of values, the acquisition of decision-making skills and the adoption or reinforcement of desirable health behaviors. It honors the individual's right of privacy, his/her right to meaningful information and his/her right to make his/her own choices.
Initiation Ceremony
PRESIDENT TO PLEDGES: You see on this table the Eta Sigma Gamma symbol. The triangle in this symbol represents the three specific contributions of Gammans, as well as of the profession: Teaching, Service and Research. The tri-dimensional concept is embodied in a triangle surrounded by three joined circles. The triangle is divided into four equilateral triangles, each containing a symbol. A lamp of learning is in the center triangle, surrounded by the others containing an open book representing teaching, a microscope signifying research and an outstretched hand representing service. These three elements form the basic purposes of the organization and the words  teaching,  research  and  service  are recorded directly beneath each symbol. The unifying element of these basic purposes is symbolized by the lamp of learning, since it is through the learning process that each purpose is achieved and carried forth. The tri-dimensional concept of the organization is further emphasized in the selection of the official flower, the trillium, a beautiful wild flower with three leaves, three white petals and a gold center. You see it pictured on the table as well. Each of the three purposes is distinct in its operations but unified in the ultimate goal of furthering competence, dedication and progress in the health science profession and its members.
Do you wish to become an Eta Sigma Gamman? If your answer is yes, say: Yes I do.
PRESIDENT: Do you believe in the objectives of Eta Sigma Gamma as presented in the challenge before you and as stated in the constitution of our organization? If so, you will answer,  I do .
PRESIDENT: Are you willing to strive for excellence in the ideals of teaching, service and research as represented in the honorary symbol? If so you will answer, I do.
PRESIDENT: To signify your commitment to these objectives and ideals you will now come forward individually and light your candle from the lamp of learning and place it in the candleboard around the lamp of learning, receive your pin and certificate and sign the chapter roll book. Having solemnly pledged yourself to Eta Sigma Gamma, this is an outward token of your pledge.
PRESIDENT will read the candidate's name.
HISTORIAN-EDITOR will observe candidates signing the roll book.
TREASURER will put the pin on the candidates.
CANDIDATES come forward one by one, light their candle and place it around the lamp of learning, receive their pin, sign the roll book and return to their places.
PRESIDENT: We are now ready to present to you the formal charge of Eta Sigma Gamma.
Formal Charge
HISTORIAN-EDITOR: Having solemnly pledged yourself to this worthy organization you are now duly initiated members of Eta Sigma Gamma. The full rights of membership in our honorary are now open to each one of you. You shall benefit from the collective design and achievement of our organization in the following ways:
FIRST, your professional competence shall be enhanced because of your associations with other colleagues in health education.
SECOND, your communication with indiv iduals, groups and agencies shall be significantly aided by the dialogue made possible through Eta Sigma Gamma.
THIRD, your dedication, service and academic achievement shall be encouraged and recognized through our organization.
FOURTH, your scientific research aspirations shall be facilitated and promoted by the dictates of this honorary.
FIFTH, your orientation to recent developments in the health education discipline will be greatly facilitated.
These are some of the benefits you will receive as members of Eta Sigma Gamma. You must remember that these benefits imply a responsibility on your part. As members of Eta Sigma Gamma your responsibility is threefold as follows:
FIRST, to uphold the high character of your chapter.
SECOND, to develop an effective local program which will be a source of pride to Eta Sigma Gamma and to … (institution).
THIRD, to elevate the standards, ideals, competence and ethics of professionally trained men and women in the health education discipline.
Will you always continue to put forth your best efforts to fulfill this responsibility? If so, you will say,  I will .
Closing Ceremony
PRESIDENT: As new members of Eta Sigma Gamma, a national professional honorary for men and women in the health education discipline would you join with all of the current
members in reciting our pledge.
ALL MEMBERS: I, … name of member, as a professional member of the Health Education discipline, hereby dedicate my abilities and talents to the betterment of all people through the ideals of Eta Sigma Gamma, and as a member of Eta Sigma Gamma, I dedicate myself to uphold the ideals of TEACHING, SERVICE and RESEARCH in my individual life and to continue this collectively through our professional honorary.
I further pledge to:
A. Exhibit cordiality and friendliness in individual and group relations.
B. Encourage and tolerate opinions and philosophies of others.
C. Maintain a sense of personal and professional responsibility, honor and honesty.
D. Respect persons of a different race, gender, creed, language and social or economic position.
E. Show respect for all members of the honorary.
F. Attend all chapter meetings and support all chapter activities.
G. Cooperate with the university administration in promoting the realization of the standards of honesty, integrity, citizenship and other campus goals.
In all these things, I pledge my commitment to and my support l of our National Health Education Honorary.
PRESIDENT: As president of the … Greek name Chapter of Eta Sigma Gamma, I hereby welcome you to membership in Eta Sigma Gamma. As a symbol of your membership we have presented you with a recognition pin to be worn on all professional occasions; and, as a reminder of the pledge you previously made, we presented you with a membership certificate and membership card.
Finally, fulfilling an old Eta Sigma Gamma tradition, I ask the family and friends of our new members to stand so that they may be applauded for their efforts and support of our newest Eta Sigma Gammans.
PRESIDENT, a prayer may be offered if deemed appropriate: This meeting for the
initiation of new candidates into Eta Sigma Gamma is now officially adjourned.
Congratulations! This concludes our official ceremony.
