Alpha Xi Delta
Initiation Ritual

No date

PRESIDENT: My sisters, of all the convocations during a year of fraternity life, none seems so full of earnest inspiration as that into which we receive new members, - no service so filled with sacred meaning as our Initiation Ceremony. In the rich sincerity of our united welcome, as we feel that joy that comes in sharing of our best, may we make this meeting one of real and solemn beauty.
Will the Marshal present the waiting candidates?
The Marshal leaves the room as the chanter begins singing the first verse of GATHER NEAR.
Gather near, gather near, all ye Alphas so true,
There's a young heart awaiting a welcome from you
We will love her sincerely and teach her to be
A loyal, true sister of our Alpha Xi.
We will teach her our secrets with never a fear.
Gather near, gather near, gather near!
When the first verse has been ended, the Marshal knocks upon the door and gives the password requesting admission. The President responds with the knock and password bidding entrance.
The initiates are brought into the room as the second verse is sung and take their places before the Table. The Marshal takes her place at the Table.
Welcome here, welcome here, to our mystical fold,
With its Quill and its Colors, the Blue and the Gold,
We will tell you about them and then you will see
Why 'tis we all cherish our dear Alpha Xi.
So open your heart and banish all fear,
Welcome here, welcome here, welcome here!
PRESIDENT: Sisters in Alpha Xi Delta, the time has come for us to receive into our circle these chosen friends, whom we have with one accord considered worthy to perpetuate the ideals of this Fraternity. That they in turn deem the Fraternity of Alpha Xi Delta worthy of their truest love and loyalty is evidenced in this, their pledge: "I do hereby signify any desire to join the … Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity and do solemnly promise to keep all secrets pertaining thereto, and never to join any other general, Greek-letter fraternity."
This pledge has been signed by those who are about to be initiated.
The welding of this tie of mutual devotion is of solemn moment, for you are forming a bond which shall endure throughout your lives. To you who have come in faith and purpose to learn the meaning of our sisterhood, this occasion is one of valued importance. We, the members of … Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta, have granted to you the highest honor we can bestow, - membership with its fullest meaning in Alpha Xi Delta. Before you accept this new responsibility and privilege, let us make plain to you the general principles to which you intend to pledge your faith. Broad fellowship, courage in the pursuit" of duty, unfaltering truth and justice to all, loyalty to the chapter, the college home, the whole sisterhood; these are the principles that have long characterized the fraternity of Alpha Xi Delta.
MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: To us who receive your vows of allegiance, it is an occasion of deep significance, for in receiving, your pledge, we repledge ourselves as well to the principles upon which our Fraternity is founded; realizing that only in keeping these vows a constant and vital part of our daily lives can we find the deepest and truest meaning of fraternity ties. The doctrines which Alpha Xi Delta teaches, - the truths which she has found the most enduring are:
To Believe in the Life of Love: to win in the fresh morning of youth the loyal affection of faithful friends who will go with us unmoved through pain and stress into the darkening shadows of life's closing day; and so, to seek and to find, to have and to hold these friendships which shall endure.
To Walk in the Way of Honor: to be steadfast in the keeping of every trust and faithful in the pursuit of every duty; to try bravely to do to our fellow-men what we would that they should do unto us, reckoning neither their lineage nor their wealth, but esteeming true manhood and womanhood above the badge of rank.
To Serve in the Light of Truth: to understand that the laws of growth are the laws of God; and to believe that loyalty to home, the love of little children, and the measureless sacrifices of motherhood are prophetic of the perfect joy and life of another world.
To Believe in the Life of Love; to Walk in the Way of Honor; to Serve in the Light of Truth! This is the LIFE, the WAY, and the LIGHT leading to a truer, nobler and more glorified womanhood.
CHAPLAIN: Love for humanity is the finest instinct of mankind, and a union based on the two principles of love and service can find no more helpful inspiration than in the words of Paul, I Corinthians, 13th Chapter.
The Chaplain reads the indicated Bible passage using LOVE in place of CHARITY. Immediately after reading the passage, she bids those present to join in prayer which she leads.
Let us pray.
"Almighty and most merciful Father, in Whom we live and move and have our being, be with us in this new relation we are forming today. Bless our Fraternity that it may be of service in Thy Kingdom. Give us all a true humility, a quiet spirit, and a brave and useful manner of life.
We commend unto Thy Fatherly care all absent sisters in Alpha Xi Delta to whom our hearts go out in love. Grant that we may continue to walk with patience in the way that is set before us, and never turn, through forgetfulness, from the path which Thou hast pointed out. If we fail through ignorance or weakness, O God, let Thy Fatherly wisdom correct us, Thine infinite mercy forgive us, and Thy Divine Love amend our faults, through Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen."
The Chaplain then proceeds directly with repeating the Ritual, all members joining her, and closing with the words ALPHA XI DELTA.
We believe in heart-sunshine for every human being; in undying hope for every hopeless soul; in the sacredness of the principles of human brotherhood; and we consecrate ourselves anew' to ALPHA, XI, DELTA.
PRESIDENT: Will the Marshal present the candidates?
The Marshal repeats names, in full, of those about to be initiated.
HISTORIAN: You are about to become member of … Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. From each of you we ask: Do you faithfully promise to be 'a loyal member of … Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta, to abide by its laws and directives, and to perform those duties which membership demands of you? If so, answer, "I do"..
Do you faithfully promise to work unceasingly for the honor and the noblest interests of the Fraternity, and to do all in your power to make its influence stand for all that is just and right? If so, answer, "I do".
Do you faithfully promise to keep the secrets of this Fraternity and to strive earnestly at all times to realize its ideals? I f so, answer, "I do".
Do you faithfully promise to love your sisters in this chapter, to aid and encourage them in every laudable undertaking, and to give them help and consolation in their need? If so, answer, "I do".
Do you faithfully promise to aid the members of any chapter of this Fraternity should occasion arise, and to be to them a sister at all times? If so, answer , "I do".
The initiates may kneel and repeat after me: I solemnly promise … to uphold in my personal life … the highest ideals of conduct ... and to keep myself ... from all that would lower my womanhood … I solemnly promise ... to be a sister in every sense of the word … and to keep these vows … in the spirit and the letter.
The initiates may rise.
PRESIDENT: Then, in the name of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, we receive these new members into the heart of our sisterhood, pledging to them our truest friendship and fullest confidence, and conferring upon them full benefits and privileges of the Fraternity, with the firm faith that in this life of love and service they may feel their lives grow richer in a more glorified womanhood.
VICE PRESIDENT: Sisters in Alpha Xi Delta, you have learned the meaning of the ties you are forming; you have taken solemn vows of allegiance to Alpha Xi Delta, and it is now time to put you in possession of the Alpha Xi Delta symbols and to tell you their hidden meaning. First is the Greek Robe of Alpha Xi Delta in which we clothe you.
If there is but one initiate, the Marshal performs this service. If there are several initiates, assistants to the Marshal may serve this purpose, coming from the greater circle, not from behind the Table. When all initiates have been robed, and those assisting have returned to their places in the circle, the Vice President continues.
To us the white Robe means purity, - purity in thought and act. May it be to you also the symbol of this strongest tenet of our belief: "The pure in heart shall see God". So now, as we clothe you in this garment, we take anew with you the vow to strive for deep, noble, and enduring purity of character.
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: The most sacred and best beloved of the Alpha Xi Delta symbols is the Quill, which is significant of all we are or hope to be.
Again, assistants may be used to aid the Marshal. Quill is pinned to the Robe, slightly
to the left of the heart.
This is now yours to wear so long as you do so with honor to our Fraternity, and we bid you guard it with your utmost care. Never allow it to go from your possession to be worn by any person who is not a member of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, for it is the most sacred visible symbol of our sisterhood. This Quill has for us a double significance, which we term the Major and Minor Symbols:
The Minor is the old time-honored maxim, "The pen is mightier than the sword".
The Major Symbol includes the Minor, and is the very essence of the bond which you are now forming with Alpha Xi Delta. The "pen" signifies to us what we are all seeking, - a broad, purposeful education; the ability to face the problems of life with calmness and sound judgment, with fearless vision, courage, and denial of self-interest. Thus, through education, we dedicate ourselves to a plan of life that can ultimately destroy selfish conflict and strife, symbolized in our Coat of Arms as the broken sword.
The letters on this Quill stand for three Greek words indicating qualities which should govern all ethical and high-minded conduct.
ALPHA is the initial of the Greek word …, meaning TRUTH and is the first of the three principles upon which this Fraternity is founded. The guidance of our lives to our best conception of that truth, the development of broad vision, the practice of good judgment ….
XI, the second letter of our name, is the initial of the Greek word …, meaning FRIENDSHIP. We have joined Alpha Xi Delta in order to become closer friends and because we believe that friendship is the firmest foundation for a true democracy. By friendship we mean a sincere respect and love for one another and a loyalty that leads each girl to stand by her sister in trouble. The spirit of the Fraternity is not to engender selfishness, but to create harmony which may be felt outside our own circle, for "friendship . is the broadest basis of good in life".
DELTA is the initial of the Greek word …, meaning JUSTICE. Justice is the firm, strong basis upon which should rest all love, all unselfishness, all the nobler qualities of human nature. Justice tempered with mercy and loving kindness is the safest path across the field of life, a clear, straight wav lighted by the golden words, "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you!"
ALPHA - XI - DELTA. TRUTH - FRIENDSHIP - JUSTICE! These are the principles of which our Quill is symbolic, the ideals to which you have pledged your faith. Pray God He will give you strength and grace to be faithful to your pledge.
TREASURER: Flowers are the most beautiful manifestation of the love of our Heavenly Father, and the rose is the queen of the flowers. The Founders of Alpha Xi Delta chose as our flower the pink rose, and we place it upon your breast with the hope that you will enshrine its teachings in your heart.
Marshal and/or assistants perform service required. Rose should be pinned stem downward to wearer's left of pin.
The pink rose which you now wear is the chosen flower of Alpha Xi Delta. To us it symbolizes SECRECY. Ever bear in mind that the secrets and principles of this Fraternity are to be made a part of your inner life. By divulging any of them, you are committing a great wrong against Alpha Xi Delta, for in so doing you would make commonplace a thing which should have for you a deep and spiritual significance. So, as the soft petals of the rose conceal its golden heart, may the outward grace of your deeds be comparable to these same visible petals concealing the spiritual life within.
RECORDING SECRETARY: "We believe in heart-sunshine for every human being; in undying hope for every hopeless soul; in the sacredness of the principles of human brotherhood; and we consecrate ourselves anew to TRUTH, FRIENDSHIP, JUSTICE."
The words you have just heard are called the Ritual of Alpha Xi Delta, and, although only a few lines, they contain our creed or belief. At each chapter meeting Alpha Xi Deltas everywhere repeat the words. It renews our love for our sisters and gives a new hold upon our faith.
The colors of Alpha Xi Delta typify the three principles of TRUTH, FRIENDSHIP and JUSTICE. Whenever we see them reflected in the blue of the sky and ocean and the gold of the setting sun shall they ever recall the ideals by which we must shape our lives.
At this point, the Marshal and/or Assistants shall pin the Colors to the robes, placing Colors just below the Quill.
MARSHALL : Other secrets of the fraternity we now impart to you. First is the grip which we have in common with all secret organizations and which we always use in greeting a sister. The grip can be most easily described as the conventional handclasp with the forefinger of each hand touching the opposite inner wrist.
The Marshal pauses to give each initiate the grip, turning the initiate’s hand and hers  to show the position of forefingers. She then returns to her place and continues.
The knock and passwords are used as a unit. Whenever one wishes to enter a closed session such as the chapter meeting or, under necessity, a secret ceremony, the one wishing entrance will knock upon the door as follows *    ** and repeat the password (an-noig-nu) requesting admission. The president, from within the closed chamber will respond by giving the knock bidding entrance **    * and the necessary password (ays-zair-koo).
PRESIDENT: You are now fully accredited members of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity. This membership in our sisterhood we have conferred upon you, fully confident that we are placing it in worthy hands. The good name and success, the future itself of Alpha Xi Delta at … name of college shall for a time rest largely upon you, and by your efforts and attainments be perpetuated. A portion of this responsibility rests upon each of you.
May this membership be to you what it has been, and is, to us. May it stand for increased loyalty and service to your Alma Mater, and for the best and happiest part of your college life, and may it continue to be an enduring influence for good throughout the years.
We turn now to our Rose Jar of Memories to remind us of the girls who have gone before and who have made possible our fraternity life. As each girl drops her rose petal into the Jar, may it be a renewal of our pledge of love, friendship, and loyalty to Alpha Xi Deltas everywhere and to … Chapter.
The initiates may kneel and repeat after me:
I solemnly promise ... to uphold in my personal life … the highest ideals of conduct ... and to keep myself … from all that would lower my womanhood ... I solemnly promise ... to be a sister in every sense of the word ... and to keep these vows ... in the spirit and the letter.
The initiates may rise.
PRESIDENT: Then, in the name of Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity, we receive these new members into the heart of our sisterhood, pledging to them our truest friendship and fullest confidence, and conferring upon them full benefits and privileges of the Fraternity, with the firm faith that in this life of love and service they may feel their lives grow richer in a more glorified womanhood.
VICE PRESIDENT: Sisters in Alpha Xi Delta, you have learned the meaning of the "ties you are forming; you have taken solemn vows of allegiance to Alpha Xi Delta, and it is now time to put you in possession of the Alpha Xi Delta symbols and to tell you their hidden meaning. First is the Greek Robe of Alpha Xi Delta in which we clothe you.
If there is but one initiate, the Marshal performs this service. If there are several initiates, assistants to the Marshal may serve this purpose, coming from the greater circle, not from behind the Table. When all initiates have been robed, and those assisting have returned to their places in the circle, the Vice President continues:
To us the white Robe means purity, - purity in thought and act. May it be to you also the symbol of this strongest tenet of our belief: "The pure in heart shall see God". So now, as we clothe you in this garment, we take anew with you the vow to strive for deep, noble.
Circle formed, all joining hands. Procession as outlined in the Manual.
When circle has been completed, group turns toward center and sings SISTERHOOD OF WOMEN. Then, personal welcome is given to each initiate.
